MUNSS Meeting Minutes

6:30pm-8:30pm, Monday September 25th, 2017

2F28 Conestoga College

Call of the Role

PresentThomas O’Handley (President), Jessica Hill Porter (VP Conestoga), Adriana Tugg (VP Mohawk), Andrea Rideout (Executive Assistant), Bethany Greathead (Finance), Mary Attalla (Education – Conestoga), Micah Zagala (Education – McMaster), Rosario/Judith Monala (Education – Mohawk), Riley Rooseboom (Communications), Chloe Norris (CNSA-OD Conestoga), Rebecca Crawford (CNSA-OD McMaster), Ally Dandy (CNSA-OD Mohawk), Kristen Bradley (Level 1 – Conestoga), Monika Socha (Level 2 – Conestoga), Victoria Stancheff (Level 2 – Conestoga), Priyanka Jani (Level 2 – McMaster), Alexandria Nunes (Level 2 – Mohawk), Jessica Debackere (Level 3 – Conestoga), Laura Jakobsen (Level 3 – Conestoga), Andrea Katona (Level 3 – McMaster), Alison Bone (Level 3 – McMaster), Monika Manapul (Level 3 – Mohawk), Brianne Flowers (Level 4 – Conestoga), Kelsi Kaufhold (Level 4 – Mohawk), Sophie Lapierre-Green (Level 4 – Mohawk), Christina Patore (RPN-BScN Conestoga), Grace Terry (RPN-BScN Mohawk), Josie Smith (RPN-BScN Mohawk), Dana Genkin (CNSA-AD Mohawk),LileBereseau (CNSA AD Conestoga), Jennifer Du (Awards and scholarships) Alysha Mattos (RNAO – Hamilton), Kayla Bradley (Spirit Wear), Megan Pople (Social co-chair Conestoga)

FacultyDianne Dalbello – Conestoga

AbsentLaura Chapman (VP McMaster), Caitlin Devries (Level 4 Conestoga), Cynthia Hammond (Mohawk Faculty), Tracey Jewiss (McMaster Faculty), VishnukaSivapoologasundaram (Level 1 McMaster), Andrea Wasyleczko (Level 2 McMaster), Amanda Mascarenhas (Level 3 Mohawk), Nadia Colacitti (Level 4 McMaster), Megan Haviland (Accelerated), Joshua Enzlin (CNSA AD McMaster), Kayla Bradley (Spirit wear), Sharon Nwamdi (SRA)

GuestsTaya Agostino, VigneSridharan, Jasmine Messore

Start of the Meeting

Motion / To start the meeting at 6:35pm
Motioned By / Jessica Hill Porter (VP Conestoga)
Seconded By / Ally Dandy (CNSA-OD Mohawk)
Motion Conclusion / Passed by general consensus

VOC Elections:

RNAO KW – VigneSridharan PASSED

Conestoga GUNI Liaison Introduction

  • Chloe Norris is currently on the GUNI council for Conestoga as well as holding a position on MUNSS as the CNSA Official Delegate for the Conestoga Site.
  • She is aware that GUNI is no longer a position – officially – on the MUNSS council.
  • This was mandated last year by the previous president [Anmolpreet Kaur] as it was deemed unfair that the club was receiving funds from both the MUNSS council and CSI as it is technically a Conestoga based organization.
  • At this week meeting, Chloe was primarily focussed on raising awareness to the rest of the MUNSS council on GUNI, as well as hoping to brainstorm any fundraising ideas which would ultimately be directed to the students apart of the organization who choose to participate in international placements.
  • According to Tom, there is still technically a position for the McMaster and Mohawk GUNI streams, but they are simply placeholders and are not consequently receiving any funds from the MUNSS council as well.
  • The primary reason that GUNI is no longer an official member of the MUNSS council aside from the additional funds from both MUNSS and CSI, is that we were unable to host events primarily for nurses as it is part of the campus’ clubs/organization.
  • Chloe and Tom both agreed that she would still be able to promote the group and present any fundraising ideas to the council, however no money will be allocated to the group specifically.

