Central Bedfordshire
Safeguarding Children in EducationAnnual Audit
Name of School:Completed By:
Position:Contact Details:
Date completed:Date returned:
Name of Headteacher: Chair of Governors:
Safeguarding Audit for maintained schools - September 2015
Section 1 –Roles & Responsibilities
Question / Answer / Evidence1a / Who is your Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)?
1b / Who is/are your Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead(s)?
1c / Who is your Designated Teacher assigned to LAC?
1d / Who is your nominated governor for Safeguarding?
1e / Is your DSP a member of the Senior Management Team? / YES/NO
1f / Does everyone in the school community know theDSLand their role, e.g. is this information freely available on the school website, in appropriate posters, leaflets, and newsletters? / YES/NO
1g / Is Safeguarding always an item at your full governing body meetings. / YES/NO
1h / Does the governor responsible for Safeguarding carry out a specific visit at least twice a year? / YES/NO
1i / Does the Governing body and staff ensure that they comply with their duties under
legislation and have regard for the guidance ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ July 2015, in the management of safeguarding? / YES/NO
1j / Do parents know the name of your Safeguarding Governor? / YES/NO
1k / Is the child protection policy available publicly and are parents made aware that referrals about
suspected abuse or neglect of pupils will be made, and the role of the school in this? / YES/NO
Section 2 - Safer Recruitment
Question / Answer / Evidence2a / Has your Head Teacher undertaken recent Safer Recruitment Training? / YES/NO
2b / Has your Safeguarding Governor undertaken Safer Recruitment Training? / YES/NO
2c / Has any other staff or Governors undertaken Safer recruitment training?
2d / Is safer recruitment training reflected in your school’s recruitment policy and procedures e.g. career
gaps identified and questioned, two written references obtained on short listed candidates before
interview directly from the referee? / YES/NO
2e / Do all job descriptions and advertisements include a reference to the school’s commitment to safeguarding? / YES/NO
2f / Do all employees have an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check? / YES/NO
2g / New appointments-
Does the school check a candidate’s identity, obtained a certificate for an enhanced DBS which includes
barred list information, verified their mental and physical fitness to carry out their work responsibilities,verified the person’s right to work in the UK and their professional qualifications, as appropriate.
‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ July 2015 / YES/NO
2h / Have staff working in Early Years had the appropriate checks in relation to ‘disqualification by
association’ (Disqualification under the Childcare Act 2006 guidance) / YES/NO
2i / Do all Governors have an enhanced DBS check in line with your schools policy? / YES/NO
2j / Do all supply and agency staffhave an enhanced DBS check? / YES/NO
2k / Do all adults that attend the school have a DBS or appropriate checks in place in accordance with the guidance on use of regulated and non-regulated adults in schools? / YES/NO
2l / If not, how have Governors and senior leaders assessed the level of supervision provided?
2m / Have any individuals joined the DBS update service, at the point an application for a new DBS check
was made? Further information about this service can be found at GOV.UK (July 2015) / YES/NO
2n / Who is responsible for your Single Central Record (SCR)?
2o / Does your SCR cover all staff (including supply staff and teacher trainees on salaried routes) who work
at the school? / YES/NO
2p / Does your SCR include all staff, external agencies, governors and volunteers who are either employed
by the school or who have regular and unsupervised contact with children? / YES/NO
2q / Is there a method of recordingwhichstaff members are on site, at any time? / YES/NO
2r / Are all visitors to the School given a brief guide to Safeguarding and H&S on arrival? / YES/NO
2s / Are visitors’ ID badges checked on arrival? / YES/NO
2t / Do all visitors wear school ID badges and do staff and pupils know this? / YES/NO
2u / Are all short term external maintenance staff or contactors who do not have an enhanced DBS check, supervised at all times? / YES/NO
Section 3–Training
Question / Answer / Evidence3a / Have all the staff in your school community (including support staff and volunteers) undertaken
Basic Awareness Safeguarding/Child Protection training within the last 3 years and do they understand the definition of Safeguarding? / YES/NO
3b / Are all staff given additionalSafeguarding training annually? / YES/NO
3c / Have other members of staff completed any other Safeguarding training inthe last 12 months, for example completion of Early Help Assessment (formally CAF)training? / YES/NO
3d / Do you identify child protection training for all staff on your SCR with the date taken? / YES/NO
3e / Have you records of training given (power point or notes), name of trainer and are staff certificates
on file? / YES/NO
3f / Has your Designated Safeguarding Lead completed specific DSL training within the last 2 years? / YES/NO
3g / Has your deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead completed specific DSL training within the last 2 years? / YES/NO
3h / Do you have a detailed record of the dates Governors attended Safeguarding training? / YES/NO
3i / Does your DSL or Deputy DSL contribute to and ensure that an appropriately trained member of school staff attends where required for:
- Strategy Meetings
- Child Protection Case Conferences and Reviews
- Team Around the Child meetings
Section 4–Guidance, PoliciesProcedures
Question / Answer / Evidence4a / Does your School have a compliant Child Protection/Safeguarding policy which identifies a clear
approach to implementing the Prevent duty and keeping pupils safe from the dangers of radicalisation, action to raise awareness of pupils of domestic abuse and child sexual exploitation?
(Inspecting safeguarding in early years, education and skills settings, Ofsted-August 2015) / YES/NO
4b / Are pupils able to understand, respond to and calculate risk effectively, for example risks associated with child sexual exploitation, domestic violence, female genital mutilation, forced marriage, substance misuse, gang activity, radicalisation and extremism and are they aware of the support available to them?
(Inspecting safeguarding in early years, education and skills settings, Ofsted-August 2015) / YES/NO
4c / Is your Child Protection/Safeguarding policy reviewed by staff and governors on an annual basis? / YES/NO
4d / Is your Child Protection/Safeguarding policy on the website and available to everyone in the school community? / YES/NO
4e / Are your policy and child protection procedures included in your induction pack to all new staff
(including NQT’s, supply staff and students)? / YES/NO
4f / Are there records of how the school has responded in a timely and appropriate way to safeguarding concerns/allegations and how effectively the school has worked in partnership with external agencies regarding any concerns? / YES/NO
4g / Does your school have an available copy of the DfEstatutory guidance ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children 2015’ and What to do if you are worried a child is being abused 2015-advice for practitioners? / YES/NO
4h / Have the staff received training (if relevant) or discussed the following policies and their procedures,
related to Safeguarding?
- Allegations of abuse made against teachers and other staff
- Staff code of conduct
- Behaviour for Learning
- How to make a complaint
- Pupil restraint/physical intervention
- Health and Safety including evacuation procedures in emergencies
- Educational visits
- Access to students records and taking photos
- Supporting students with medical needs
- Intimate care
- First Aid
- Whistleblowing
- Anti-Bullying
- Attendance
- Drugs and substance misuse
- Sex and Relationships
- E-Safety and acceptable use of the Internet
- Teachers Standards 2012
4i / Are the above policies reviewed by Governors annually along with the Child Protection Policy? / YES/NO
4j / Does the Schoolsubscribe to the LA guidance (EVOLVE) and procedures for education visits, including residential trips?
If not, what arrangements are in place? / YES/NO
4k / Do all staff leading trips receive additional training, including completion of riskassessments? / YES/NO
4l / Does the physical intervention policy detail that reasonable force, including restraintis only used in strict accordance with the legislative framework to protect the child and learner and those around them?
Are all incidents reviewed, recorded and monitored and the views of the pupil sought and understood?
Is the monitoring of the management of behaviour effective and is there evidence that the use of any restraint significantly reduces or ceases over time?
(Inspecting safeguarding in early years, education and skills settings, Ofsted-August 2015) / YES/NO
4m / Is the evidence gathered in relation to attendance and behaviour used by staff as signs that may indicate possible safeguarding concerns? For example, poor or irregular attendance, persistent lateness, children missing from education, forced marriage or female genital mutilation.
(Inspecting safeguarding in early years, education and skills settings, Ofsted-August 2015) / YES/NO
Section 5 - On & Off-Site Safety
Question / Answer / Evidence5a / Who is the named person with responsibility for Health and Safety in your School?
5b / Who is the named governor with responsibility for Heath and Safety in your School?
5c / Does the school have adequate security arrangements for the grounds and buildings, including an Emergency Plan which has details of ‘lock down’ procedures? / YES/NO
5d / Does the School have an adequate number of trained first aiders on site? / YES/NO
5e / Are risk assessments in place to cover all aspects of the school’s work, such as premises and equipment, on-site activities, off-site activities and the venues used, use of minibuses and other
forms of transport? / YES/NO
5f / Are risk assessments and/or risk management plans in place for any children who present
particular risks e.g. sexualised behaviour, or who have particular vulnerabilities? / YES/NO
5g / Are the school grounds and premises checked regularly to ensure it is safe and secure including
the perimeter fence? / YES/NO
5h / Are health and safety concerns reported immediately to the named person for H&S? / YES/NO
5i / Does the School carry out a termly fire drill as minimum? / YES/NO
5j / Do leaders and staff write clear risk assessments and respond consistently to protect young children while enabling them to take age-appropriate and reasonable risks as part of their growth and development?
