St Agnes’ Catholic Primary School
Cyber Bullying Policy
St Agnes’ School embraces the advantages of modern technology in terms of the educational benefitsit brings, however the school is mindful of the potential for bullying to occur. Central to the School’s StudentWellbeing policy is the belief that ‘all pupils have a right not to be bullied’ and that ‘bullying is alwaysunacceptable’. St Agnes’ also recognises that it must take action when bullying is perpetrated outsideSchool but affects a student's wellbeing at school.
Cyber bullying is bullying that takes place using electronic technology. Cyber bullying is the use oftechnology to harass, threaten, embarrass, or target another person. Cyber bullying can happen at any timeof the day or night. Examples of Cyber bullying might include mean text messages or emails, rumours sentby email or posted on a social networking sites, and embarrassing pictures, videos, websites or fakeprofiles.
Bullying at St Agnes’ in any form is unacceptable. Bullying that is carried out through the Internet, viaemail, chat or a discussion group / task or instant messaging through mobile technologies is cyber bullying.Cyber bullying will not be tolerated at any level, and consequences exist for students who choose to bullyothers.
● to ensure the school community understands what bullying is (including cyber bullying), and thefact that it is unacceptable regardless of the form
● to educate staff and students on our actions of Stop, Block and Tell to safeguard ourselves against inappropriate material online
● topromote our affiliation with the eSmart program to share and use current and relevant informationwith our whole school community
● for everyone within the school community to be alert to signs and evidence of cyber bullying and tohave a responsibility to report it to staff whether as observer or victim
● to ensure that all reported incidents of cyber bullying are investigated appropriately and that supportis given to both victims and perpetrators.
● to seek parental and peergroupsupport and cooperation at all time
● St Agnes’ will promote and support safe and respectful learning environments where bullying isnot tolerated.
● St Agnes’ will implement whole schoolstrategies and initiatives to promote an environment ofanti-bullying
● St Agnes’ will use the Student Wellbeing policy which includes processes and strategies toprevent and respond to incidents of bullying and other forms of unacceptable behaviour
● St Agnes’ will work in partnership with parents to educate, reduce and manage bullying
● St Agnes’ will take a whole schoolapproach focusing on safety and wellbeing of all staff andstudents when using modern technologies
● St Agnes’ will use the school’s agreement to acceptable use policy to help staff and studentslearn how to safely and responsibly use ICT
● St Agnes’ will commit to the ongoing education of safety online with the support of the eSmartprogram and the St. Agnes’ e-safety Scope and Sequence
● St Agnes’ will provide all individuals (staff and students) with confidential computer and networklogons and passwords
● St Agnes’ will commit to the use of zScaler provided by the Catholic Education Office to ensuretracking of student activity on the school’s computer equipment and network
● St Agnes’ will ensure that the curriculum and staff professional development equips all users oftechnology with the appropriate skills and behaviours needed to keep on safe online
Assessment & Reporting
● Any inappropriate use of ICT devices/equipment or access to inappropriate online content needs tobe reported to the ICT co-ordinator.
● Misuse of the Internet or ICT tools will result in consequences which may include restricting orremoving access to technology
● If cyber bullying accusations are made, a letter will be sent home to inform the parents, includingstrategies to help monitor computer usage at home. A copy of this letter will be put into thestudent’s file.
St Agnes’ Agreement of Acceptable Use of ICT
Revised 4th November 2016