Teesside University Professional Development Framework for Teaching and Supporting Learning: Recognising Expertise in Learning and Teaching (RELT)

RELT Assessment Guide: CPD ROUTE

Updated: February 2016

RELT Assessment Guide: CPD ROUTE

This RELT Assessment Guide outlines the assessment processes for the CPD route within the Teesside University’s Professional Development Framework for Teaching and Supporting Learning: Recognising Expertise in Learning and Teaching (RELT)

In section 1 there is also a brief description of the decision making role of TFCC, and the UKPSF Co-ordination Sub Group in the processes and confirmation of award for the taught routes (to D1 and D2). For more detailed information on the taught route, please see the PgCLTHE Programme Handbook and/or contact the Programme Leader Jayne Tidd.

There are 3 sections to this guide:

  1. Assessment processes (Pages 3-5): this section outlines the assessment processes for both CPD pathways within RELT, the written pathway and the professional dialogue pathway. These processes apply to Descriptors 1,2, 3 and 4. This section also includes brief information on the confirmation of award process for the taught route (D1 and D2 via PGCLTHE which encompasses Modules 1 and 2)
  1. Guidance for applicants (Pages 6-12): this section provides information for CPD route applicants on how to submit an application for either the written or the professional dialogue pathway and guidance onwhat to expect from the assessment process at Teesside. For those applying via the taught route (Modules 1 and 2 of the PGCLTHE) please see the Programme Handbook available from the programme leader Jayne Tidd.
  1. Guidance for assessors (Pages 13-15): this section provides information for assessors of the CPD route on making appropriate judgements against the UKPSF Descriptors and Dimensions.

Appendix: Assessment Grids (Pages 16-23)

Section 1: Assessment processes


This section provides an overview of the assessment processes for the two CPD pathways, the written pathway and the professional dialogue pathway as well as a brief outline of the confirmation of award process for Descriptors 1 and 2 via the taught route PGCL&THE (module 1 and 2).This latter is discussed under ‘The Decision Panel’ section.

The decision making process is discussed below with details of how judgement processes are assured across the different routes and pathways. How the decision making process will be managed effectively over time, and through predicted expansion in the number of applications, is also described.

The Decision Panel

The Panel in the initial year of operation will be the Teaching Fellow Conferment Committee (TFCC), an established University Committee, which also oversees the awarding of the University’s own Teaching Fellow Scheme, and which has overseen the previous UKPSF Framework at Teesside. This will ensure consistency with the previous Framework decisions and provide the opportunity to establish the new Framework effectively. At least a year into the accreditation period of operation, the Panel will shift to be the UKPSF Co-ordination Group (UCG), and TFCC will ratify the decisions of this Group/Panel on behalf of the University.

In practice, what this means is that decisions on applications for D1-D4 via the CPD route, either pathway, will be made for the first year of operation by the Teaching Fellow Conferment Committee (TFCC). In the second year, The UKPSF Co-ordination Group (UCG) will be set up andwill initially include members of TFCC plus a number of other Principal Fellows and Senior Fellows within the University, and staff who have experience of externally reviewing UKPSF applications at other institutions. Training will be provided for those members who have not previously been involved in the decision making processes on TFCC. It is expected that UCG will become ‘The Panel’ at some point during the second year of operation although externality will be maintained via TFCC sampling (TFCC has an external member). An outline of the decision making processes from the beginning of the operation of RELT for both CPD pathways is provided below.

TFCC will also record confirmation of awards for D1 and D2 through the taught route (Modules 1 and 2 of the PgCLTHE). It is a requirement of the RELT Framework that the PgCLTHE Programme Leader is a member of the Committee. As a member of the Committee the taught routes Programme Leader also acts as one of the assessors for the CPD route for D1 and D2. Once the UCG is established (see below) the Programme Leaders for both the CPD Routes and the PgCLTHE (ie the taught routes) will be members of both TFCC and UCG. Other members of TFCC provide advice and guidance for the taught route Programme (both modules) in relation to the UKPSF and participate in teaching sessions. The CPD Programme Leader is ‘a critical friend’ for the taught Programme. The taught route assessment process will use the same assessment grid used by the CPD route for D1 and D2 in reviewing the work submitted by applicants (this grid is available in the appendix). These processes ensure consistency of judgement between the taught and CPD routes.

Decision processes by CPD pathway


Written Pathway

All panel members are encouraged to read all applications, however 1st and 2nd readers are allocated to each application and provide more detailed feedback for the Committee using the Assessment Grids (in Appendix). The external reads all applications. (This ensures all written pathway applications, including D4 are assessed by at least 3 readers). All judgement is made against the Dimensions of the UKPSFviewed through the relevant Descriptor lens. Feedback is noted at the decision making meeting of the Committee and forwarded to the applicant after the meeting.

