November 17, 2014

Executive Committee for Faculty Congress

4:00 to 5:00 pm

Present: Kim, Jan, Roberta, Mike, Faith, Norbert, Seri, Avis

Absent: Jim, Mitch

OPEN HOUSE: Wednesday, December 10th 9:30 to 11:30 am

Kim handed out Nov. 21 Faculty Congress Agenda

Old Business:

  • Voting on motions deferred from October 17th meeting
  • Fast Track on Selected Minor Curriculum Changes
  • Include Registrar in early phases of Curriculum Review Process
  • Suggestion made to send Interim Registrar (Chelsea Wong) info on motions prior to meeting. Invite her to meeting.

New Business:

  • Emmeline dePillis – will put forth Motion 3 (attached in handout) – To require incoming freshman to take a one-credit UNIV 101 course
  • Norbert (FC rep on committee working on this issue) – UNIV 101—201—301 proposed
  • 101 required
  • 201 and 301 elective
  • Recommend discussion at Congress; vote later
  • Need to discuss with Jim possibility of this falling under Academic Policy Committee
  • Faith – Motion 4 To impartially track all foreign students in order to understand the poor retention rate of these students at UHH.
  • Discussed at last Congress, but formal motion put together
  • Tracking of data through Institutional Research Office as possibility
  • Faith willing to work with Kelli on what data to collect.
  • Faculty Development Committee (Attachment 5 and 6)
  • Credit for directed studies (Attachment 7)

Tie in to 5-Year Review Process

  • BOR asked for summary of 5 year reviews
  • Determined UHH did not do 5 Year Reviews
  • UHPA also in favor of 5 Year Review
  • Wants criteria developed through faculty input
  • Ultimately will have to be negotiated through EM and union
  • Faculty Congress
  • Survey tenure-track, tenured faculty as start
  • Exec Committee needs to meet with Jim present.
  • Per Jan R – 5th year review focused on professional development; perhaps PD committee can work on this?
  • Open House
  • Refreshments from Sodexo
  • Waiver – allows us to bring in coffee and pastries with $200
  • Friday’s Meeting in K Bldg – Room 127.
  • Future meetings Dec-May in SSB.
  • Senate issue:Instructor conversion issue
  • CAS Senate wants to ensure no one in tenure track position without national search.
  • G-funded for 7 years; university obligated to convert temporary to permanent position
  • Question on conversion to tenure-track; UHPA purview
  • Jan and Kim to follow up
  • GE re-certification process form (draft) – Exec Council approved this form.
  • Every 5 years—all courses recertified in one cycle.
  • GE Committee will send to each Department Chair.
  • Aviation Program – still must go into Curriculum Central.

Meeting adjourned 4:55 pm