Spring 2009 Gas Well Workshop Minutes of Meeting Page 8

Spring 2009 Gas Well Workshop

Steering Committee Meeting

Agenda(s) and Minute(s)

Meeting Date / Meeting Venue / Agenda / Minutes /
Fri. Feb. 27
12:00 pm CST / Over lunch at Adams Mark Hotel / See below. / See below.
March 26, 2008
10:00 CDT / Teleconference Meeting
ACCESS 3801603 / See below.

Green --- Agenda

Gray --- Past meetings, actions completed

Yellow --- Past meeting

Light Blue – Most Recent and Upcoming meeting

1.  Meeting Attendees

·  Attendees – Feb. 27, 2008
-  LaTasha Anderson Gordon Gates Barry Nicholson
-  Ronda Brewer Mike Gauthe Peter Oyewole
-  Scott Campbell Larry Harms Tony Podio
-  Cleon Dunham Norm Hein Lynn Rowlan
-  Bill Elmer Jordan Hixson Rob Sutton
-  Bill Schlumberger Stathis Kitsios Sam Toscano
-  Emee Ermel Shawn Krieger Corky Vickers
-  Jeff Everson Jose Macius Rick Webb
-  Mark Garrett
·  Attendees – March 26, 2008
-  LaTasha Anderson Jeff Everson Barry Nicholson
-  Cleon Dunham Mark Garrett Lynn Rowlan
-  Bill Elmer Larry Harms Rob Sutton
-  Emee Ermel Shawn Krieger Rick Webb

2.  Learnings from 2008 program

a.  Continuing education courses
b.  Technical sessions
c.  Discussion sessions
d.  Breakout sessions
e.  Exhibits
f.  Social events
·  Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 27, 2008
-  Larry Harms
·  Need to improve the audio. Some speakers couldn’t be heard very well.
-  Bill Elmer
·  Place new technologies in one session.
·  Consider hardware on one day and software on another day. This idea wasn’t well received.
·  Consider having topics related to offshore in a separate session by itself.
-  Barry Nicholson
·  Consider having a “day rate” for people who only staff booths and don’t want to attend any technical sessions. This would be a lower cost registration. Would need a separate colored name tag for them.
·  Ronda says that these people would need to sign up on site – no pre-registration for them.
·  N.B. It is agreed to offer only one free registration per booth.
·  We may want to allow a maximum number of booths per company. This time there were three booths for three separate Baker Divisions.
·  Consider offering various sizes of booths – small, medium, and large – for different charges.
-  Jose Macias
·  Consider offering on-line registration so people can sign up and pay on-line.
·  N.B. Cleon is working on this as part of enhancements to the ALRDC web site.
-  Ronda Brewer
·  Consider making a better process to select technical presentations.
·  N.B. This process will be adjusted somewhat for 2009.
-  Corky Vickers
·  Many people missed having the Reservoir course.
·  N.B. A special emphasis will be placed on having this course in 2009.
-  LaTasha Anderson
·  Are changes needed in the awards to be handed out next year?
·  N.B. We need specific awards for Session Chairs, Presenters, Teachers, and Breakout Coordinators.
·  N.B. Cleon will provide the number of each category to LaTasha Anderson.
-  Norm Hein
·  We’ve continued to have good weather for the Workshop.
-  Rob Sutton
·  The breakout sessions are very important.
·  Need to provide follow-up on the breakout sessions at the workshop.
·  N.B. There will be some significant improvements in the breakout session process in future workshops.
-  Mike Gauthe
·  Need to improve promotion of the workshop.
-  Mike Garrett
·  Tuesday was a very long day.
·  Need to have a cow bell to announce start times for each session.
·  Should have the Keynote Address at lunch time.
·  N.B. The daily schedule will be redesigned for next year to avoid such long days.
·  N.B. Ronda will acquire a cow bell.
·  N.B. The Keynote Address will be given at lunch time in future workshops.
-  Rick Webb
·  Thanks for opportunity to be General Chair this year.
-  Jordan Hixson
·  Need to make the Keynote Speaker feel needed and welcome.
-  Sam Toscano
·  Need to have co-chairs for each Technical Session.
·  Consider expanding the number of booths.
·  Likes to have the split sessions.
·  Need to provide training on the AV and systems to the Chairs and Co-Chairs.
·  These people need to attend the Author’s Breakfast.
-  Emee Ermel
·  Need to work on obtaining more Operator presentations, or at least joint Operators/Supplier presentations.
·  Is the workshop becoming too big?
-  Stathis Kitsios
·  Need to work for more co-presentations.
·  Would be good to have a breakout session on a “look to the future” of gas well deliquification.
-  Tony Podio
·  Agrees with many previous comments.
·  Liked the workshop.
-  Lynn Rowlan
·  Liked the workshop.
-  Shaun Krieger
·  Likes to have face-to-face committee meetings.
-  Peter Oyewole
·  Consider adopting a meeting format more like that used by SPE.
·  Keep new things in the workshop, to avoid burnout on folks who come every year.
-  Gordon Gates
·  Focus on presenting new concepts.
·  Avoid showing too many formulas.
-  Scott Campbell
·  Liked the workshop.
-  Jeff Everson
·  Liked the workshop.
-  Cleon Dunham
·  Thanks very much to everyone for making this 6th annual Gas Well Deliquification Workshop a success.
-  Special Note
·  Ronda Brewer was given a special gift of thanks for her hard work on making the workshop a success.
-  Special Note
·  Attendance at this Workshop was 745. There were 59% from Operating Companies, 39% from Service/Supply Companies, and 2% from others (e.g. Consultants, University personnel, etc.)
-  Special Note
·  N.B. is an abbreviation for nota bene, a Latin expression meaning "note well"
·  Agenda/Minutes – March 26, 2008
-  Are there any other learnings from the 2008 Workshop?
-  Emee Ermel of Chevron is working on putting together a facilitated meeting to discuss plans for next year.
-  What actions for the 2009 Workshop need to be taken based on these learnings?
-  Emee Ermel is still working on her idea.
-  There were no other comments.

