Rocky Mountain Oracle Users Group

P.O. Box 10142

Scottsdale, AZ 85271-0142





A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the above non-profit organization was held on January 19, 2016 at 6:01 p.m. MDT via conference call.


Tim Gorman called the meeting to order at 6:01pm and a quorum was declared present based on the presence of the following members on the conference call:


Rocky Mountain Oracle Users Group

P.O. Box 10142

Scottsdale, AZ 85271-0142


1.  Tim Gorman

2.  Bob Mason

3.  Sruthi Kumar

4.  John Peterson

5.  John Jeunnette

6.  Mark James

7.  Art Marshall

8.  Chris Chase

9.  Bobby Curtis

Non-voting members

1.  Peggy King

2.  Ann Horton

3.  Kellyn Pot’Vin-Gorman

The following corporate actions were taken by appropriate motions duly made, seconded, and adopted by the majority vote of the Directors entitled to vote (unless a higher voting approval is stated).


PRESIDENT – Tim Gorman:

Tim indicated that Chris Ostrowski had submitted his resignation from the RMOUG board, and that it was accepted. Tim motioned to replace Chris O. with John Peterson as the Membership Director. Bobby Curtis seconded, and the appointment was approved unanimously.

Motion and discussion regarding the acceptance of the proposed Investment Portfolio Strategy (IPS). It was noted during discussion that the CD will be transferred to savings on January 27th. Tim Gorman motions to accept the IPS, Bob Mason seconds the motion, and the motion passes unanimously.

Motion and discussion on “sponsoring” Pine Creek High School students at TD16. Tim Gorman motions to fund 16 one-day passes for PCHS students at TD16, with payment amount TBD based on actual RMOUG loaded costs. Mark James seconds, and the motion passes unanimously.


Bob indicated the WIT movie event press release will go out soon.

SECRETARY – Chris Chase

Submitted December 15, 2015 Board Minutes for approval.

Chris Chase motioned to approve and post December 15, 2015 Board Minutes as submitted by RMOUG Secretary Chris Chase. The motion was seconded by Tim Gorman and passed with a unanimous approval from the Directors. Chris to send Art the approved minutes.


John Jeunnette motioned, Bob Mason seconded, to accept the treasurer’s report; and the motion passed with a unanimous approval from the Directors. John noted that we are starting to see more annual membership revenue along with TD revenue.


No update.


No update.

TRAINING DAYS DIRECTORS – Karen Funston and Kellyn Pot’Vin-Gorman

Kellyn provided the following updates on TD:

TD revenue is down year over year: current revenue attendee count: 279, non-revenue count: 101 Total: 380. Compared to 2015 at this time, there is a decrease of 123 as of January 16, 2016. Need 442 revenue count to reach last year’s total at conference end. Note on decrease, (missing volunteers, 22 last year) at this time.

Expense reduction opportunities being implemented include the following: Volunteer/board t-shirts; savings of $700, hard line into single room for presenters, saves us over $400 in budget; VIP Reception, changed to only beer, no other liquor will be provided, and food options will stay the same; welcome reception, no “Geeks who Drink”, John King and Sarah Zumbrum will hostour own trivia to save on costs; and, downgraded bags to keep in line with sponsorship, savings of $2000.

Other TD items discussed / reviewed include the following: Micro-sponsorships being offered to potential vendors; mobile App is done, one update, needed different hashtag in Twitter links (#TD16); flyer is out and was delivered this week (no tracking available to determine effectiveness); program is done, but need volunteer of the year, please respond to Peggy ASAP or this will go without to printer; VIP Reception is done, evite out, Art needs an invite; finishing up questions for trivia for welcome reception; organizing HOL's, Oracle DB Performance is complete, still working with DBaaS; weekly speaker highlight still going out and weekly social media still going out, emails being sent by Team YCC; WIT Panel is complete and marketing done; lots of RMOUG invoices, all are getting approvals and completed; getting approval for HS attendees; still a few changes in schedule as updates come in; and, meals are approved for event, asked CCC to keep it.

NEWSLETTER – Pat Van Buskirk

Tim provided an update from Pat: Everybody should have already received mailed hardcopies of Winter 2015 newsletter. Janis Griffin/Joan Dolittle's article is in DropBox for review, and Chris Johnson revised his article as per previous comments – also in DropBox for review. Komal received EW Entrepreneur Woman of the Year for 2016 - she will do Board Focus and include that in the article. Peter Carter has offered to do a series of articles for us. Reminding Chris Chase and Rene Antunez that they had agreed to do continuations on their articles. Peggy sent call for articles/photos on 1/7/16 - no responders yet. Will begin soliciting articles and photos.

SIG DIRECTOR – Kumar Annamnidu

Kumar provided a summary of the DB SIG meetup last Thu - Protegrity presented on securing BD environment (there were 12 RSVP, 6 attendees).

Kumar would like to follow up on new SIG ideas after TD 2016

Kellyn indicated the RaspPi SIG was planning a meeting on different Pi models

Chris Chase indicated he had chatted with Sarah Zumbrum for EPM meet up during RMOUG TD2016, cobranded with ODTUG, possibly something social at an off-site bar/restaurant. Kellyn felt the best time might be Wed 2/10

Not scheduling a BD SIG meetup next month due to TD2016


Motion and discussion on proposed WIT annual scholarship framework. Mark reviewed the proposed framework and noted that this will be an annual rather than quarterly scholarship and that it’s important that we budget and promote this scholarship so that it’s truly open. Applicants can apply for both the WIT and Stan Yellot scholarships. Mark James motions to approve the framework, Art seconds the motion. Discussion included the point that the WIT scholarship improves the chances that women get scholarships, and also around scholarship disbursement including check timing and distribution, and how the check is applied to education costs. After discussion, vote to approve is unanimous. Mark will make updates to framework and work to get the framework posted to the website.

Current scholarship applications. Mark indicated that there may be one applicant, but the paperwork was still in process; and that there were three (3) incomplete applications. Mark is working with Peggy to get the scholarship paperwork together, and Mark would like to try and get approval over email for the one scholarship so that it can be presented, awarded, and promoted at TD16.


John Peterson is now the Membership Director.



Bobby reported that @RMOUG gained 12 new followers on Twitter, and that there was a high point of 100,000 impressions on tweet regarding Oracle Aces at TD16. TD generates the most social media “buzz” for RMOUG.


WEBMASTER – Art Marshall

No updates.


Peggy King asked for nominations for volunteer of the year and lifetime achievement awards.

Peggy has also setup Dropbox folders to post scholarship applicant information for review.

John Peterson provided a quick update on membership information. There are 442 active and 475 inactive (renewal) members. John also noted that there are some issues accessing the membership system.


Bob Mason motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:22pm and was seconded by Mark James with a unanimous approval by the Directors entitled to vote. The next board meeting will be the 3rd Tuesday of February (February 16th @ 6PM MDT).

There will be no further business, as this meeting was duly adjourned.

Chris Chase

RMOUG Secretary