Name ______

A Research Project-3 pst


Where would you like to travel? Nepal? Peru?Spain? America? Or any other place in the world.

In this project you will take an imaginary trip to any place in the world. You will plan a trip and learn about the country you are going to visit.

PROJECT REQUIREMENTS - all these parts must be included in the project.


Part 1-cover page:דףשער

A Research Project

Student Name: Tamar Cohen

Presented to: Yifat

Date: December 2010

School: Holtz

Part 2-Table of Contents תוכןהעניינים:כלחלקיהעבודהבצירוףמספריהעמודים

  1. Cover Page: title, teacher's name, date, your name, class.
  2. Table of Contents
  3. Introduction: Why you choose this country. ( Two or three sentences why you choose this country).
  4. Passport Application
  5. Information about the country.
  6. E- mail Letter
  7. Conclusion
  8. What You Liked or Disliked about the Project.
  9. Checklist
  10. appendix 1-Drafts ( signed by the teacher)
  11. Bibliography

Part 3- Why Did I Choose This Country?

Answer these questions in full sentences.

  1. What place did you choose?
  2. What do you know about this place?

3. What do you need to take for a trip?

4. What must I do before I go?

5. Who would you travel with and why?

6. What would be the best time for you to go?

7. What things would you take with you?

Part 4 Fill in the passport application :(in class)

Part 5 :Information about The Country.

Write the answers to these questions in full sentences. Divide your work into clear paragraphs. You may include pictures. DO NOT COPY WORD FOR WORD FROM THE INTERNET OR BOOKS. Answer all the questions.

  1. Add a picture of a flag. ______
  2. The country capital is: ______
  3. the names 3 cities: ______,______,______
  4. List 5 tourist attractions/landmarks:
  5. The popular food in the country is:______
  6. the language spoken is ______
  7. population ______

8. The name of their money is ______

9.Add some pictures of the country.

You can find information on the Internet.

Part 6- E-Mail Letter:(in class)

Part 7-Conclustion-סיכום

Answer the questions:

1. In your opinion, why is it important to learn about other countries?

2. What new things did you learn about the country?

3. Would you like to visit in this country one day?

4. Why is it important to know how to fill in a passport application in English?

5. Have you ever written an-email to a friend? Was it about a vacation or a trip?

Part 8- What You Liked or Disliked about the Project.

1. Did you enjoy working on the project?

2. Did you enjoy working in groups/pairs? Why?

3. What new words did you learn?

4. Which part of the project did you enjoy most?

(The research,the writing,the oral presentation).

5. What part you didn’t like? Why?

6. In what area do you think your English has improved –

reading, writing,spelling,new words,speaking?

Part 9-Checklist

1-I have included a cover page.
2-I have included a table of contents.
3-I wrote an introduction answering 5 questions
4-I filled in the passport application.
5-I answered the questions about the country.
6-I wrote the letter to my friend.
7-I wrote my conclusion.
8-I wrote what I liked or disliked about the project.
9-I included the checklist, drafts and bibliography.
10-I checked my spelling and grammar.
11-I handed it in on time.

Part 10-Appendix- Draftsדפיטיוטהישלשמורבפרקזה

Part 11-Bibliography רשימת 3 מקורותעפ"יסדראלפבתי

The State of Israel


First name: ______Middle name:______

Last name:______I.D. number:______

Sex : male / female Family status: ______

Date of birth: ______Place of birth: ______

Name of father: ______

Address: ______, City:______

Zip code:______Country :______

Home telephone number:______

Mobile/Cell phone number :______Occupation:______

Business phone number:______

*This application was prepared by ______

Date ______

Signature ______