Please take some time to fill out this feedback form about Memory Place (MP). The information you give us will be very useful to help improve Memory Place in the future. Please email this form back to .

Some people will be uncomfortable with written feedback, we are happy to accept recorded spoken feedback in any form (eg cassette, mp3, video). Please email us at to receive a postal address to send your recording to.

Coordinators of Knowledge Centres are asked to please record the feedback that they hear from users of MP, or questions that users ask, and send this back to the MP development team in any form that is convenient.

Questions About You



Where do you live and/or work?

What is your home language?

Questions About Computers

How much have you used computers?

not much

every now and then (maybe once a week or a few times a month)

a lot (maybe a few times a week)

every day

What type of computer do you use (Mac or PC)?

Have you used the “Our Story” (Ara Irititja) database before?

Do you use any other types of databases? (eg a database containing collections of songs, video, genealogy, plant and animal information, cultural information, language information).

Please specify what type of information, and the software used to access this information.

Questions About Memory Place

What did you think overall about MP?

Viewing material in MP:

What did you find hard to do in MP?

What are the bad things about MP?

Editing material in MP:

What did you find hard to do in MP?

What are the bad things about MP?

What would make MP easier to use?

What new features do you think are most important out of the following? Please rate your top 3 in order of importance (1 being most important):

map viewer

my favourites folder

improved text search

audio cues in your local language



printing photos


ability to search media in different ways like by topic, event, timeline

Do you have any concerns or questions about MP?