PCE Europe Newsletter 3 - JANUARY 2014
Dear Members of PCE Europe,
We hope that 2014 has started well for you all and we are happy to present the third Newsletter of PCE Europe!
Another year has ended and now we would like to wish you, our dearest members, the very best for a healthy, successful and relaxed 2014! With this letter we wish to inform you again about recent developments and activities within PCE Europe.
OUR NEXT GENERAL ASSEMBLY will be held in PRAGUE on the 25th of APRIL 2014 and we are happy to invite you also for a Symposium titled “The place of the Person-Centered Approach in our world” at the same venue from the 25th until the 27th of APRIL 2014 in collaboration with the Department of Psychology of the Charles University, Prague.
In this newsletter further topics are news from our board, symposium announcement, meeting of the EAC Governing Board Meeting.
We reviewed and improved the application process for the certification by PCE on the website and have updated this section by grouping the items in a more orderly fashion. Two documents have been added for your information: about how to become a new member and for new members about PCE Europe as a network..
We would like to welcome Annie Thompson who has become a member of the Certificate Committee, and thus joins Marina Iossifides and Magda Draskoczy.
Greetings from the PCE Europe Board!
Angelique Timmerman, chair
Clair Higgon, treasurer, vice-chair
Sylvia Rasch-Owald, certificate committee/ EAP
Simone Anderhub, EAC, co-treasurer
Daniela Roes Siffelova, webmaster
Pat Helsen, PR, contact membership
1BPCE Europe and the Department of Psychology of Charles University, Pragueorganise the international Symposium
0BThe place of the Person-Centred Approach in EuropeContributions, Activities and Impact in a Troubled World!
25, 26 and 27th of April 2014
The aim of the Symposium is to bring together practitioners and those interested in the Person- Centred Approach to consider how the approach can offer useful inputs in the difficult times that the world, and specifically Europe, is facing.
Key Note Speakers
Suzanne Keys (GB): Being part of a Troubled World
Gerhard Stumm (AU): Person-Centred and Experiential Psychotherapies - A Remarkable Variety
The Symposium will also offer workshops, lectures and panel discussions. One panel discussion already offered is with Wolfgang Keil, Sylvia Rasch-Owald and Peter Schmid.
Check H for updated details or contact
We are calling for presentations from participants in order to share our experiences, hopes and ideas. We ask you to submit abstracts by Feb 28th, 2014
The Early Bird Fees for the Symposium are available until the 31st of January 2014 !
Don’t miss out on it !
UUpdate on the European Association for Counselling (EAC) Governing Board
September 2013 in St. Petersburg
As PCE Europe is a member of EAC, Sylvia Rasch-Owald joined the Governing Board meeting as representative. She reports her impressions:
As it has been my first time being in Russia, I felt that St. Petersburg was quite an adventure. But at least I experienced very friendly and helpful people.
The Governing Board Meeting was very fruitful and efficient. Finally I understand now the meaning of Counselling. As I understood, Counselling - at least in the understanding of EAC - is always person-centred. Most of the EAC Europe board members - if not even all - are person-centred trained. And the distinction between Counselling and Psychotherapy seems to be more in a way, that Counselling includes person-centred Psychotherapy in contrary to other modalities, while in Germany "Beratung" never allows Psychotherapy.
To inform you about the meeting you can read the summary report written by Jesmond Friggieri, General Secretary:
‟Summary Report on the European Association for Counselling (EAC) Governing Board (St Petersburg, Russia - September 2013)
The EAC Governing Board was held in St Petersburg, Russia on the 27th September 2013. The meeting was attended by the members of the Executive Committee, National Associations Representatives (UK, Malta, Ireland, Russia, and Switzerland) and the representative of the PCE-Europe.
The first part of the meeting focused on the reports of the EAC Executive Committee and National Associations, including also the written reports of those National Associations that were not present (Greece, Serbia, and Italy). Most reports focused on the work being done in the counselling field by various countries. Namely the message across was the work being conducted in various countries to establish counselling as a profession on equal footing to others. On the other hand, the reports showed the enriching experience that counselling brings with as it varies from one country to another having the same underlying principles as putting the client first.
The meeting proceeded in approving the Terms and Conditions of the Professional Training Standards and Accreditation Committee (PTSAC) that would be starting its work as from the coming year (2014). The aim of this committee is twofold: the assessment of any new National Association that will join EAC in the future and the setting up of the Training Standards and the Accreditation of Training Organisations and Courses across Europe.
Then the Governing Board (GB) discussed the logistics around the General Assembly and the Conference to be held in April 2014 in Malta. The Conference will focus on ‟Counselling Children and Adolescents: New Insights”. Moreover, the EAC GB discussed the election process of the President and Vice-President that has to take place until the next General Assembly.
The General Secretary presented the proposed EAC Strategy 2014-2020 in a draft format. The document focused on reaching a number of goals during the coming six years namely, the consolidation of the EAC by strengthening the administrative aspects of the association, widening EAC representation across Europe and setting the core competences in counselling across Europe through the accreditation of Training Organisations and Courses.
The GB also discussed the new website that was launched during the Conference held in Russia. The website eac.eu.com will have two sections: the information section whereby it is open to general public whilst another section reserved for the EAC members.
The Governing Board finally then decided the countries that the EAC will be visiting for the coming meetings during 2014 and 2015: Greece (November 2014), Serbia (March/April 2015) and Ireland (November 2015).‟
PCE Europe is directly involved in EAC activities. Simone Anderhub helped substantially to define the new Statues and Operating Regulations. Regina Juergens – as representative of PCE Europe – is elected member of the Professional Training Standards and Accreditation Committee (PTSAC). All in all I think it is rather constructive being a member of EAC as there are a lot of similarities in aims and goals. And PCE Europe - in being engaged – has one more opportunity to spread person-centred ideas.
(written by Sylvia Rasch-Owald)
Which activities are planned in your country and / or by your organization??
Would you like to share this??
Please do share in the following format and we will post it on the PCE website
Title, location and date of the event:
Contact email or telephone number:
Language of the event:
Would you like to read or write something specific in the NEWSLETTER?
You can send us proposals, requests, etc and we will try to fill in your needs.
Contact e-mail address:
Would you like to show us your working space?
You can send us pictures from the building, your office, your colleagues, etc and we will put it in our newsletter
UCHECK IT OUT – The PCE Europe board wishes you a beautiful year!
Next PCE General Assemblyto be held in Prague on the 25th of April and a Symposium on the 25-27th of April 2014
The next European Association of Counseling (EAC) General Assembly (AGM) will be held in Malta between the 4th and 6th April 2014 where there will also be a Conference
The next Person-Centred Approach World Conference will take place in Argentina in July 2014
Colophon: This Newsletter was prepared by the PCE Europe Board