Professional Dialogue Pathway

All dialogues are recorded. All panel members are encouraged to review the recordings. The same panel members assess both the written and the dialogue routes, using the same Assessment Grids (in Appendix). The TFCC member who does the dialogue with the applicant is treated as 1stassessor, another member of TFCC is identified as 2nd assessor. The 2 identified assessors provide more detailed feedback for the Committee (using the Assessment Grid). The external listens to all dialogue recordings. (This ensures all dialogue pathway applications, including D4 are assessed by at least 3 readers AND to ensure parity of judgement with the written route).All judgement is made against the Dimensions of the UKPSF viewed through the relevant Descriptor lens using the relevant Assessment Grid and the UKPSF 2011 as guide.

Assessors are independent of the applicant, of appropriate standing in learning and teaching and have achieved at least the same UKPSF recognition as the applicant e.g. SFHEA or PFHEA for SFHEA applicant. Any members of the Committee who are mentoring an applicant declare an interest and don’t participate in the decision making process for their mentees for either pathway.

Unsuccessful candidates

The panel will provide unsuccessful candidates for both CPD pathways with detailed feedback against the relevant Descriptor. The mentoring arrangements will be reviewed by the Panel and if appropriate an alternative mentor will be allocated who can focus on providing support in relation to the gaps in the application. Recommendations will be made by the Panel on resubmission identifying an appropriate timescale. It is envisaged that normally an applicant will not resubmit more than once in a year. As a normal part of the ongoing RELT framework review process, TFCC will monitor the ratio of unsuccessful applications and take appropriate steps as necessary.

All decisions for D1-D4, both written and dialogue routes will be reviewed/moderated by an external for at least the first year of operation of the new framework or until internal processes have been proven to be robust (for D4 all decisions will continue to be externally reviewed).


Once the UKPSF Co-ordination Group (UCG) is established, and TFCC with the approval of the external has agreed processes are robust, the initial decision making processes will be made by UCG, but will be ratified by TFCC. As part of the evaluation of the UKPSF Co-ordination Group operation, the external will provide a report at the end of the first year reviewing decisions made during the year for consistency, good practice and to make recommendations for any further developments of the process, or for staff development. However, during the first year, reflections on decisions will also be recorded through TFCC to provide guidance for future decision making.

Under the remit of UCG, (this Group is being established primarily to manage the predicted increase in numbers of applications) the following processes will apply: For D1-D2, both the written and dialogue routes, there will be minimum of two assessors once UCG is established. For D3-D4, both the written and dialogue routes, there will be minimum of three assessors. Decisions made at UCG will besample moderated by TFCC (and the external who is a member of this Committee); with the exception of D4 decisions, all of which will continue to be externally reviewed, with the external assessor continuing to act as one of the three assessors. Decision processes will otherwise follow the same processes as in the first year.

Section 2: Guidance for applicants on assessment


This section provides guidance for applicants on the assessment requirements for the RELT CPD Route for all Descriptors 1-4. For assessment requirements for the Taught route (available for D1-2), see the PgCLTHE Programme Handbook, and/or speak to the PgCLTHE Programme Leader.

Descriptor 1: Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (AFHEA)

Descriptor 2: Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)

Descriptor 3: Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA)

Descriptor 4: Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (PFHEA)

An online support site has been developed to support applicants for the RELT CPD route, for all Descriptors, and if you haven’t seen this site, you are encouraged to have a look and to use the guidance and materials there to: help you decide which Descriptor is right for you; help you work towards the chosen Descriptor; and to prepare your application (

Pease be aware that this site is an OER (Open Educational Resource), which is available for other HEIs to adapt and use, as such it does not include specific details with regards to the application process for Teesside University Staff. This Assessment Guide, and in particular, this section of The Assessment Guide provides that information.

For information on other support provided to Teesside staff, which includes: mentors, peer groups, workshops and retreats contact the CPD Route Programme Leader and refer to L&T@Tees:

Once you have registered with the CPD Programme Leader to work towards a particular award, you will be provided with a mentor and will also be notified of relevant activities and resources by email. A programme of support activities, which you can access to support both your work towards a specific award, and your maintenance of good standing is published annually.

The rest of this section provides information on the assessment for both pathways within the CPD route, for all Descriptors 1-4.

General guidance

To decide whether this is the right route for you, and to see an overview of the CPD route, check out the table on page 7.