3.  Venue for 2009 workshop

a.  Do we agree to have a Gas Well Deliquification Workshop in 2009?
b.  Do we agree to have it in Denver?
c.  Do we want to use the Adams Mark again?
d.  What alternatives do we have and should we consider?
·  Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 27, 2008
-  Is it agreed to have a Gas Well Deliquification Workshop in 2009?
-  Is it agreed to have it in Denver?
-  Is it agreed to have it in the Adams Mark Hotel?
-  It is agreed to have the 7th Annual Gas Well Deliquification Workshop in 2009.
-  It is agreed to have it in Denver, Colorado.
-  It is agreed to have it at the Adams Mark Hotel.
-  N.B. The Adams Mark is being purchased by the Sheraton Hotel chain.
·  Agenda/Minutes – March 26, 2008
-  Are we committed to the Adams Mark (Sheraton) for the 2009 Workshop?
-  We have a verbal agreement with the hotel, but no written contract yet.
-  Ronda Brewer: Please confirm our status with the hotel for the next meeting.

4.  Dates for 2009 workshop

a.  Do we want the first week in March, 2009?
b.  This would be March 2 – 4, 2009.
c.  What alternatives do we have and should we consider?
·  Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 27, 2008
-  It is agreed to have the 2009 Workshop on March 2 – 4, 2009?
-  The 2009 Gas Well Deliquification Workshop will be on Feb. 23 – 26, 2009.
-  It will be for four days from Monday – Thursday.
·  Agenda/Minutes – March 26, 2008
-  Are we committed to the four days of Monday – Thursday, Feb. 23 – 26, 2009?
-  The dates are verbally agreed.
-  Ronda Brewer: Please confirm agreement with the hotel on these dates for the next meeting.

5.  Workshop schedule in 2009

·  Agenda/Minutes – March 26, 2008
-  Please look at the draft schedule for 2009.
-  How does this look?
-  What comments are there on it?
-  There were no comments at this time.

6.  Technical agenda for 2009

a.  Possible general technical agenda session topics to have.
b.  Do we want to limit the number of presentations?
c.  Do we want to stay with both general and parallel sessions?
·  Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 27, 2008
-  Can we agree on the general topics to include in the Technical Agenda for 2009?
-  Is it agreed to stick with a maximum of thirty six (36) 30-minute technical presentations?
-  The agenda for 2009 will be modified.
-  It will be more or less as follows, although some fine tuning will be needed.
-  Cleon Dunham will prepare a “straw man” of the program for discussion at the next teleconference meeting.
·  Monday morning. Basic course on gas well deliquification (4 hours).
·  Monday afternoon – Tuesday morning. More advanced courses. Some may be 4 hours, some 8 hours;
·  Tuesday afternoon – first technical session.
·  Wednesday morning – second technical session.
·  Wednesday lunch – Keynote Address.
·  Wednesday afternoon – 1st set of breakout sessions, third technical session.
·  Thursday morning – fourth technical session.
·  Thursday afternoon – 2nd set of breakout sessions, fifth technical session.
·  Agenda/Minutes – March 26, 2008
-  See the draft outline of the Technical Agenda program for 2009.
-  What are comments on this at this time?
-  The following potential Technical Sessions were discussed:
·  Offshore, SSSV, etc.
·  Field Operations
·  New and Emerging Technologies
·  Reservoir
·  Special Session for Appalachia? Probably close to our needs so this may not be necessary.
·  Artificial Lift
·  Chemicals
·  Surface Operations --- Compression, Dehydrators, Stand-Alone Gas-Lift, etc.

