Monthly Planning Tool | Toddlers | 12 - 24 Months

Month: December | Week: ______| Year: ______Teacher/Caregiver: ______

Skills & Concepts to Emphasize: Language and Early Literacy Development - Let’s Talk Story: ______

Tips for Best Practice
Encourage language by following the child’s lead / Dramatic Play Area
Keep Blankets or print that reflect patterns of home culture
Keep Ethnic dolls, clothing, food, cooking utensils etc / Sensory Development Area
Change and hang new pictures, of shapes, colors, and numbers.
Visual discrimination posters / Language - Early Literacy Area
Talking and Reading
Follow child’s lead
Comment and wait for child to respond
Ask questions and wait for child’s response
Respond to child add more words and wait
Build on child’s interests. Spend more time talking about things children are interested in. / Art Area
Hang art at child’s eye level
Talk about different shapes and colors
Make play dough
Water play, small plastic, boats, fish, sea shells, smooth medium rocks etc / Fine Motor Skills Area
Jumbo Puzzles
Alphabet and shape puzzles
Pounding Bench
Matching and Sorting Games / Responsive Care Area
Social Emotional Development
Squat down meet child’s eye level * Call children by name frequently * Continue to take time for routines and support self help skills as part of curriculum * Let child choose their own book or toy * Allow children to tell story and turn pages * Relate stories to children’s lives
Resources/Notes / Music & Movement Area
Sing color songs.Repeat often.
Keep it short, sing slowly.
Musical Parade / Gross Motor Skills Area
Collect variety of empty (ethnic)
Food Boxes
Bowling Balls into Stacked Food Boxes
Change out Blocks / Arrival - Greeting Area: Parent Ed, Nutrition, Health
Send home list of favorite songs and books
Encourage parents to read daily to their children and or talk about pictures in the books.
Cleaning teeth, blowing noses, hand washing, toileting.
Helping set table for meals and snacks

Main Objective:
Specific Objective:

Main Learning Objective / Experiences / Activities / Assessments
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Small group activities (songs, stories, games) / “Picture Talks”
Sing “Peter Works w/ One Hammer” / Parade w/ Bears and musical instrument / Stack Boxes
Roll balls /cars knock down boxes and re stack / Sensory Play Dough
Add: Lemon, coffee, peppermint flavors / Water Play
w/small sponges
Wash baby dolls
Outdoor Activities / Looking at nature and changes in weather, take magnifying glasses outdoors / Push pull and riding toys. / Sidewalk Big Chalk
Look up at the clouds, Listen to the wind. / Look at the trees. Listen to the rustling of the leaves. Climbing, balancing / Fence Painting
Wheel toys

© 2010 | Patricia Hillman | Zero To Five Consulting | Infant Toddler Specialist Group