The DAVA WAY Association
Minutes of the Committee Meeting: 18th Nov 2014
Venue: The Hub, Forres Meeting opened 19:30
Item /Minute
/Action by
1 /Welcome:
Neil Sinclair, chaired the meeting (pro temp) and welcomed trustees and guests2 / Present: Peter Mitchell, Norman Thomson, Paul Barron, Robbie Roberts, Malcolm Campbell , Neil Sinclair, Trevor Thornley, W Bullock(ex officio minute taker)
Apologies: Greg McAulay
3 / Minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted.
Proposed: PM Seconded: PB
4.4 /
Matters arising:
Ref 4.1: PM reported a continuing problem with the iphone app. He has reported it to Canary Dwarf who claimed it was being attended to.Ref 7.3: PB and PM reported Bantrach survey is in hand but not completed.
Ref 4.3: PB reported Sewage problem is still ongoing and further exchanges with Cllr Alexander/Moray Council progressed.
Ref 8.3: PM reported the gate removal was still being considered by the estate. / Pete
5.4 /
PB reported the Investing in Ideas (Lynmore) grant application has been rejected.A Paths for All document on the cost of upgrading paths was received.
Appeal from Rural Direct to attend a seminar on Dec 4th in Elgin about help available from SCVSO. Agreed to send a representative.
PB said he had informed Forres Woodland Trust of the new location of the Rough Cutter. / Robbie
6.6 /
Treasurer’s report:
A balance of £ 4756.31 is in the account, no significant income.Major expenditure was expected from Bill McRitchie for digger hire (c£300-£500).
Treasurer to request an invoice asap.
Leiths Quarry sent and invoice for £15.46 but as we are in credit by £37 the Treasurer suggested we with hold payment and repeatedly promised credit is received. Agreed.
The Treasurer reminded potential office holders that he would require their signature to authorise cheques.
MC asked how many signatures were required and has new SCIO status changed this. Treasurer replied: 2 and no change.
The Hub had approached NS requesting ad hoc financial support, as we do not pay a rent. NS said we had historically donated £250, the treasurer said that was about 3 or 4 years ago. MC suggested we negotiate to a formal rental, but it was agreed to make a new donation of £250. / Paul
7.1 / Membership Matters
Robbie Roberts was accepted as a member and under Clause 59 of our constitution appointed a Trustee.
/ Pete8
8.6 / Appointment of Office Bearers
NS was proposed by PM, TT seconded. Agreed unanimously
A deputy chairman is not an officer but is desirable, and RR was proposed by PB, PM seconded. Agreed unanimously.
PB was proposed by NS, RR seconded. Agreed unanimously
PM was proposed by PB, NS seconded. Agreed unanimously. PM agreed to take this position but requested help in formulating grant applications from other members. This was noted as well as PM’s willingness to continue as Working Party Co-ordinator. PM said he intended to improve emails in this area by adding an unsubscribe option.
PB commended the expertise of NT in grant applications and also his ability in Press liaison and asked him to continue this work. Agreed unanimously
Minute Secretary.
TT agreed to cover for WB in absentia and subsequently become the Minutes Sec. Agreed unanimously
MC offered to assist PM as Work Party Co-ordinator. Agreed unanimously / Neil
9.3 / Consideration of AMM minutes
PB suggested they be published on the website and therefore reviewed for accuracy whilst still fresh in our minds.
PB reported that David Binney would continue to maintain the website as a member but editorial control would be with the DWA.
The reference to ‘Forres’ versus ‘locally’ was noted and a discussion took place. NS noticed the year of the next meeting was wrongly given. With these amendments and it was agreed to publish them on the website. / Paul
10.1 / Publication of Trustees Annual Report
PB proposed the annual report be published on the website, NS seconded and this was agreed unanimously. / Paul
1111 / Duty of Care policy & procedures,
PM presented the draft Health and Safety Policy statement produced by members and circulated earlier for discussion. NS suggested the title be amended to Safety to reflect the text. After discussion all agreed to continue with original title.
TT said Volunteering Scotland Booklet’s recommendations were relevant to the discussion. PB replied that it confirmed our approach.
PB explained that he had originally used the HSE’s Introduction to H&S booklet as the guide to our policy.
MM suggested the list of tool custodians should be in an annexe so it could be expanded if new tools were introduced. A formal Accident Book should also be kept.
PM suggested the First aid kit should be clearly visible to all when we have a working party and suggested a second Hi-Viz back pack, similar to the one he uses to contain his DWA first aid kit. Agreement to purchase additional Hi-Viz back pack for times when the work party is split and review contents of first aid kits.
It was suggested ‘permitted’ be changed to ‘allowed’ in Paragraph 6 and DWA should be just Dava Way.
A system to record tool maintenance was discussed and it was agreed we establish it by asking Thomson’s to service the Rough Cutter asap.
NS asked what DVLA Towing Regulations were and did we conform to them?
PM said they were complex but we do conform to them when using the Landrover and trailer.
PM suggested all these points be incorporated in a second draft as there seemed to be general agreement. Final draft to be circulated within next two weeks for a formal approval as our policy at next meeting
PM reported Forestry Commission funding for training of up to £1000 was available.
PM said Strimmer Training for the 4 members who have come forward would cost £250. RR asked why we needed the training on Strimmers, PB replied it included maintenance training for the custodians.
PM said funding for a Workplace First Aid course at Moray College with 12 places could be arranged. He suggested to make up the number we broaden recruitment to include members of other organisations. MC said he would suggest involvement to Moray Mountaineers. Both suggestions agreed.
PB proposed we look at risk assessments after this draft is agreed. / Pete/Paul
12.1 / Ghost train Walk 2015
After a short discussion it was agreed we organise another Ghost Train Walk and step back from the Moray Walking Festival in 2015
13.1 / Review of Hand Tool Requirements
PM reported we are still short of a few tools and suggested we buy 4 new draw forks, 2 loppers and a wheelbarrow. NS asked the cost and it was agreed up to £250 could be spent by PM to purchase these items.
TT made a suggestion that a means of mechanically removing stumps was required, and a short discussion took place on how this could be achieved. / Pete
14.1 / Secretary Hand over/OSCR Return (prov 25th Nov 2014)
PB said we had 28 days to notify the change of trustees and the OSCR return can also hopefully be submitted on the 25th. / Pete
15.9 / AOCB
Lynmore: PB confirmed an Awards for All application for a grant of £6000 had been submitted by David Binney.
Scurry Pool Costs: When fully costed a request for a contribution will be made.
Revisit Army Project: held over
PB noted that WB had updated the leaflet for members and this was available for sending to new members to describe who we are and what we do.
TT said the route description leaflet needed updating with the Ltd Company reference number removed. Valid request for website but many printed copies still exist.
NT said the Berryburn grant application for Bantrach needed a specification.
TT asked about the scope of the OS licence, as he had the facility to produce bespoke maps for the DWA. PB passed him the original licence.
NT said a footfall counter was now available from Moray Council. It was suggested it is placed about 100 m south of Dallas Dhu.
NT announced that size of funds discussed at the Long Distance Footpath Managers meetings dwarfed ours. A discussion took place on how economically we operated in comparison.
The Chairman proposed the 17th January is set aside for our Christmas Dinner, possibly at the Golf Club. / Paul
Paul, Pete
Meeting closed at 21:40 Next meeting: 19.30 16th December 2014 at The Hub