Social Media Campaign and Indigenous Branch Updates – Jessica Hill Porter (VP CONESTOGA)

  • As case studies for level 1, 2, and 3 are coming into swing and are becoming the primary focus of all three years, Jessica, as well as other students in the program and faculty advisors are hoping to broaden the spectrum of study and promote higher inclusion of Aboriginal studies.
  • With the help of the education committee and Chloe Norris, Jessica will be working alongside the faculty to get the approval to have a midwife from the Six Nations reservation come and speak directly to the level 3 PBL classes.
  • The focus of these presentations will be anti and post natal care, as those are the topics at the forefront of the Level 3 curriculum.
  • We are also hoping to look into the midwife, or another midwife being available to transfer the presentation to the Hamilton locations and allow the information and speaker be shared between all three sites in order to broaden the information provided further.
  • There was talk about including the Level 1’s as well since they are also focussed on First Nations healthcare for a point in the semester, but that would be reassessed basedon its success rate with the Level 3’s at Conestoga and potentially Mohawk and McMaster locations, however the location of the Hamilton sites may be a hindrance for the representative based on travel times
  • The presentation would be in addition to the material presented in the case scenarios and would ideally be for an hour or so at the end of the PBL lecture designated to pre and post natal care
  • Some council members were wondering if this would impact the hours of the classes and if they would need to reallocated in order to compensate for the entire class, and whether the class sizes would be impacted for the presentation
  • Ideally the presentation would be for the entire year so as not to reallocate the classes for time and would simply be held in a large classroom or lecture hall if available.
  • The presentation for the Conestoga Level 3 PBL will be held next Friday and the option for the inclusion of the other sites will be address then if it feasible to the midwife and timely
  • However, based on the discussion the presentation will only take place at Conestoga this year unless something changes for the next few months
  • The primary reason that the presentation is being held during PBL and is therefore mandatory because the council as well as the professionals that are coming from outside of the campus are finding that is workshops are left open for registration, the attendance is significantly lower than that of the assigned and designated class times.
  • Although this information will not currently be testable, it is directly related to the real world situations that will be faced through clinical and come graduation
  • Tome however will look into discussing this with the faculty and school of nursing committees and potentially look into integrating the material presented into the curriculum for the coming years, making the information session not only mandatory but testable.
  • In terms of the social media campaigns, similar to last year, the VP (CONESTOGA) will be sending out a mass email to all positions and teams in order for each member of the position or team to fill out.
  • Pictures will be taken according to a made schedule (by communications) and the email answer and the picture will then be posted together on the MUNSS social media outlets as well as the MUNSS website.
  • The picture is optional, but it is preferred that the answer be completed and submitted to Jessica – VP CONESTOGA – by the Friday prior to the positions designated Monday post date

Budget Proposal – Bethany Greathead (Finance)

  • Before addressing the budget proposals that were submitted by the council there was an email proposition put forth by the VP of Finance from the MSU council.
  • Again, similar to last year, they are requesting money as a donation for homecoming initiatives in order to host the “Light up the Night” event. Last year they requested money from MUNSS but we declined, however there have been some changes made to the programming this year for light up the night.
  • The three options that were outlines for sponsors of the event are as follows
  • The homecoming sponsorship starter donation pack would cost the council 600$, which would mean us having an expo table at the homecoming events throughout the week/weekend, as well as a small logo on the digital presentation.
  • Donating to “Light up the Night” would also be $600, but would only include a small digital promo logo on the presentation.
  • The third option is to donate to both the homecoming events and the light up the night initiative which would cost the council $1000
  • The biggest concern from the majority of the positions on the MUNSS council is what legitimate benefit would result from us donating to the homecoming initiatives.
  • Our donation budget did also decrease this year from $3000 to $2500 for the year, meaning that there may also be other initiatives that would be more worth while our money and time.
  • Although MUNSS advertisement would be somewhat beneficial, the stats for how many nurses attend homecoming is unknown, and realistically, the whole council agreed that a lot of students do not go to homecoming events and focus on the sponsoring organizations

Motion / Motion to withhold from donating to the homecoming events from our council
Motioned by: / Level 4 – Brianne Flowers
Seconded by: / VP Mohawk – Adriana Tugg
Motion conclusion: / YES – 14
NO – 0