(Inspecting safeguarding in early years, education and skills settings, Ofsted-August 2015) / YES/NO
5k / Does the school have a well managed accident log that is monitored daily and action taken where appropriate e.g. RIDOR reporting? / YES/NO
Section 6 – Identifying, Recording, Responding to Concerns & Raising Awareness
Question / Answer / Evidence6a / Are there clear systems for how all cases of suspected abuse or concerns are reported to the Designated Safeguarding Leadand is there evidence they are being used well? / YES/NO
6b / Does the Designated Safeguarding Lead refer all cases to the relevant local authority children’s social care?
Where the concern is about suspected harm or risk of harm to a child, is there a referral made to the local authority for the area where the child lives?
Where the concern is an allegation about a member of staff in a setting, or another type of safeguarding issue affecting children and young people in a setting, is the matter referred to the local authority, in which the setting is located?
(Inspecting safeguarding in early years, education and skills settings, Ofsted-August 2015) / YES/NO
6c / Are there detailed, accurate, secure written records of all concerns and referrals and has a trusted
adult been instrumental in helping pupils to be safe in accordance with agreed local procedures, including when there are issues concerning sexual exploitation, radicalisation and/or extremism and
that they have sought additional advice and support?
(Inspecting safeguarding in early years, education and skills settings, Ofsted-August 2015) / YES/NO
6d / Are there plans and help in place, reducing the risk of harm or actual harm and is there evidence that
the impact of these risks is being minimised?
Are these risks kept under regular review and is thereregular and effective liaison with other
agencies where appropriate?
(Inspecting safeguarding in early years, education and skills settings, Ofsted-August 2015) / YES/NO
6e / If a ‘Record of Concern’, ‘Cause for Concern’ form or similar is received for a pupil, is a “Child in
Need” file opened for them?
Is there a written plan in place with clear and agreed procedures to protect the child? / YES/NO
6f / Does the School have an up to date plan for pupils on Child Protection (CP), Child in Need (CHIN)
and those Looked After (LAC)?
Does the plan identify the help the child should receive and the action to be taken if a professional working with the child has further concerns or information to report? / YES/NO
6g / Does the School have well organised files for all of the above groups, which are stored in a locked cupboard, with clear access arrangements? / YES/NO
6h / Are parents are made aware of concerns and their consent is sought in accordance with local procedures unless doing so would increase the risk of or actual harm to a child? / YES/NO
6i / Does the Designated Safeguarding Lead encourage a culture of listening to children and taking
account of their wishes and feelings, among all staff and put appropriate measures in place in order
to protect children,including informing them appropriately about the action the adult is taking to share their concerns? / YES/NO
6j / Are relevant staff aware of pupils who are persistently absent or missing and do they take
appropriate action to support the families of these children? / YES/NO
6k / Is there a responsible person for the transfer of Child Protection records when a child moves school
and arerecords sent separately from the main file,ensuring the secure transit and confirmation of receipt is obtained? / YES/NO
6l / In accordance with local procedures, does your school notify the LA of any children who are ‘missing from education’?
In relation to early years settings, are providers aware of and do they implement the requirements of
the ‘Statutory framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage’ when children go missing while in
their care? / YES/NO
6m / Does the Designated Safeguarding Lead have a link with the LSCB, to ensure that staff are aware of
new training opportunities? / YES/NO
Section 7 – Pupils Safety & Safe Practices
Question / Answer / Evidence7a / Do pupils feel safe and can identify a trusted adult with whom they can talk about any concerns? Do pupils report that adults listen to them and take their concerns seriously?
Do very young children (e.g. two year olds) who are unable to share their concerns, form strong attachments with those who care for them through the key worker system? / YES/NO
7b / Do you have a named person responsible for pupils with chronic or long-term medical needs? / YES/NO
7c / Are comprehensive care plans in place for pupils with medical needs? / YES/NO
7d / Does your school have a definition of Equality Duty policy (based on the Equality Act 2010)that is understood by all members of the school community? / YES/NO
7e / Does your school have an Equality Duty action plan which is available on the School web-site? / YES/NO
7f / Can you demonstrate how the curriculum is used to promote safeguarding and the safe use of
technology? / YES/NO
7g / Do leaders oversee the safe use of technology when children and learners are in their care and take action immediately if they are concerned about bullying or children’s well-being?
Do leaders of early years settings implement the required policies with regard to the safe use of mobile phones and cameras in settings? / YES/NO
7h / Are children and learners protected and helped to keep safe from bullying, homophobic behaviour, racism, sexism and other forms of discrimination?
Are discriminatory behaviours challenged and is help and support given to children about how to treat others with respect. / YES/NO
7i / Does your school keep records of any discriminatory behaviour incidents? / YES/NO
7j / Does your school keep records of any complaints?
(Inspecting safeguarding in early years, education and skills settings, Ofsted-August 2015) / YES/NO
Safeguarding Audit for maintained schools - September 2015