Presidents Message

Mike Riordan

Dear Fellow PNDC Members:

By now most of us have the garden dug and divided and all things dahlia put away. Now is the time to dream and strategize a bit. Which ones did really well and which ones will we likely discard? What hints does the 2013 Edition of the Handbook and Classification of Dahlias provide for likely winners? Which introductions garnered the coveted Hart and Dudley Awards? What were their overall combined scores, as reported in the ADS December Bulletin? Which individual new intros scored the highest? What will we be ordering and when to prevent “sold out” disappointment? Which varieties are we going to take cuttings from for green plants?

Thanks to your interest, participation and financial support, the Portland Society has completed its successful sponsor ship of the 2012 ADS National Show. Many volunteer hours behind the scenes were spent planning, negotiating and executing the details of a memorable convention and show. We are all looking forward to Tacoma’s National Show in 2014.

You may recall that early this summer Wayne and Eleanor Shantz made arrangements for their Judges’ Training Course to be digitally recorded by a professional videographer. That product is now been delivered to all PNDC member societies. This will be a great benefit for societies that would like to conduct judging schools at the society level. PNDC will work out the details for this part. PNDC will need to determine a testing procedure. The presentation has 5 DVDs, which is one set. On each of the 5 DVDs, an outline at the beginning indicates what the general content is. PNDC believes that these DVDs can provide local societies with an excellent resource. Of course, an approved senior judge should be in charge. We all owe Wayne and Eleanor a huge vote of thanks for their initiative in seeing this project through from start to conclusion.

We have a birth announcement of which we all can be very proud! A new dahlia society was born in Gold Beach Oregon this fall! The beaming parents are the Chibanti’s and all the members of the Southern Oregon Dahlia Society. The PNDC grandparents are pleased as punch!


Tom Ball

Well, another year is upon us. I know that the News Letter hasn’t been published for a good while. Please excuse my absence. That time of year once again. Dues are due. I know that Elva is diligently working on the 2013 PNDC Roster. If you havn’t already, please submit your dues to her as soon as possible.

We welcome the Wild Rivers Dahlia Society to the PNDC. Welcome aboard!

I would request each Society to send me a most recent copy of their society roster with correct e-mail addresses. I am having a terrible time sending out the News Letter because many e-mails have been changed. .

We will be publishing the next copy of the News Letter around the first part of April. Please be thinking about that edition and consider writing an article about your society and/or the people in your society.


Wayne Shantz

Recommendations for Candidate Promotion:

Lane County – Florence Alvergue to Candidate

Lane County - Wesley Fox to Candidate

Lane County - Brian Fullerton to Candidate

Lane County - Deborah Gilmer – to Candidate

Lane County - Linda O’Bryant to Candidate

Lane County – Tim Phillips to Candidate

Southern Oregon – Keith Manfull to Candidate

Southern Oregon – Connie Parmeter to Candidate

Southern Oregon – David Parmeter to Candidate

Recommendations for PNDC Promotion:

Lane County - Alexandria (Lexa) Cookson to Senior

Lane County - Camille Noel to Accredited

Portland - Tiffany Boatwright to Senior

Southern Oregon – Donna Hymer to Senior

Victoria – Phil Newton to Accredited

Victoria – Connie Young-Davis to Senior

Wild Rivers – Bob Chibante to Senior

Have a great New Year.



Claudia Biggs

I just finished the 2013 ADS New Introduction program, which includes 87 new varieties for 2013.

This year, it is offered in two different ways:

The automated program only for $13.00 or the Deluxe set which includes the automated program plus an additional disc of photos only in low resolution for $20.00. This can be ordered through me specifying which you want. Eventually it will be on the web site to order through PayPal. At this writing, it is not listed yet. Also included with either program are three handouts.

Questions About Dahlias
by Ted J. Kennedy

What is the best way to divide my tubers as I have left them in the ground for several years?

What is the best companion flower to grow at the base of my dahlias?

I know that chickweed does really well but I think it is ugly.
How much water do dahlias need? I know a person who is too cheap to water his and they seem to grow. On the other hand, my flowers wilt and have open centers if I do not give them water.
What are the odds that if I buy a dahlia tuber package from a "large box" store, that it will be alive and produce the flower on the label of the package?

(Questions Continued)

Why does the ADS use the wrong names for the colors of dahlias? Many pinks are not pink and many reds are orange and purples are just dark red. And bronze flowers are all shades of yellow or orange. Why can't the ADS use the same color names that people use, especially florists?
If dahlias are our favorite flower, why do people around the world pronounce its name so differently? Doll-ee-uz, Dall-ee-uz, Dell-ee-uz, one should be declared to be the correct one.
Why do we call them "tubers" when most people have never heard of that term? Many people call them "bulbs"? One old lady we knew called them "potatoes" .
Why are dahlias shown with leaves when all one really wants to see is the flower?
Why are “Poms” called poms and yet the other two forms of ball dahlias have the word “ball in their name? Ball, Miniature Ball, and Poms.