Summary of CPD route

What/who is it for?

The CPD route to Descriptor 2, 3 and 4 is primarily designed for staff who have experience of teaching and learning support, i.e. staff with more than 3 years experience of teaching and learning support, both those new to the University, and those who have been within the institution for a number of years.

The CPD route to Descriptor 1 is most suitable for: research staff who have limited teaching, research postgraduate students who are doing some teaching, and some learning support staff. A number of research staff and postgraduate students who teach had identified a desire to gain a qualification and this route provides an opportunity for them to do so in a way which can be managed alongside their research activity.


All applicants must have some teaching or learning support experience. The amount and variety of this experience and impact on student learning is likely to provide a guide to the most appropriate Descriptor. The scheme co-ordinator and allocated mentor will provide guidance on identifying the appropriate Descriptor.


It is possible to apply for any Descriptor, subject to ability to evidence experience and knowledge against the relevant UKPSF criteria. Some staff may choose to work towards AFHEA first, and as they gain more experience and knowledge work towards FHEA and then SFHEA, but this is not a requirement of the Framework at Teesside. Staff who gain an award will be encouraged to consider possible ongoing development and the opportunities available both to support maintaining good standing and work towards a different Descriptor as their career progresses.

Journey through

Stage 1: A member of staff interested in any award within the Scheme will attend an initial workshop where guidance will be provided on the scheme, and on the application process.

Stage 2: After the workshop the member of staff emails the Scheme lead, identifying which Descriptor they are interested in working towards. The Scheme lead will identify a mentor and advise both the applicant and the mentor

Stage 3: the applicant will develop their application with the support of the mentor drawing on the CPD programme and applicant support activities (see page9).

Stage 4: the applicant advises the scheme lead at least 8 weeks before the relevant TFCC that they will be submitting an application.

Submit evidence

Stage 5: the applicant submits an application via the appropriate CPD route: for the written route they submit the full application 4 weeks before TFCC; for the dialogue route they submit the written elements of the application at least 6 weeks before the TFCC, so that the dialogue can be arranged for at least 4 weeks before the meeting.

For the Dialogue route, the applicant participates in the audio recorded dialogue, which is structured around the words submitted prior, and guided by the relevant Descriptor.


The relevant Descriptors are used to assess the written application, or dialogue. The assessors use an assessment grid to ensure consistency.

The assessment panel meets at least twice a year (at least in June and December/January). Dates of panel meetings and deadlines for submission of written applications are announced via the L&T website, and via mentors. Assessment by professional dialogue can be arranged at various points during the year, but decisions will only be ratified via the assessment panel meetings, and the dialogue MUST take place at least 4 weeks before a panel meets to enable assessments to be ratified. This means that the mandatory material for the dialogue pathway must be submitted at least 6 weeks before a panel meets. To arrange a professional dialogue assessment, contact the Programme Leader for the CPD route.

Written application pathway

Although the format of the written application may be similar for all Descriptors, the breadth, depth and ‘reach’ of the examples or evidence provided will differ according to the UKPSF Descriptor.

Each application will include:

Covering letter addressed to the Chair of the Teaching Fellow Conferment Committee

3000 to 4000 word (this is approximate) reflective narrative outlining how the applicant meets the requirements of the UK Professional Standards Framework for Teaching and Supporting Learning (2011) Descriptor they are applying for, based on a small number of case studies from their teaching and learning support practice, making reference and signposting to the file of supporting evidence. For D4 applicants this must demonstrate strategic and wide ranging impact

Evidence file which supports the reflective narrative providing effective demonstration of the UK Professional Standards Framework for Teaching and Supporting Learning (2011)Descriptor for which they are applying. This evidence file will include:

  • One page summary of their case (mandatory).
  • CV (mandatory).
  • Document mapping the practice examples discussed in the narrative against relevant Descriptor (mandatory).
  • Details of two referees of appropriate standing in learning and teaching support (including one external to the university for D3). For D4 three referees are required, two of which must be external to the university and at least one of which must be recognised at SFHEA or PFHEA) (mandatory).
  • Written support from the relevant line manager/Dean/Director (mandatory).
  • Publications.
  • Details of involvement with national and international organisations (particularly D4).
  • Teaching observation/peer review reports (optional).
  • Testimonials (optional).
  • Short recording of reflective conversation between the applicant and mentor on how/why they meet the Descriptor applied for (optional).

Other specific pieces of evidence, to be determined by the applicant and how they choose to evidence against the Descriptor, may be included but are not necessarily required. Where other specific pieces of evidence are included a clear rationale for inclusion must be made in the narrative.