Appendix 6: EDS2 Engagement with Patients and the Public

Group / Contact / Action
Working Age Adults -PCC Staff / HR Communications Lead. / Email cascade to staff twice, once in October 2016 and Once in January 2016 via weekly staff news circular. Web link and Word/Easy Read made available.
Older Age / Age UK Portsmouth / Email with details and offer to discuss/meet in November 2016 and followed up in January 2017.
Parents / Portsmouth Parent Voice
The Frank Sorrell Centre
Southsea / Details cascaded via email to members. 40 hard copies provided, including 20 in Easy Read.
Families / Home Start Portsmouth / Email cascade to all members and contacts during November 2016 and January 2017.
Carers / Carers Centre
Southsea / Newsletter article November 2016 and uploaded to Facebook. 30 hard copies circulated. And reminder sent out again in January 2017.
Transgender / Chyrsallis
'' / Emails with details and offer to discuss/meet sent in November 2016 and followed up in January 2017 requesting cascade to members and contacts.
Learning Disabilities /
  • Portsmouth Learning Disability Champion
  • Minstead Training Trust - Manager
  • Creative Advances - Manager
  • Portsmouth Day Services (service for people with complex learning and physical disabilities)
  • YOU Trust (into work service)
  • Email with details and offer to discuss/meet and copy Easy Read survey to all 5 contacts November 2016.
  • On response from 3, request forwarded to circulate to carers and relatives
  • 20 Easy Read hard copies posted to Creative Advances and 14 copies to Minstead Training
  • Request to circulated to carers and relatives
  • 30 Easy Read copies to Portsmouth Learning Disabilities Champion.

Physical Disability / Portsmouth Disability Forum:
  • Email with details cascaded to membership November 2016.
  • Attendance and discussion at Health Café January 2017. Members from Epilepsy Support Group and Millbrook Wheelchair services to cascade to contacts.

Sensory Impairment / Portsmouth Visually Impaired Action Group (VIAG)
Portsmouth Blind Association
Portsmouth Deaf Club /
  • Email with details and offer to discuss/meet sent to contacts at Portsmouth VIAG, Portsmouth Blind Association and Portsmouth Deaf Club.
  • Attendance at Portsmouth Deaf Centre November 2016.
  • Attendance at Portsmouth VIAG November 2016 and January 2017

Race and ethnicity / Portsmouth City Council Equalities Lead
Portsmouth Race Equality Network Organisation (PRENO) Project Officer
Portsmouth City Public Health leads
Friendship Centre / Email with details and offer to discuss/meet sent to PRENO project lead, Portsmouth City Council Equalities Lead, Public Health Consultants and Friendship House October 2016 and followed up November 2016 and January 2017.
Email cascade by Portsmouth City Council Equalities Lead to Community Development Workers and Bangladeshi women and children’s groups and carers’ dementia group October 2016 and January 2017.
Homeless / Two Saints
Salvation Army / Email with details and offer to discuss/meet sent to contacts November 2016 and followed up in January 2017.
General / Portsmouth Healthwatch
Community Action Portsmouth
Jackie Sharman / Email with details and offer to discuss/meet to Healthwatch Portsmouth and Community Action Portsmouth November 2016 and January 2017.
Discussed with Healthwatch Portsmouth representative at Portsmouth Disability Forum Health Café January 2017 and commitment made to upload to Healthwatch website and on Facebook. 20 Easy Read hard copies provided.