7.  Technical presentations in 2009

a.  Do we want to revise the method for selecting presentations?
b.  Do we want to revise the method for reviewing presentations?
·  Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 27, 2008
-  Is it agreed to stay with the current methods for selecting presentations?
-  Essentially this is on a first come, first accepted basis for companies we know.
-  The presentations must contain new information.
-  For new companies, they need to convince us that they have a worthwhile story to tell.
-  And they must use the “approved” presentation format.
-  Is it agreed to stay with the current method for reviewing and approving presentations?
-  This is done by a team of Lynn Rowlan, Jim Lea, Norm Hein, and Cleon Dunham.
-  The current method of reviewing presentation is agreed.
·  Agenda/Minutes – March 26, 2008
-  We are receiving nominations for technical presentations already.
-  Since we will actually have slightly fewer Technical Presentations in 2009, we need a process to select the presentations to be accepted.
-  For abstracts, we need to give a list of questions that need to be answered so we can better choose which abstracts to accept.
-  We should have guidelines for each presentation:
·  It should not be a repeat
·  If possible it should include a case study
·  Joint presentations are good
·  Emphasize no commercialism.

8.  Continuing education for 2009

a.  Possible continuing education topics for 2009.
b.  Possible continuing education instructors.
·  Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 27, 2008
-  What are possible continuing education courses for 2009?
-  Who are possible instructors?
-  Do we want to stick with one day for continuing education, or move to two days?
-  If we did this, we could have some two-day courses, and have fewer one-day courses all competing with each other on the same day.
-  We will go to 1.5 days of Continuing Education courses.
-  This will be on Monday and Tuesday morning.
-  We will have a four-hour, high level, basic course.
-  We will have more advanced courses on a number of topics – some for four hours and some for eight hours.
-  We must have a Reservoir Class next year.
·  Agenda/Minutes – March 26, 2008
-  See the “straw man” for the Continuing Education schedule for 2009.
-  What are comments on this at this time?
-  The following potential Continuing Education courses were discussed:
·  Plunger Lift School – Lynn will coordinate.
·  Reservoir Engineering – Barry Nicholson will coordinate.
·  Automation – Bryan Dotson will coordinate. Methods to automate ESP.
·  Surface Operations, Compression – Larry Harms will coordinate.
·  Have some basics on Tuesday.
·  Nodal Analysis – Tuesday morning.

9.  Breakout sessions for 2009

a.  Possible breakout session topics for 2009.
b.  Possible breakout session facilitators.
·  Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 27, 2008
-  What are possible breakout sessions for 2009?
-  Who are possible facilitators?
-  We will have two sets of breakout sessions.
-  We will have one set tentatively right after lunch on Wednesday, with three sessions in parallel.
-  We will have one set tentatively right after lunch on Thursday, with three sessions in parallel.
-  We must have a time to report out the results of the breakout sessions.
·  Agenda/Minutes – March 26, 2008
-  See the “straw man” for Breakout Sessions for 2009.
-  What are comments on this at this time?
-  Have all six breakouts on both days. Maybe have two facilitators.
-  The following Breakout Session topics were discussed:
·  Brainstorm ideas on new, emerging technologies - Emee Ermel.
·  Selection of Artificial Lift – Cleon Dunham
·  Contracts, Contracting Philosophy – Emee Ermel to find a coordinator.
·  Training – Lynn Rowlan
·  Plungers – Gordon Gates
·  Beam Pumping Gas Wells – Norm Hein
·  Chemical

10.  Room assignments, session times for 2009

a.  We need to begin early on room assignments for the events for 2009.
b.  In our early planning we need to maintain flexibility on the start and end times of the sessions.
·  Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 27, 2008
-  Can we stay with essentially the same room assignments as used this year?
-  It is agreed to stick with the same general area in the hotel for next year.
·  Agenda/Minutes – March 26, 2008
-  Are there any issues on the rooms at this time?
-  This was not discussed.

11.  Workshop leadership for 2009