Page 6 August 2010

Highlights from April meeting

Janie Knolle received the Chapter Achievement Award. Jan Raby presented her with a Delta Kappa Gamma bud vase and a red rose. A member of Eta Tau since 1983, Janie is our outgoing chapter president and has previously served as treasurer for 20 years. After 31 years in education, Janie retired in 2005 from Austin ISD, where she was Administrative Supervisor for Speech-Language Services. Thank you, Janie, for your dedication and service to Eta Tau!

Five Eta Tau members were honored for their strong commitment to Delta Kappa Gamma. Cathy Harris, Mary Wallace, Janie Knolle, Laura Packard, and Wilda Scott were recognized for perfect attendance at chapter meetings for the past year.

Officers for the 2010-2012 biennium were installed. In a ceremony planned by Lois Mayes, the torch was passed to the new officers. Pictured: Emily Farnsworth, Jan Raby, Margaret Eisenbeck, Cathy Harris, Wilda Scott, Susan Bridges, Mary Wallace, Pollye Hofstedt, Jean Fajkus and Janie Knolle.

Delta Kappa Gamma Society International

Eta Tau Chapter Minutes

April 19, 2010

The April meeting of the Eta Tau Chapter was held at Delta Kappa Gamma International Headquarters in Austin.



Corlea Plowman, Executive Director of Delta Kappa Gamma International, conducted a lively and informative tour of International Headquarters for the members of Eta Tau Chapter.

Call to Order

Janie Knolle, president, called the business meeting to order at 7:45, and Jan Raby shared an inspiration from Chicken Soup to Inspire a Woman’s Soul.

Special Guests

Corlea Plowman, Executive Director of Delta Kappa Gamma International, and Dr. Carolyn Rants, International President, were very special guests for our meeting at Headquarters.

Member News

Donna Slathar is visiting family in Indiana, and Murphy McBride is practicing for a concert so these two members were unable to attend the April meeting.


March Minutes: The minutes from the March meeting were approved as printed.

Committee/Officer Reports

Treasurer’s Report: Cathy Harris reported that our current bank balance is $2518.44.

Membership Committee: Eighteen members were present for the April meeting.

Newsletter: Jean Fajkus has agreed to take over the newsletter for the next biennium. Thank you, Jean!

Legislation/Professional Affairs: The TRTA Convention was last week. Although the retirement funds dropped during the economic downturn, the fund is climbing again. Two of the TRTA goals that were mentioned are to protect the fund and to get the state to increase the state’s contribution. The state’s contribution is presently at 6.4%. No healthcare increase is planned at this time.

Unfinished Business

Founders Day Brunch: Hyatt Regency on Lady Bird Lake on Saturday, May 1st, from 10:00 until noon.

Eta Tau is responsible for the invocation, publicity, and providing greeters at the door.

The speaker will be Pat Hardy from the State Board of Education.

The Educator of the Year will be announced at the brunch.

Donna Slathar, LaVonne Rogers, Pollye Hofstedt, and Mary Wallace offered to be greeters.

Committee Sign-up for the Next Biennium:

President Knolle passed around a sign-up form so members could select what committees they would like to work with for the next biennium.

Golden Gift:

The Delta Kappa Gamma Golden Gift Seminar will again be held on the University of Texas campus this summer, June 29th – July 9th. Drivers are needed for Tuesday, June 29th, at 6:30 p.m. to transport Golden Gift attendees from their dorm at UT to Headquarters and back. Murphy McBride and Mary Wallace volunteered. Eta Tau members also volunteered to provide and serve refreshments at a reception at Headquarters on Tuesday, June 29th, at 7:00 p.m.

Alpha State Convention: June 17 – 19 in Waco, Texas.

International Delta Kappa Gamma Convention: July 20 – 24 in Spokane, Washington.

Gift Basket for the Area VII Fall Workshop: Eta Tau members donated items for the “spa basket” door prize that Barbara Matocha is putting together for our chapter for the August workshop.

Fall Area Workshop: Saturday, August 7th, from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.

First Christian Church in San Marcos on Ranch Road 12.

Early registration deadline is June 25th. Fee - $10 for Earlybird; $15 after June 25th.

Theme: Celebrate Being a Delta Kappa Woman.

Eta Tau members will bring cookies as our part of the refreshments.

New Business

August Meeting: Eta Tau’s August salad supper meeting has been scheduled for Monday, August 16th, at the home of Lois Pendley.

Perfect Attendance Awards: Perfect Attendance awards for the 2009 – 2010 year were given to Janie Knolle, Laura Packard, Wilda Scott, Cathy Harris, and Mary Wallace.

Eta Tau Achievement Award: This year’s achievement award was given to Janie Knolle, our outstanding Eta Tau president!

Installation of 2010 – 2012 Officers: Lois Mayes led the Installation Ceremony to install the following officers for the next biennium:

President – Donna Slathar

1st V-P – Pollye Hofstedt

2nd V-P – Susan Bridges

Recording Secretary – Jan Raby

Corresponding Secretary – Emily Farnsworth

Happy Birthday, Eta Tau: The business meeting was adjourned and members enjoyed our Eta Tau birthday celebration with delicious cake and punch provided by hostesses Jan Raby, Margaret Eisenbeck, and Pat Guthneck. Cathy Harris led the group in singing The Birthday Song commemorating Eta Tau Chapter’s 45th birthday. To end the evening, members joined Cathy as we sang The Delta Kappa Gamma Song.

Door prizes were supplied by Jean Fajkus and Donna Slathar.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Wallace

Recording Secretary