Minutes of the Meeting of the Sutton Bonington Parish Council held in the Village Hall on Monday 5thMarch2018 commencing at 7.30pm

Present: R. Ereminowicz. (in the Chair), F. Clarke, T. Holt,J. Bradshaw,E.M. Raven

B. Pickering, C. Hellier, N. Scriven, D. Franklin& D. Etherton

Cllr A Brown

Apologies: J. Barton


The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 5th February2018 as circulated, were agreed and signed as a true record of the business transacted subject to the following amendment:

18/18 to be amended to read ‘due to the service being unreliable and also not being advertised sufficiently’

No action required

18.28 Matters Arising

1)Item 17.95/a - Bus Shelter library–Letter from the School Governors was reported. The Parish Council felt that without a minimum 5 year commitment it would not be in a position to take over the responsibility of the bus shelter bearing in mind the cost to the parish of replacing the shelter should it fall into disrepair in the future.


R. Ereminowicz to request a minimum 5yr committment


2)Item 18/13/2- Parking on the Verge– Nottinghamshire County Council no longer install posts on verges in response to verge damage. Nottinghamshire County Council feel as the verge is quite wide at this point the installation of posts would only move the problem further back and that the better approach would be via parking enforcement. Parking Enforcement Officer is to visit the site.

No action required.

3)Item 18/13/3 - Grit Bin–Nottinghamshire County Council are to consider installing a second publicly funded grit bin on Marle Pit Hill. The yellow grit bin is the same size as the blue bin and grit would again have to be left at the side of the bin. Winter Services are only contracted to hand shovel grit into Nottinghamshire County Council owned bins.

No action required

4) Item 18/18/2/b - Service 865 – The service has been promoted on the Kegworth Parish Council website and has also been twittered to the students living at Kegworth.

No action required.

5) Item 18/26/1 – Marle Pit HillGritting - Marle Pit Hill is already on the Severe Weather gritting route (roads that are gritted when snow or periods of prolonged freezing are forecast). Email outlining Nottinghamshire County Council’s policy regarding gritting was circulated.

No action required.

6) Item 18/26/2 - Marle Pit Hill – Nottinghamshire County Council are to request that the wall is removed. Nottinghamshire County Council will deal with any subsequent verge slippage and if required will profile the verge.

No action required.

18.29 Policing Matters

/1. Crime Reports:





No action required

/2. Police Concerns

No report

No action required

/3. Community Road Safety Scheme/Speed Trolley:

/a. Speed results were circulated and discussed.

/b. Two new volunteers have come forward to join the Community Road Safety Scheme

No action required


D. Franklin declared an interest in application 09.18

07.18 / 54 Park Lane
Sutton Bonington / Demolition of garage and remodelling of dormer bungalow to form two storey dwelling with side and rear extension / Object See attached letter
08.18 / St Anne’s Manor
Hungary Lane
Sutton Bonington / Single storey rear orangery extension / Do Not Object. Some of the drawings failed to include all of the new buildings and therefore the plans did not give a full picture of its impact on the local area.
09.18 / Sutton Bonington Hall
88 Main Street
Sutton Bonington / Alterations to internal layout and elevations to the rear ground floor of the Hall. / Do Not Object

/2 Decisions:

01.18 / Sutton Bonington Primary School
Park Lane
Sutton Bonington / Retain temporary classroom / No Objection

No action required.

/3 Other Planning Issues.

/a. Email regarding the possible occupation of caravans on Park Lane was circulated.


Clerk to contact Rushcliffe Enforcement Officer

18.31 Correspondence and Reports.

/1 Highway Matters:

/a. NCC Report.

1) Nottinghamshire County Council are to consider reducing the speed limit on Station Road from 40mph to 30mph.

No action required

/b. Drainage:The Canals and River Trust are to be asked for an update on their program of work on the Navigation Dyke between Kegworth and the Bowmer Dyke with regard to completing the work that wasn’t carried out in 2017.


Clerk to contact The Canals and Rivers Trust.

/2 Transport Matters (Rail & Bus)

/a. LANRAC no report.

No action required.

