BoroughmuirHigh School

Parent Council Meeting - Wednesday 2 November 2011

Head Teacher’s Report


Staff who have left since September report.

  • Ms Vikki Bridgewood - Temporary Teacher of RME - job at PortobelloHigh School
  • Ms Kate Rilley - English Teacher - retirement due to ill health

New Appointments

  • Mr Martin Harley - Temporary Teacher - History
  • Mrs Meghan Brady McDonald - Temporary Teacher - RME
  • Mr Jonny Ross - Part time Temporary CDT and Whole School Technician

New School

An extraordinary meeting of sub groups of the Parent Councils of Boroughmuir HS, Buckstone PS, South Morningside PS and Bruntsfield PS was convened on 10th October 2011. This was to inform all of the news that CEC were bidding for the land at Fountainpark with the prospect of siting the new Boroughmuir there if successful in the bid and if desired by the parent body. A full consultation of this option against the refurbishment of existing site will take place once we know if the Fountainpark site has been acquired.

Existing School

Over the October break we have continued to upgrade the existing building.

This has included

  • Roof repairs on Home Economics building and 2 Home Economics classrooms painted
  • Three Science labs re-floored
  • S6 Common room re-floored

Also as part of the City of Edinburgh Wave 3programme updating the existing school

  • St Oswald’s Hall relamped
  • Nearly all main school now relamped including exterior lighting
  • Painting of newly plastered repairs and pipe boxes

Management Restructuring

The management restructuring process in Edinburgh Secondary Schools is progressing more slowly than anticipated. This is due to work around producing robust protocols for the process to operate within. Boroughmuir is still due to reduce from 23 Principal Teachers to 15.

The overall number of teachers in the school will remain the same and in fact has increased due to our increased school role.

Support Staff Restructuring

The post of Bursar and that of Senior Clerical in secondary schools across the City have been combined into 1 new post called Administrative Officer.

Ms Morag Sim our existing Senior Clerical and Mr Michael Morrison our existing Bursar were interviewed for the AO post.

Mr Michael Morrison was successful and will commence as AO on Monday 31 October.

Ms Morag Sim has since been successful in securing an AO post at GracemountHigh School.

The business support complement of staff in Boroughmuir has however been reduced by one person.


Over 300 pupils bought embroidered school blazers from Aitken and Niven in Morningside on the ‘promotional’ days of 29 September and 1 October. Pupils took delivery of the blazers on Monday 31 October. Over one third of our pupils, ranging from S1-S6, now are wearing school blazers. It’s a fantastic testament to their affiliation to and pride in the school. I expect this number to rise as others see how smart these pupils are. I am delighted at the early success of this initiative and encourage others to get a school blazer too.

Curriculum for Excellence

A power Point presentation outlining Boroughmuir’s progress in CfE in the first 18 months will be presented to the Parent Council. The presentation also includes the schools proposals for the ‘Senior Phase’. This is the phase in which pupils undertake National Qualifications. This presentation is available on our website in the Curriculum for Excellence section.

Attainment Report

As mentioned in the last report the Attainment of pupils in SQA exams this year has been superb.

A report of the school Attainment will be presented to Parent Council. An abridged version of this will be available on our website in the information section.

Again, well done to all our pupils who took SQA exams last session.

WholeSchool Events

  • Sponsored Walk

Our annual sponsored around Arthur’s Seat took place in glorious sunshine on Friday 7 October. I had the pleasure of leading 200 S1 pupils, 160 S6 pupils and numerous staff in walking around Arthur’s Seat in aid of Edinburgh Young Carers Charity. Thanks to all who took part and helped to raise approximately £4000 which will be split equally between the school and the charity.

  • PTA Wine Tasting

The PTA annual wine tasting took place on the evening of 7 October in the Atrium. SommeliersDempster and Hamilton led the tasting (of sorts!). Thanks to all who attended and helped raise £800 for school funds. Special thanks to the PTA who organised the evening and also to David Henderson Wines who always generously supports the school.

  • Achievement Awards Ceremony

I was delighted to present about 150 awards to pupils who have represented Boroughmuir in a range of sporting and other activities. This annual event was held in St Oswald’s Hall on 22 September and really is a highlight in the school year.

The breadth and depth of talents of our pupils are impressive with many pupils gaining recognition at local, regional and national level.

  • Battle of the Bands

The Music Department and pupils with the help from the Edinburgh Rock ensemble put together a great event, showcasing the talent we have in the area of Rock. Bands from S1→ S6 performed and the best junior band was judged by a panel to be Black Mail Lettering with the best senior band being Moth Popes.

Well done to all who helped organise a great school event.

Events since last Parent Council meeting

  • Achievement Awards Ceremony 22 September 7.00pm, St Oswald’s Hall
  • S1 Parents ‘Welcome to Boroughmuir’ evening 27 September 6.30pm
  • PTA wine-tasting 7 October 7.00pm
  • S1/6 Sponsored Walk 7 October
  • Battle of the Bands 10 October, St Oswald’s Hall
  • End of Autumn term 14 October 12.50pm
  • In-service Day Monday 24 October
  • Term starts for pupils Tuesday 25 October
  • PTA AGM 26 October 7.30pm, Staffroom
  • Parent Council Meeting 2 November 6.35pm, Room 1.15

Future planned events

  • Senior Maths Challenge - 8 November
  • S1/S2 Photos - 9 November
  • S4 Prelims begin/end 10/18 November (with S4 exam leave)
  • P7 Open afternoon - Friday 11 November 1.35pm - Atrium
  • Children in Need Charity Event - Friday 18 November
  • S1 Parents Consultation evening - 22 November 4.30pm - 7.00pm
  • PTA Quiz Night - Friday 25 November
  • S2/S5/S6 Tracking Reports issued week beginning 28 November
  • St Andrew’s Day event - Wednesday 30 November
  • S5/S6 Consultation evening - 8 December 4.30pm - 7.00pm
  • S5/S6 Consultation evening - 13 December 4.30pm - 7.00pm
  • S4 Progress reports issued week beginning 19 December
  • School Christmas Concert - Monday 19 December
  • End of Term - 12.00 Thursday 22 December
  • Staff resume-Monday 9 January
  • Pupils resume-Tuesday 10 January
  • PTA meeting-Thursday 12 January
  • S4 Parent Consultation meeting Wednesday 18 January 4.30pm - 7.00pm
  • PTA Art/Fashion event Friday 20 January
  • S1/S3 Tracking Reports issued week beginning 23 January
  • Parent Council meeting Tuesday 24 January 6.35pm