To: Latvia Higher Education

And Science department

The Centre of Higher Education

Quality Assessment

Request for accreditation

of second level higher professional education study program


(CODE 46141)

at the Faculty of Humanities and Law

at Rezekne Higher Education Institution

Address of

Faculty of Humanities and Law:

Atbrīvošanas aleja 115

Rēzekne, LV-4600

T.: 46 22681

Program director, Master of pedagogy, VALDA ČAKŠA –

responsible for the preparing

of study program’s accreditation materials

The Dean of Rezekne Higher Education Institution,

Faculty of Humanities and Law,

Master of pedagogy, lecturer VERONIKA KORKLA –

accepts the request for accreditation


4. Description of second level professional higher education study program “Teacher of history and history of culture” ……………………………………………………………….
5. Advertising and informative issues ……………………………………………………….
6. Study program evaluation according to state interests of Latvia …………………………
6.1. Study program’s compliance with higher professional education standard and teacher
profession standard ……………………………………………………………………
6.2. Employers’ surveys results ……………………………………………………………
7. Study program assessment …………………………………………………………………
7.1. Objective and tasks of the study program ……………………………………………..
7.2. Organization of the study process …………………………………………………….
7.3. Practical realization of the study program …………………………………………….
7.3.1. Impact of academics’ research on studies work ………………………………..
7.4. Assessment system …………………………………………………………………….
7.5. Students ………………………………………………………………………………..
7.5.1. The number of students in the program ………………………………………...
7.5.2. The number of 1st year students ………………………………………………...
7.5.3. The number of graduates ……………………………………………………….
7.5.4. Students’ surveys and their analysis ……………………………………………
7.5.5. Graduates’ surveys and their analysis …………………………………………..
7.5.6. Students participation in development of the study process ……………………
7.6. Academic staff employed in the study program ………………………………………
7.6.1. The number of academic staff in 2005/2006 ……………………………………
7.6.2. Compliance of academic staff qualification with implementation of objectives
and tasks of the structural unit ………………………………………………….
7.6.3. Academic staff selection, renewal and training policy …………………………
7.7. Sources of financing and infrastructure support ………………………………………
7.7.1. Financial sources of the study program …………………………………………
7.7.2. RA library fund ………………………………………………………………….
7.7.3. Material resources of the study program ………………………………………..
7.8. External relations ……………………………………………………………………...
7.8.1. Relations with employers ………………………………………………………..
7.8.2. Collaboration with similar study programs in Latvia and abroad ……………….
7.8.3. Academic staff having worked in education institutions or conducted scientific
research abroad ………………………………………………………………….
7.8.4. Number of foreign visiting lecturers in the accreditation period………………..
7.8.5. Students exchange ……………………………………………………………….
8. Development plan of the study program for the academic years 2005-2012 ……………...
Summary ……………………………………………………………………………………... / 4

4. Description of second level professional higher education study program

“Teacher of history and history of culture”

The second level professional higher education study program “Teacher of History and History of Culture” with code 47141427 is licensed on March 31, 2003; license No. 04048-11, accredited with code 47141427 for 2 years till December 31, 2006, decision of the accreditation commission No. 748 (21.06.2004.) (See Appendix No.2).

The study program is made as a continuation of the academic Bachelor study program “History” or professional study program of a teacher of history in order to receive a qualification of a secondary school teacher (see Bachelor study program in the Department).

The topicality of the program as well as its content are conformed with General Education department of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia, Teachers of history and history of culture associations, Rezekne city teachers of history methodological union, LPA Social sciences and management department; there is concluded an agreement with LPA regarding cooperation in ensuring study possibilities (see Appendix 4).

The study program is worked out according to:

·  the regulations No.347 “Regulations on requirement for education and professional qualification necessary for teachers” (03.10.2000) of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia,

·  regulations on the second level higher professional education state standard No. 481 (20.11.2001.) issued according to the article 19 of the paragraph 14,

·  the direction of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia No.669 (26.10.2004.) “Appropriate Thematic Ares of a Subject”,

·  and Rezekne Higher Education Institution (RHEI) Senate resolutions and other normative documents (see in the Department).

