LTC Newsletter June 2017
Cleaning rota.
A new one is up on the board, I thank those of you , in advance , who sign up!
Floodlighting update.
The County Planning Committee was due to meet 14/6/17. We await the outcome
T Shirts and Sweatshirts.
I will be putting in another order to Steve Onions for Club T shirts, polos and sweatshirts at the End ofJune . Please place your orders!
Club Championships
The draw has been done and all competitions are published on the noticeboard. Please note ALL round robin games MUST be played by the end of August. For tel numbers, please see the contact list in the Clubhouse.
U18 boys and girls and U10 boys and girls round robin tournamnets will be running over the Summer. Please check the noticeboard for who you have to play and their contact details
Rusty Rackets
Wednesday evenings 6-7pm open to all. Many Rusty Racket players have entered the handicap mixed tournament...well done, I wish you all Good Luck! RR finishes for the summer Wed 19th July. We will go to the Feathers after for a drink.
Aegon Cup
Talking with some parents it would be good to enter more young people into the Summer Aegon, 2 people leagues. Please let me know if your child is interested in playing in the Aegon leagues. Will Flaherty and Tom Williams play in the U16 boys league at the moment, ask them for more detail.
Quorn Family Cup
Was played and won by Oli and Matt Phillips...well done to them. They are hopefully off to a fun packed day at the forthcoming Aegon Championships at Birmingham.
Any old tennis rackets?
We often need adult rackets for new RR players. If you have one you could donate, please let me know or leave in the Clubhouse.
Community Day
Sat 10th June we held an Open day at the Club. My thanks to those members who supported the day. Few people turned up and we will be evaluating whether or not to have our Open day at a different time and just man a stall in St Katharines in future.
Sunday 23rd July Ladies Open Tennis Tournament and Tea,1-5pm
Only one couple have signed up so far, entries close Fri 14th July.A poster has been sent and resent to our local clubs so I hope we are able to go ahead with this.
Barn Dance
Date for your diary Fri 10th Nov Rob Edden Celidh band will be coming to the Community Hall to help the Club raise funds. 7.30- 10.30pm. Tickets will go on sale early October, £10 per person, to include a ploughmans supper.This event will be open to ALL ages, so book a date with a group of friends!
Dates for your diary
Sunday 23rd July Ladies Open Tennis Tournament and Tea,1-5pm
Sunday 3rd September Club Championships
Sunday 10th September Mixed Open Tournament and Tea,1-5pm
Next Committee meeting will be Tue 25th July7pm at the Clubhouse