Maybe they should be “pomballs”? Or maybe we should have Big Poms, Medium poms and Miniature poms.
What does the word “decorative” mean in dahlia names” ?

I think all dahlias are pretty. So, “formal decorative” must mean dahlias for formal occasions and “informal decorative” must mean that they look good in my house.


Wayne Shantz

Wayne Shantz is in the process of writing a new book about dahlias Titled Growing Dahlias in Oregon. Wayne has generously granted us permission to print chapters of his book in each of our coming PNDC News Letters. Our thanks to Wayne and Eleanor for all of the time, great effort and knowledge that they both give to our organization.


Once per month, the Lane County Dahlia Society (LCDS) gathers for a monthly meeting held in a local, city-owned senior center. New members receive a friendly handshake and welcome. All those in attendance look forward to chitchat, a short business meeting, a time of refreshment, a door-prize drawing, and a program pertaining to some segment of dahlia lore. Enthusiasm reigns. Located on the west side of the Cascade Mountains and on the east side of the Pacific Ocean, approximately 70 miles from either destination, LCDS serves members from Eugene, Springfield, Cottage Grove, and outlying areas in Oregon. During the winter, rain and cooler temperatures from 30 to 50 Fahrenheit are normal. Once in awhile, snow and colder weather will pervade for a week or two. In the summer, temperatures ramp upward and sunshine prevails making for pleasant weather with little wind. Currently, the LCDS consists of 120+ members, and it is not unusual to see new contacts signing up at meetings.

In the past number of years, the society has changed its focus, concentrating more on the leanings of younger people. They desire to know about organic gardening methods that will provide them with positive results. Consequently, the society addresses its charge by enlarging its educational borders from not just traditional subjects, and for example, provides information on growing dahlias without tilling, combating perennial pests with fewer chemicals, and the conserving of water. Away from the meeting, the officers of LCDS meet periodically to plan the yearly program and organize for the annual show; additionally, they will brainstorm on how to better meet the needs of those who attend meetings and debrief after an important undertaking. The President opens these behind the scene meetings to all members and encourages them to attend.

Three events each year contribute immensely to the success of the society. In the spring, LCDS sells tubers at an April auction and then at several other community locations. These funding activities establish the necessary finances for the payment of the monthly venue charge, the expenses of the annual show, and for the purchase of other promotional plans. Dues at the time of this writing are nominal. From its spring activities, it then focuses on the annual show held in September. For a number of years, the shows have displayed from 1,800 to 2,000 blooms, including blooms in horticultural, basket, design, and seedling sections, one of which is the Seedling Bench Evaluation sanctioned by the American Dahlia Society. Later in the fall, LCDS holds a hands-on dividing and storing seminar for the public. From this session, the LCDS has signed up many new members. The society believes that those new to the group see unrehearsed enthusiasm combined with a spark of friendliness and caring. Thus, this fall instructional time sells memberships.

Advertising in local newspapers and the Dahlia Data, the LCDS monthly newsletter, promotes society endeavors. These two communicative avenues for outreach and information have become valuable tools for LCDS. In 1998, the society has hosted the American Dahlia Society National Convention and Show, quite an undertaking for a small and dedicated group at that time. The society looks forward to the future, desiring to promote the dahlia, a markedly popular flower in this region.


Learn how to get along: A number of dahlia societies struggle because people do not get along. What a terrible commentary for the promotion of such a beautiful product. The dahlia can convince the world that it reigns supreme in floral majesty. Who gains credit, who feels hurt, or who has control must take second place to the well-being of dahlia society pursuits. Unfortunately, one person can poison the whole pool. If members find their society dwindling or at odds, they need to look carefully at its dynamic and change it. Happy and friendly members will beget fresh, excited participation from others.

Organizational structure provides another means of membership growth. Burgeoning energy comes from new members. They do not care about behind the scene dahlia business, such as who writes a show schedule, how much and what kind of awards to give, or how much to pay for tables. These important items represent details that a society should discuss in executive session. What the monthly meeting needs is an inviting subject, knowledgeable presenters, and hands-on education. Careful planning makes for meaningful meetings and happy dahlia growers. Any progressive society must know its audience, tailoring programs accordingly, especially toward the younger generation who lean toward fewer pesticides and organic growing. By planning meetings a year in advance, it will validate a sense of purpose, organization and effectiveness. Programs that include some enjoyable moments in a meeting with affective humor, a free drawing, applause for member accomplishment(s), and a time to mingle with other growers cultivate cohesiveness. Often, new growers will come especially for the open time so that they can find answers to their personal questions. A time for refreshments allows for interaction to occur in a casual and friendly atmosphere. The society must provide a happy environment. People enjoy visiting with friendly people, desiring to belong to this kind of organizational stimulation. The growth formula is quite simple.


Most often, members new to LCDS state that color draws them to the dahlia. Usually they have grown dahlias for several years before they muster enough courage to attend a dahlia meeting. When they rub shoulders with other dahlia enthusiasts, they feel the excitement of others and before long they have many more reasons for growing dahlias.

They find that the dahlia has a longer blooming season than almost any other flower, and that the diversity of it scales from under 2 inches in diameter blooms to blooms well over 12 inches; they see that the dahlia possesses unique forms and textures, and that with the exception of blue, the color expands a continuum of color range much greater than they have imagined. To augment these findings, they also experience a camaraderie from those who also enjoy learning about the dahlia. In short, they enjoy the fellowship.

To say specifically what brings a dahlia grower to the society opens to a wide range of reasons. Some desire to learn cultural information while others want to learn how to divide and store their tubers. Whatever the reason, the LCDS has seen these growers expand their knowledge, enough that they can share more readily with neighbors or design their own bouquet. Some even begin specializing so that they can hybridize, thereby creating their own variety, while others want to provide baskets or designs for personal purposes. Some growers even desire to know the finer elements of dahlia growing so that they can compete in shows. No doubt, many more reasons exist for when we survey our own gardens, we all see the potency of beauty.

In the next few pages, the LCDS wishes to explore tidbits that will make everyone’s dahlia experiences more productive and enjoyable. The society recognizes that each of us who has grown dahlias has much to learn about this member of the Asteracae or composite family, found first by Spanish explorers in the Sierra Madre Mountains of Mexico where they have grown in the wild for centuries without any human tampering. It is a marvel that an under two-inch open-centered dahlia protruding out of the cranny of some rock survives while in a domestic garden, the grower works hard to provide proper conditions and then on occasion still meets defeat.


Lane County Dahlia Society

Michael Canning

The rain has arrived in earnest, and tuber digging and dividing is at a
fever pitch at many patches around our valley. Lane County Dahlia
Society group activities slow down now to make way for holiday madness.
Our executive board will meet in early December to put forward a slate
of officers for 2013, brainstorm a meaningful program schedule for next
year, and to talk about the more general opportunities that lie ahead
for the organization.
In September next year we are thrilled to present our 50th anniversary
show. In addition we are honored to host the PNDC show as part of the
50th celebration. We will be looking for new ways to spice up the show
with some special awards and nods to our proud past at LCDS. Stay tuned
for details as the growing season approaches. Please mark your calendar
for the weekend of September 14th and 15th, 2013 to visit, exhibit, and
judge in our golden year.

(Lane County Continued)

Our group asked me to pass on our congratulations and thank yous once
again to our friends at the Portland Dahlia Society for a beautiful
national show and a job well done. We would also like to acknowledge the
great support level of PDS members at our show just two weeks after
putting on the big one.
Here is our wish for a bright and joyful holiday season from your Dahlia
pals in the southern Willamette valley.

Portland Dahlia Society

Larry Smith

Portland Dahlia Society members are just getting over the hangover of hosting the 2012 National Show. Imagine what it was like to awaken at on the last day of the show to hear TV news reports that the hotel was on fire! Fortunately for all, it was the old abandoned Red Lion at the other side of the bridge that was on flames, but we choked all day over the heavy smoke in the air. Thanks to all who helped put on the show, including Chairpersons Tiffany Boatwright, Ted Kennedy, and Larry Smith. Laura Oldenkamp organized the tours, Shirley Bankston was treasurer and handled registration. Mark Oldenkamp led the tally team, Teresa Bergman managed the Dahlia Boutique and handled donations. Larry Smith was responsible for marketing and publicity, Mike Riordan organized the awards and set up the educational workshops. Many, many more aided our effort in various ways, thanks to all of our members and everyone else who supported this great show. Our members took two Best of Show awards: Mark and Laura Oldenkamp showed the best disc bloom in Kelsey Kristie and Tiffany Boatwright was awarded best triple entry disc bloom with Fancy Pants, and Margaret Kennedy received both best design and best basket honors.
We had our annual Holiday potluck in December, at which time Shirley and Burel Bankston were awarded Lifetime Membership in our club. Shirley has been a tireless participant at all of our activities and has many times taken a leadership role. Her husband, Burel, has been a quiet but willing assistant to Shirley in all she does for us. We welcome both to the Life Member club.
Election of officers was recently completed and the following will serve for the next four years:
President Larry Smith
Vice President Ted Kennedy
Recording Secretary Linda Taylor
Corresponding Secretary Teresa Bergman
Treasurer Larry Sawyer
Our new slate of officers and the remainder of the Board meets on a Saturday in January to plan for the upcoming year. In 2013, we will be working on such projects as creating an enhanced education/training program for current and prospective new judges, improving the programs delivered at our monthly meetings, ways to encourage members to show their flowers, and setting up committees to plan and implement our programs.