The choice of the didactic model for the study program was determined by the tendencies of contemporary teacher training programs in European higher education institutions which confirm a trend towards complementing academic education with teacher’s professional skills and possibilities to diversify everyday work in classroom.

According to the organizational-structural model the curriculum is comprised of modules including interrelated blocks of study courses. The possibilities to have a choice allow students to determine the content of their professional competence by themselves.

Compulsory part study courses for teacher’s profession (module A)—are focused on the theoretical basis of teacher education comprised of General Pedagogy, Methods of Pedagogical Research, Didactics, Theory of Upbringing, General Psychology, Philosophy of Education etc. Working out and defending a diploma paper as well as taking a final exam are compulsory.

Teacher of history and history of culture professional specialization compulsory selective part (module B)—are focused on the study courses for ensuring professional competence of the teacher of history and history of culture as well as for development of social, communicative and organizing skills. There must be compulsory acquired the didactic system of a teacher of history and history of culture work—teaching methods and techniques (3CP). In order to broaden the professional competence, a student must choose 4 CP from the study courses offered by the department: Reading and Writing for Development of Critical Thinking, Multiculturalism, History of Culture, World History, Creative Work with Information in Formation of Positive Learning Motivation.

In order to train practical skills of teacher’s work, there are envisaged 26 CP for pedagogical practices. The practice has three stages.

Elective part broadening teacher’s of history and history of culture competence (module C)—courses of 2 CP. Students mostly choose the following study courses: Protection of Children Rights or Social Memory in Pupils’ Scientific Research. In this module students may choose study courses offered by other departments.

The content of the study courses is harmonized, purposeful acquisition of basics of pedagogical and psychological sciences, practical study courses as well as pedagogical practice is ensured. Both the content of the curriculum and the content of individual study courses are organized in modules. The academic staff work in pairs in such study courses as “Upbringing and Research Methods in Pedagogy”, “Creative Work with Information in Formation of Positive Learning Motivation”, “Pedagogical Ethics and Protection of Children Rights”, “Multiculturalism”, “Basics of Culture Theory”; it allows to use lecturers’ priorities purposefully as well as highlight unity of theory and practice.

The content of the elective part and partially of the compulsory selective part can change according to the students’ request. In these parts of the program there can be offered study courses carried out at other faculties of RA if prospective teachers of history and history of culture are willing to acquire them. In the academic Bachelor study program students could already choose elective courses (module C) offered in the science of pedagogy and psychology.

In the second level higher professional education study program “Teacher of history and history of culture” the compulsory content of pedagogical education is ensured by 21.7 % of study courses CP, specialization of the teacher of history and history of culture—35 % of study courses CP, development of practical teacher’s of history and history of culture competencies—43.3% of the study program credit points.

In the second level professional higher education study program “Teacher of history and history of culture” there are enrolled candidates without entrance exams if they have acquired a Bachelor degree in history or higher professional qualification of a teacher of history/history of culture.

If any other higher pedagogical education is acquired and a candidate submits a reference proving his/her experience as a teacher of history or history of culture (at least 1 year) and a certificate of in-service training courses allowing to teach history or history of culture (at least 36 hours), s/he is enrolled after an interview.

For students having work experience a corresponding part of pedagogical practice is transferred and counted in compliance with the requirements of the practice program, e.g., basing on a reference from school regarding teacher’s work assessment and teacher’s self-analysis of the experience of teaching history/history of culture.

In full-time studies the planned 60 CP must be acquired during 3 semesters, in part-time studies it is planned to have 4 semesters and 14-16 CP to be acquired each semester. The contact hours in part-time studies comprise 25% of the amount planned for obtaining 1 credit point in full-time studies.

