Lesson Plan and Reflection
Name: Sarah, Ilcia, Nunu group3
Setting/Grade Level: _Pre-Kindergarten/ Kindergarten
Subject(s): _Science
School: _Stokes Elementary, DC Bilingual, Congressional Schools
Date: June 26, 2012
Theme/Title: Phases of the Moon
Composition of Class: Male___√__Female__√___ESL__√___IEP _____ 504 _____
What student learning goal(s)/objective(s) do you have for this lesson?1. To introduce students to the concept of the moon and its phases.
2. To have students create, identify and make examples of the phases of the moon.
3. To expose students to the vocabulary of the phases of the moon.
What student learning objectives do you have for this lesson?
1. Students will be introduced to the concept of the moon and its phases.
2. Students will be able to create representations and name the phases of the moon
3. Students will learn vocabulary related to the phases of the moon and physical / National Science Standards K-4
· 6.1 Science as Inquiry Standards:
Understanding about scientific inquiry
· 6.2 Physical Science Standards:
Properties of objects and materials.
Position and motion of objects
· 6.4 Earth and Space Science Standards
Properties of earth materials.
Objects in the sky.
Changes in earth and sky.
· 6.5 Science and Technology Standards
Understanding about science and technology
· 6.7 History and Nature of Science Standards
Science as a human endeavor
What instructional strategies will you use?Constructions / Reflection/Response
Cooperative Learning / Independent Learning
Discussion/Questioning / Practicum
Problem Solving / Practice/Drill
Lecture / Role Playing
Experiment / Viewing/Listening/Answering
/ Why did you choose these strategies/methods?
Strategies were chosen based on age of student and English Learning/Bilingual Students
The strategies will help students to understand the new vocabulary, phases of the moon, physical properties of the moon e.g. spherical, and the moon is in the sky.
Students will be grouped for instruction in whole class. Activities will be lead in large group. Assessments will be individual and small group.
· Students will be shown video titled: Video overview of the moon from NASA.gov.· Reintroduce new vocabulary words using images from NASA
· Visual demonstration of moon rotating and revolving around the Earth using different sizes of foam balls with toothpick axis. Pictures from NASA.gov of demonstration of moon phases will be posted on whiteboard/chalkboard.
· Students predict phases of the moon during the month using labeled pictures of the phases and place on the classroom calendar. Students given phases of the moon monthly sheet to chart their nightly observations. Daily discussions based on previous night observations are reviewed during calendar time.
Conceptions for kindergarten
1. We can see certain objects in the sky during day and night
2. Day and night exist because planet earth is rotating, when it is day one side faces the sun while the other side isn’t.
3. Moon does not have its own light, the light we see on the moon is reflection of sun light.
4. Moon has different phases
5. Phases of the moon are predictable
6. The Sun, Earth and Moon shapes are approximately spherical
7. Scientists collect, interpret and organize data. We are Scientists!
How will you accommodate for students (IEP, 504, skill level, management issues, and/or multiculturalism, language differences)?
Accommodations will be used for bilingual students using picture and vocabulary cards in both languages, breaking into small groups, individual assessment through OREO cookie/play dough assessment.
What level(s) of Bloom’s Critical Thinking did you cover?
X Knowledge X Comprehension X Application ___Analysis ___Synthesis ___Evaluation
What multiple intelligences were exercised?
X Visual/Spatial X Verbal/Linguistic ___Logical/Mathematical X Bodily/Kinesthetic
___Musical/Rhythmic ___Interpersonal ___Intrapersonal ___Naturalist ___Existential
What domains have you addressed?
X Cognitive X Social ___Affective X Kinesthetic X Metacognitive
What materials will you use?Materials
Video www.NASA.gov
Moon Phases Image from NASA.gov
Foam balls, toothpicks
Moon Phases Chart
/ Technology Utilized:
Computer used to access video and images of moon from NASA.gov
Students will be able to create and label play dough examples of the phases of the moon arranging them accordingly.
Alternative Assessment:
Students may use OREO cookies to represent the phases of the moon understanding that the spherical nature of the moon is not shown. The white cream of the cookie is cut out to represent each phase of the moon. White represents the sunlight.
Students can play memory game with laminated pictures of the phases of the moon. As each card is turned over students call out the name of the phase they see. When you make a match they stand up and either demonstrates rotating or revolving.
Students can visit NASA kids Club for videos, games and educational information.