Young Life Campaigners 01-16-03

Worshipping a Worthy God

·  What was the funniest thing you ever saw happen during a church service?

·  Think of a service you really enjoyed. What did you like about it and why?

·  What did Jesus do during His life that still amazes you?


1. What is worship? Give some specific examples.

2. Why do we worship?

3. What do we gain by worshipping God?

Matthew 2:9-12

4. What aspects of worship occur in this story?

5. What did the wise men give Jesus? Was it whatever they could

scrounge up along the way? One-tenth of their possessions? No,

was gifts fit for a king. Do we give to God this way?

6. What word in this passage captures the wise men’s reaction to who

they knew was the Messiah?

·  How important is that word to our worship? Do you worship God that way? If so, why? If not, why not?

·  Is there anything we do today in worshipping God that is like what the wise men did in this passage? (I.e. expending great effort to find the Lord, being overjoyed at actually finding him, bowing down and worshipping him, presenting him with gifts).

7. The wise men left behind their country, their money, their security, their family and friends, etc. to pursue Jesus. What have you left behind to follow Jesus?

·  Is there anything you need to let go of that is holding you back from really following after Jesus? What might be some examples of this in your own life?


PERSONAL APPLICATION: God is truly AWESOME. This is easy to forget and for us to take for granted. This week think through things God/Jesus did in the Bible and in our own lives. Thank God for these and try to worship him like the King he is – the way the wise men did.

Young Life Campaigners 01-16-03

Worshipping a Worthy God

·  What was the funniest thing you ever saw happen during a church service?

·  Think of a service you really enjoyed. What did you like about it and why?

·  What did Jesus do during His life that still amazes you?


1. What is worship? Give some specific examples.

2. Why do we worship?

3. What do we gain by worshipping God?

Matthew 2:9-12

4. What aspects of worship occur in this story?

5. What did the wise men give Jesus? Was it whatever they could

scrounge up along the way? One-tenth of their possessions? No,

was gifts fit for a king. Do we give to God this way?

6. What word in this passage captures the wise men’s reaction to who

they knew was the Messiah?

·  How important is that word to our worship? Do you worship God that way? If so, why? If not, why not?

·  Is there anything we do today in worshipping God that is like what the wise men did in this passage? (I.e. expending great effort to find the Lord, being overjoyed at actually finding him, bowing down and worshipping him, presenting him with gifts).

7. The wise men left behind their country, their money, their security, their family and friends, etc. to pursue Jesus. What have you left behind to follow Jesus?

·  Is there anything you need to let go of that is holding you back from really following after Jesus? What might be some examples of this in your own life?


PERSONAL APPLICATION: God is truly AWESOME. This is easy to forget and for us to take for granted. This week think through things God/Jesus did in the Bible and in our own lives. Thank God for these and try to worship him like the King he is – the way the wise men did.