The qualification is acquired if there are successfully passed compulsory, elective and selective courses of module A, B and C, worked out and defended a diploma paper (10 credit points), passed practices (26 credit points) and successfully passed a final state exam (2 credit points). (See the study program in App.3)

Figure 1

Division of the study program courses in credit points

5. Advertising and informative issues

The information about studies in the study program “Teacher of History and History of Culture” can be found:

1)  in special career days organized in different regional schools of Latvia, where program directors and students of RHEI, Faculty of Humanities and Law take part;

2)  in informative days at the higher education institution when anyone can meet lecturers, students and obtain information about the faculty and its performance and activities;

3)  in special informative booklets about study fields issued by the faculty;

4)  in publications in the press (in April-July, 2003 in the newspapers Izglitiba un Kultura”, “Latvijas Avize”, “Diena”, “Vieteja Avize”, “Rezeknes Vestis”, “RA Dialogi” there was published complete information as well as advertisements about the Faculty of Humanities and Law and the study programs offered by the Department of History and Philosophy);

5)  in Rezekne TV program including events from RHEI, there was broadcasted information about academic education programs in the faculty;

6)  in the Internet on RHEI web page (, where there is included information about studies at all the faculties at RHEI.

6. Study program evaluation according to state interests of Latvia

In Latvia only Daugavpils University has a similar licensed study program – “Secondary Education Teacher” (May, 2005) offering a qualification of a teacher of history and history of culture at secondary school. The volume of the program – 80 CP, 2.5 years in part-time studies. In the study programs carried out by other higher education institutions in Latvia one can obtain a qualification of a teacher of history or history of culture in combination with a qualification of a teacher of social studies, household, visual art. The qualification “Teacher of History and History of Culture” is necessary because they correspond to the same thematic group and the number of lessons in history or history of culture (6 lessons per week) is too small in order to ensure a full load (at secondary school having no parallel forms) for a teacher who has only a qualification of a teacher of history or history of culture.

Study program demand and students’ education data show that still at many secondary schools in Latvia teachers, who teach history and history of culture, have no appropriate qualification (See in the Department). This data prove that in the labor market in Latvia, especially in Latgale there is a lack of academically educated teachers of history and history of culture. At rural secondary schools as well as in some town schools there are teachers of history whose diploma envisages teaching history only at primary school. In its turn, history of culture is taught by graduates of culture or art study programs whose have no teacher qualification. The obtained in-service courses certificates cannot guarantee coherent and consistent knowledge in history and culturology. Such knowledge can be acquired only in academic study programs or profiling higher professional education study programs.

6.1. Study program’s compliance with higher professional education standard and teacher profession standard

The study program made on the basics of academic Bachelor or professional pedagogical education ensures and improves teacher’s competences according to the latest ideas of psychology and pedagogy, topicalities in the profession of teacher of history and history of culture. Comparing Regulations on the second level professional higher education state standard and the offered study program, the following is seen:

No. / Second level professional higher education state standard requirements to the compulsory content of professional programs / The study program envisages
1. / The extent of the study program at least 40 CP / 60 CP
2. / The total duration of studies for obtaining a professional qualification is at least 4 years / Full-time Bachelor studies 3.5 years + 1.5 years of professional studies = 5 years
Part-time Bachelor studies 4 years + 2 years of professional studies = 6 years
3. / Theoretical courses of the field and professional specialization courses of at least 4 CP / 22 CP
4. / Practice 26 CP / Practice 26 CP
5. / Final state examination including a diploma paper of at least 10 CP / Diploma paper—10 CP, state exam—2CP
6. / The compliance of the study courses extent and content with the profession standard / Acquired Bachelor study program “History” of 140 CP, which includes acquisition of history and other humanitarian sciences—59%, culture and history of culture—22%, social sciences—15%, study courses from other fields of sciences—4%. There are envisaged 60 CP for acquiring a qualification of teacher of history and history of culture. The total duration of full-time studies—5 years (200 CP).

See the teacher profession standard in the Department.

6.2. Employers’ surveys results

Every year there are conducted employers—headmasters, methodological unions’ leaders or deputy headmasters in teaching work surveys about the current students and graduates of the study program work at school. During practices as well colleagues and pupils evaluate the students of the study program “Teacher of History and History of Culture” taking into consideration their professional and didactic background, variety of application of teaching methods and techniques and professional competence. The employers consider that the most positive indicators of the acquisition of the study program in work of teachers of history and history of culture are the following ones: