Verliebt in Berlin 2 - Vokabelhilfen & Informationen
00:00 – 00:53: Hilfe! Kann jemand helfen? - Replay of David’s fall into the pool and Lisa’s rescue.
1:26 - 2:12: “Notarzt” – emergency response physician. “Der atmet nicht mehr.” David’s stopped breathing. His father rushes in; everyone crowds around watching until the paramedics arrive.
2:13 – 2:35: When she’s sure David’s been taken care of, Lisa, dripping wet, slips out and heads home.
2:35 – 2:54: “Und will mich gar niemand gesehen haben?” Lisa can’t believe no one saw her when she saved David’s life – “das Leben gerettet”. Should she have said something? She realizes he would have died if it hadn’t have been for her. All she cares about now is that he’s okay.
2:55 – 4:45: Lisa tells her parents the amazing story of David’s rescue, but she’s clearly uncomfortable explaining the details. When they realize that no one appears to have seen Lisa, her parents are upset. But then her father reassures her that her bravery will surely be celebrated tomorrow. They toast the heroine: “Prost! Auf unsere Heldin!”
4:47 – 5:18: David’s mother and father talk about the evening’s events, what a shock it was when he stopped breathing, how lucky that someone reacted so quickly. Mariella can’t contain her anger. David tripped because he was drunk; the engagement must be responsible for his behavior: “Dann war wohl die Verlobung Schuld.”
05:15 – 6:03
The doctor explains that everything’s fine, but he’d like to keep David overnight for observation.
6:05 – 6:39: “Es sollte so ein schöner Abend werden.” – It was supposed to be such a beautiful evening. David apologizes to Mariella. He just wanted everything to be special.
6:45 – 7:40: Richard grills his sister Mariella about the prior evening. He suggests that the engagement announcement was a surprise to her as well. “Es wäre eine Unverschämtheit, dich so zu überfallen.” “How scandalous to take you by surprise that way,” he says. She tells Richard that the engagement was planned.
7:51 – 8:11: “Es gibt Menschen, die sieht man zum ersten Mal und glaubt sie ewig zu kennen. Irgendetwas verbindet uns.”"Sometimes you meet someone for the first time and feel like you’ve known them forever.Something connects us."
8:10 – 9:04: Lisa fantasizes about her reception when she arrives at Karima. Everyone will be thanking her for her quick action. 8:44 - But it’s back to everyday business in the company and it’s as if Lisa were invisible.
9:05 – 11:39: David talks with Mariella about the company and their future. She’s still angry, and he again says he’s sorry. “Are you sorry about the engagement?” she asks. He tells her it was supposed to be a surprise, that he had been waiting for the perfect moment. She points out that a ring is usually part of the engagement ceremony. David makes up a story about the idiots at Cartier who messed up his special order for the ring. When she suggests that maybe she should call Cartier and he agrees, she accepts that he is telling the truth.
11:40 – 12:53: “Wollen die mich zum Narren halten?” “Are they trying to make a fool of me?” Lisa asks, when no one says anything to her about the rescue. The catering staff wonders who saved David and what he’ll do for that person. They’re shocked to learn it was Lisa.
13:55 – 14:50: Sabrina and Mariella talk about the engagement. Sabrina suggests it might have been a distraction – “Ablenkungsmanöver.”
14:50 – 15:58: “Wer sein Licht unter einen Scheffel steckt, verbrennt sich den Hintern.”"If you hide your light under a bushel, you’ll burn your butt.” The catering staff insists that Lisa tell David that she’s the one who saved him and give her a gift basket to take to the hospital as an excuse to talk to him.
15:34 – 17:16: David tells Max that his near-death experience has changed his life. Thinking he’s upset with him, Max reminds David that he only wanted the best for David and that, with the engagement, the Board of Directors won’t vote against him. David isn’t concerned about that, he’s thinking about his life and future. “Das ist alles so festgefahren,” it’s all so predictable. He reminds Max of the pledge they made in college: “unser Eidspruch an der Uni: Fürchte dich nicht vor Veränderung. Fürchte dich vor dem Stillstand.” Don’t be afraid of change. Be afraid of stagnation. [We saw the same saying on Lisa's wall in the first episode!]Max is worried about David suddenly turning philosophical.
17:17 – 17:43: Sabrina and Mariella plotting together. David needs a personal assistant. Mariella needs someone she can trust in David’s office.
17:45 - 19:14: David wonders who saved him. Max tells him it was a girl from catering. “Max, glaubst du eigentlich an Zufälle?” David, sure that there is no such thing as (meaningless) coincidence, instructs Max to find his guardian angel, “Schutzengel.” He wants to meet this exceptional creature -- “Diese Frau ist sicherlich eine auβergewöhnliche Erscheinung” -- who could potentially change his life.
19:18 – 19: 40: Max tells the doctor to thoroughly examine David: “Er muss gründlich untersucht werden.” He’s talking crazy.
19:42 – 20:20: Seeing Lisa’s reaction when she returns from the hospital, Agnes guesses that David was an arrogant idiot and just handed her some money: “Darf ich raten? Erstmal einen Händedruck und dann ein bisschen Kohle…” The girls talk about how modest Lisa is and what jerks men can be.
20:32 – 21:02: "Bescheiden? Ich bin nicht bescheiden. Ich habe nur einen Spiegel zu Hause.” I’m not modest, I just have a mirror at home [and can see my limitations], thinks Lisa. David’s life is already filled with exceptional women.
21:05 – 22:02: David sees the story of his rescue as a fantastic opportunity to get publicity for Kerima Mode. Max agrees, this is headline material: “Du und deine Retterin…Das ist genial! Genial!” When the doctor comes in to check on David, he says he’s feeling fabulous – “großartig.” Max confirms enthusiastically: “Das kann ich nur bestätigen.”
22:03 – 22:48: Agnes explains to Lisa that David wants to be photographed with her right away. Lisa thinks she’s trying to make fun of her. When she realizes it’s true, she’s can’t believe it: “Ich falle tot um, und zwar auf der Stelle.” – I’m going to drop dead right here and right now.
22:50 – 23:08: “Schon wieder fit?” “Wie nie!” “Back to your old self?” asks Sabrina when David walks back into the company. Better than ever, he assures her.
23:09 – 23:57: Lisa steps forward and explains that she saved David. Max and David don’t want to believe it. With the press waiting, Max pushes Sabrina into David’s arms. David announces that Sabrina is his rescuer: “Das ist sie. Sabrina Hoffman. Sie hat mich gestern aus dem Pool gezogen.” Lisa stands back, incredulous at the turn of events.
24:05: Preview of the next episode. Mariella tells David’s father she’s found the perfect assistant for David. Lisa’s father can’t believe how Lisa has been treated. Sabrina tells Richard that she’s going to be David’s assistant.