Budget Proposal for the Council/Positions

  • The budgets needed to be in by October 1st in order to meet the financial deadlines so that the council can get the necessary funding as per the events and outlines for the year
  • The total society fees proposed from last year stands at $64 000, but will change once the remaining groups, teams and positions have submitted their average proposals for the year.
  • An issue that was addressed with last years’ executive team was the issue surrounding the current student fee gap between the part time and full time students.
  • Last year, the full time students were being required to pay extra to accommodate for the lack of financial contribution from the part time students
  • This issue has been temporarily resolved as the part time students are not currently paying into the fees for the council at the present time, but will be adjusted in the coming years as needed. The full time students however are not currently being required to compensate and pay extra as a result of the lack of fees from the part time students
  • Currently for this year’s expenditure, prior to us receiving our fees from the university once we have submitted our budget proposal for the year, we have an account base of $19 500.
  • Budget break down per position:
  • Education proposed - $1200.00
  • CNSA has a proposed budget of $28000 – it was clarified that not all of this money is usable, as it may seem slightly disproportionate compared to the remaining positions. Approximately $20 000 of this money is allocated towards paying for the student memberships across all three sites, and the remaining $8000 is used primarily for conferences throughout the year and scholarships for additional attendees
  • This year however they do not have regional assembly and instead the regional conference is going to be hosted via teleconference.
  • Information from the directors of the conference has not yet been received
  • RNAO Proposed - $1600.00
  • Communication - $600
  • Welcome week’s donation from the MUNSS council was completed in JUNE and amounted to approximately $17000.00
  • Awards proposed - $2200.00 which will be designated towards student awards and academics
  • Social proposed - $9000.00; this is the total amount for all three sites, and will be used this year to include the nursing formal as well. This year we are hoping to increase attendance to events, so promotion is encouraged at all sites and from all representatives on the council
  • GUNI – as mentioned above, this position no longer receives money from the MUNSS council and is simply a holding place on the council for potential quorum.
  • How the money will be divided has been provided to the president and the finance chair, and will be posted on the MUNSS website.
  • The level reps (for all levels) will be combining their funds – at the McMaster and Mohawk sites.
  • Finance’s funds will be based upon how much was in the bank after the completion of the budget expenditure and how much it will cost to order the checks for the year.
  • CNSA will be hosting fundraiser throughout the year to bring in their own revenue in order to potentially increase the number of attendees to the conferences if there is sufficient interest amongst current students.
  • Communication will be hosting a separate social media incentive that will hopefully be used to generate increased interest in the MUNSS organization. There will be fun interest and participation based fundraisers throughout the year with prizes available to students for certain events.
  • The purpose of these events will be to increase involvement and interest in the MUNSS council, as well as any events held by the various positions throughout the year.
  • Social put forth their budgets early and are beginning to book and plan the events for the year, some of which will be held in conjunction with level reps and other positions.
  • A large part of increasing attendance this year and hopefully bringing in more revenue for the school through certain events will hopefully come from increased awareness and promotion of events through social media and word of mouth.
  • There has also been talk of developing a MUNSS app, and the money that is allocated towards the website could be redistributed towards a medium that is more appealing to students
  • Level 2 Conestoga will be using their funds to host a coffee house in conjunction with Social. They will also be handing out candy canes during the final exam season come December and will once again host the tubing event
  • Level 3 Conestoga will use their money for the therapy dogs to come to the school during exam time, and will be working in conjunction with social to host the axe throwing event as they did last yea.
  • Tom stressed the importance of filling out the EOHSS forms as early as possible to avoid the wait times for approval, and to avoid potential rejection.
  • **all three sites will be hosting the therapy dogs during exam time
  • Level 4 – all three sites will be combining their level designated fess ($85) to use towards decorations for graduation and graduation formal. Much of their funds are supplied directly from the university as they are in charge of convocation.
  • Their funds are to be approved of now, but the rest of the proposed budget will be finalised and voted on in second term.
  • $4500 will be used for the pinning ceremonies
  • There was a little confusion regarding where the $3000 went from the supposed $12000 leftover, as there was only $9000 left in the account, but the present funds available is a workable amount
  • RPN TO BSCN will be using their funds to host stress relieving activities
  • The proposed budget will be finalised come second term. Unfortunately, due to the lack of funds being contributed by the part time students, our yearly budget has gone down for this year but will hopefully increase next year again if the issue of the part time students paying into the council has been resolved as per the School of Nursing.

Motion proposed / Approve the Level 4 budget for 2017-2018 term based on what Level 4 and Finance has proposed
Motioned by / Adriana Tugg – VP MOHAWK
Seconded by / Jessica Hill Porter – VP CONESTOGA
Motion Conclusion / YES – 14

Thode Library Donation Request

  • Although this library is primarily an engineer focused library, many of our student nurses still utilize it regularly. It is also of particular use to our Mac and Mohawk members who use the libraries regularly.
  • The library is widely known and highly favoured by many students across a wide range of programs.
  • This year, the school is looking to extend the time from closing at 11pm, to closing instead at 3am. Although this change has already been made, the school is reaching out to the individual societies for donation to employ two additional security guards for the library.
  • Last year we voted yes a donation, but nothing came of the donation or the motion on the end of the school administration, but this year they are lookingto finalise the details
  • Because we donated last year, it would be with good intentions to donate again this year.
  • There was some confusion from the council as to whether the proposed donation ($250) would be a bi-term donation or if it would just be requested once.
  • Agreed that as a team, we would be wiling to donate once, potentially not twice (equalling $500) if it is requested again.
  • For the time being we are going to hold off on our final decision until we have more solidified details to base our decision on.