/b. Service 865 is being discussed at the Nottinghamshire County Council Transport Committee meeting which is being held on 9th March 2018. Concern was expressed regarding the unreliability of the service. Cllr Brown confirmed that Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire County Council were jointly looking at ways to access funding to improve transport so that residents can access jobs especially taking into account the creation of 14,000 jobs at the Airport. The provision of a reliable service to East Midlands Parkway was also discussed. T.W. Holt is in the process of obtaining figures showing the footfall at East Midlands Parkway.


T.W. Holt to forward footfall figures to Cllr Brown

/3. NCC

No report

No action required.

/b. County Councillor report:

1)Travells Hill East Leake is to be closed whilst road resurfacing is carried out.

2)Main Street, Stanford on Soar – potholes are scheduled to be repaired.

3)Condition of Station Road was discussed. Carriageways are routinely inspected and repairs carried out when required. The criteria for intervention is 4cm.

4)Road between Normanton on Soar and Stanford on Soar is scheduled to be resurfaced during this financial year.

5)Fire Authority has set their budget requirement at 2.95% which leaves a shortfall in funding of over £1.2m. The revenue will be taken from their reserves account. A committee is to be established to look at how fire authority owned property can be better used to help generate funding to try and bridge the shortfall in funds.

6)Nottinghamshire County Council have set their budget at 4.99% increase,

No action required.

/4 RBC Items.

/a. OffStreet Parking Strategy Consultation–Rushcliffe Borough Council have launched their 6 week consultation on Off Street Parking which will end on the 25th March 2018. Document was circulated to all councillors.

No action required.

/b. Email regarding the burning of waste on Hathern Industrial Estate was reported. A copy has been sent to Rushcliffe Borough Council Environment Officer.


Copy of the email to be sent to Cllr Brown

/b. Borough Councillor Report

The Borough Council will be setting the Council Tax rate on 8th March 2018.

No action required

/5 NALC, RCAN & Voluntary Organisations.

/a Information regarding the 2018 Best Kept village competition was received.

No action required

/6 Any Other Correspondence.

/a. Letter from Nottingham City Council regarding funding of their proposed WW1 memorial, to be erected at Victoria Embankment, was circulated.

No action required.

18.32 Receipts and Payments

/1 Payments

DD / Eon / £42.00
DD / NEST / £8.40
3200 / J Faulks Expenses / £39.56
3201 / J Faulks / £919.23
3202 / Inland Revenue / £71.23
3203 / Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal / £180.00
3205 / N Toothill / £409.41
3206 / AA Stationers / £22.94

/2. Receipts

Sutton Bonington Scouts and Guides / £160.00
Rushcliffe Borough Grant / £150.00

No action required.

/3.Other Financial Matters

No report.

No action required

18.33 Pavilion & Playing Field

/a. Reports

1)Electricity meter is to be read on18th March2018.


Clerk to forward reading.

2)A water bill was received from Water Plus for £934. The Parish Council have queried the invoice and have requested that the meters is read again. Water Plus have suggested that the Parish Council take two water meter readings (1 hour apart) to establish is there is a leak or water pipe burst.


E.M. Raven to read the meter

3)J A Kent Services have forwarded a contract for signing. The Parish Council are to request that the ‘additional charge for football pitch to be spiked ad-hc at £240 per season’is removed from the contract.


Clerk to contact Kent Services

18.34 Spinney & Meadows Nature Reserve

No report.

No action required

18.35 Village News Items.

No report

No action required.


No report.

No action required

18.37 Community Orchard

No report.

No action required.

18.38 Doctors Surgery

The Care Quality Commission is carrying out anof the surgery inspection on March 16th. The inspection will cover all aspects of the service delivery.

No action required

18.39Nottingham University- Sutton Bonington Campus

No report

No action required

18.40Matters of Report

1) A mattress has been dumped on Landcroft Lane


Clerk to contact NCC

2) Asbestos which has been dumped on Hungary Lane has been reported to Rushcliffe Borough Council. Rushcliffe are to arrange a specialist contractor to remove the waste.

No action required

3) Local residents have also carried out a litter pick on Hungary Lane.

No action required

4) Marle Pit Hill lights are still not working. Scheduled repairs were cancelled due to the recent bad weather.


Clerk to contact NCC

Next Meeting to be held Tuesday 3rd April 2018 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. Meeting closed at20.48 pm