The Children’s Ministry of The Church of the Highlands

Revised 1/2011

Table of Contents



Discipline Policy for Promiseland…………………………………………………………..4

Parental Agreement………………………………………………………………………….6

Child Incident Report………………………………………………………………………...7

Child Accident Report………………………………………………………………………..8

Dear Parents:

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and your child to our Children’s Ministry, Promiseland. Your child’s safety, and spiritual growth are important to me as well as our volunteers.

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (Matthew 19:14). Therefore, our vision for Promiseland is to minister and instill God’s Word into the heart and mind of each child, in support of the home.

The purpose of Promiseland is to: Introduce children to the Gospel, minister to their needs (spiritual, emotional, social, & physical), pray for them, that they will accept Christ as their Savior, connect them with other Christians and train them for a life-long relationship with Jesus Christ.

Each time you bring your child to our ministry, you can be assured that he or she will receive quality care. You can go into the morning worship service confident that he or she is being prayed for, loved and instructed in the things of God.

To ensure every child’s safety and security, all elders, staff, ministry leaders and volunteers have been through a background and criminal screening.

This packet will help you understand how Promiseland operates at The Church of the Highlands. If you have any questions or concerns, please call me at 802-8532. I am here to serve you.

Walking by Faith,

Gayle Jones

Children’s Ministry Director


Ministry Procedures

Check-In Procedures:

Parents must enter and exit the front entrance of Promiseland. Upon entering Promiseland the Director or volunteer will assist you in checking in your child. If you attend Church of the Highlands on a regular basis you will be given a permanent tag with an assigned number. Your number will be used to contact you during the worship service if necessary.

Parents of nursery age children should come to the door of the nursery and wait for the volunteer to receive your child, his/her belongings and any necessary instructions regarding the care of your child.

Parents of toddlers, preschool and elementary age children should continue through the entry way of the Promisland building and stop at the welcome table at the end of the hallway. A volunteer will greet you, help you check in and walk your child to their teacher.


For the safety of our babies we ask parents to please not enter the nursery at any time. Opening the door can allow little ones to leave undetected, create chaos with so many people in a small area and cause harm by stepping on our crawlers.

Check-Out Procedures:

Parents of nursery age children should come to the door of the nursery and wait for the volunteer to bring your child and his/her belongings to you.

Parents of toddlers, preschool and elementary age children should wait at the end of the hallway near the welcome table. A volunteer will bring your child to you.

Please remember children must be checked in and out by an adult. Check-in takes place no earlier than 15 minutes prior to service, and check out should occur as soon as the worship service has ended. To honor our volunteers time, please socialize after picking your child up.

What to Bring for Nursery Age Children (up to 2 years old):

Please bring a diaper bag containing the following items:
Sufficient diapers and wipes
A full bottle to be given according to parents’ instructions, or spill proof cup
A blanket or pacifier if needed

Please make sure that these items, including the diaper bag, are clearly labeled with your child’s name.


What to Bring for Toddler Age Children (3 years old):

Please bring a bag containing the following items:

Additional clothing and pull-ups in case of accidents.


Parents should advise volunteers if their toddler or preschooler requires assistance in the restroom (ex. potty training).

What NOT to Bring:

Please leave personal toys at home. Your child may bring a security item if needed.


We are concerned for the safety and health of every child, and we do our best to

provide a clean and germ-free environment for all children. If your child has

been exposed to any infectious illness, nasal drainage which is green or yellow, excessive coughing, boils, ringworm, impetigo, poison ivy, pink eye, chicken pox, fever, diarrhea, or vomiting in the last 24 hours you should keep your child home.

If a child becomes ill while in the nursery, parents will be notified. If needed, general first aid will be administered. At no time will medication be administered.


The church provides healthy and age-level appropriate snacks. Please let your child’s teacher know if your child should NOT have snacks, or if your child has any food allergies.

Hours of Service:

Child care is provided in our nurseries beginning 15 minutes prior to service. We ask that you show your appreciation for your child’s teacher by promptly checking him or her out immediately after the close of the service.



Our definition of the word “discipline” is to “train or instruct in a certain way.” In regards to ministry, this means discipline would involve training in the way of Jesus Christ and the lifestyle He desires for His people. This involves teaching a child to live properly before God and in all aspects of life. At Church of the Highlands we want children to demonstrate the Biblical principles we teach and to grow in their personal relationship with God. Only the Holy Spirit accomplishes a change in heart. However, structure, boundaries, and consequences help develop habits of discipline. We believe that when students know what is expected of them, we have very few problems and are able to create a classroom environment where students can grow and exercise their faith.


·  Be respectful of the teacher, classmates, and self.

1 Peter 2:17 Show proper respect to everyone: Love the brotherhood of
believers, fear God…

John 15:12 "Here is my command. Love each other, just as I have loved you.

·  Treat others the way you want to be treated.

Matthew 7:12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to

·  Use kind words.

Psalm 19:14 May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be
pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.

Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience,
kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-
control. Against such things there is no law.


1.  Any action that chronically disrupts the learning process of the child and/or his classmates.

2.  Any action that would possibly cause physical or emotional harm to the child, his classmates, and/or his instructors.


3.  Any action of willful disrespect toward his classmates, teacher, or any adult authority.

4.  Any use of language that is profane, blasphemous, and/or unduly crude.

Steps in Administering Discipline:

1. A warning is given; the child will be reminded of classroom expectations asked to correct actions and/or behavior. If applicable, the child will be redirected to an appropriate activity.

2. If behavior continues, the disruptive student will be separated from his/her friends. The
teacher is to direct the disruptive student to another seat.

3. The child will sit in an assigned area of the room for one minute per year of age.

4. The Children’s Director or volunteer will contact the parent using the child number notification system so the parent can pick their child up from their classroom. Once a parent has been asked to pick up their child they cannot return to class that day.

5. If disruptive behavior continues, the director will discuss the child’s behavior and further
modes of discipline with the child’s parents, which may include the removal of the child
from the class for a specified period of time.

(If the behavior is severe, the first three steps may be skipped and the child removed from class immediately.)

*Please note a child should be under an adult’s supervision at all times. When your child is not in the classroom under the supervision of a teacher we ask that they be with you (where you can physically see them) and not playing on the church grounds unsupervised.

Thank you for your cooperation as together we strive to provide a safe environment for your child!



Placing your child into any program in Promiseland signifies your acceptance of this policy. Be assured that no child may ever receive corporal punishment on the part of the church leadership or volunteers. Only discipline as outlined in this policy may be administered as deemed necessary by the children’s ministry workers.

Father’s Signature (if applicable) Date


Father’s Name (print – if applicable)

Mother’s Signature (if applicable) Date


Mother’s Name (print – if applicable)


Child Incident Report

Child’s Name ______Age ______

Date ______Time of Incident ______Room ______

Nature of Incident ______




Group Activity at Time of Incident ______


Other Volunteers Present ______

Parents were Notified of the Incident by ______


Teacher/Volunteer______Date ______

Children’s Ministry Director______Date ______

Parent ______Date ______

Comments: ______




Child Accident Report

Child’s Name ______Age ______

Date ______Time of Accident ______Room ______

Nature of Accident ______




Nature of Injury ______


First Aid Administered ______

Group Activity at Time of Accident ______

Person Attending to Accident ______

Other Volunteers Present ______

Parents were Notified of the Accident by ______


Teacher/Volunteer______Date ______

Children’s Ministry Director______Date ______

Parent ______Date ______

Comments: ______

