Grade level: Kindergarten District-Approved Text: Rigby, On Our Way to English
Stage 1 – Desired Results
Enduring Understanding:
- Details are parts of the story that help readers to understand a story.
- Asking and responding to questions about the important details in a story supports understanding of literary text.
Essential Questions:
- What is a detail?
- How does asking and answering questions about details from the text help the reader while reading?
ESL Supports:
- Teacher Modeling
- Games
- Digital Tools
- Read Aloud/Guided Reading/Shared Reading/Adaptive Text
- Cooperative Learning
- Graphic Organizers
- Realia
- Word/Picture Walls
- Build on prior knowledge
- Draw connections between course content and real life
Standards / Student Learning Objectives(SLO)
Content Objective (CO)
Language Objective (LO) / Suggested Instructional Scaffold Skills / Suggested
Assessments / Suggested
CCSS: R.I. K.1/RL.K.1. With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Reading Speaking
/ SLO1
CO1:Recognize questions and know key details that help to understand the story.
LO1:Orally answer questions about key details in the text that was read aloud by using a story map. / ELP 1: Answer “Yes/No” questions about the text with single words, phrases, or chunks of language.
ELP 2:Answer “WH-”questions about the text using simple phrases and simple sentences with general language related to topic or content areas.
ELP3: Answer questions in complete sentences with general and some specific language of topic or content area.
ELP 4. Answer questions in detailed sentences using specific and some content-based language as well as complex structures related to the topic and content areas.
ELP. 5: Answer questions in detailed sentences using specific and content based language as well as complex structures related sentence lengths and types.
/ Formative Assessments
- Observations
- Learning/Response Logs
- Checklists
Mentor Texts
Wiki-Teacher website-link toR.I. K.1 /RL.K.1
Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence
Suggested Performance Tasks:
- I can tell the difference between a question and an answer.
- I know that a question needs an answer.
- I know that questions often begins with who, what, where, and why and use those words to ask my questions.
- I know that text means words that are written.
- I can listen to a story and decide which parts best help me understand the story.
- Teacher maintainsanecdotalrecords/notes
- Portfolios
Grade level: Kindergarten District-Approved Text:Rigby, On Our Way to English
Stage 1 – Desired Results
Enduring Understanding:
- Retelling a story is when a reader tells the story again in their own words.
- Readers demonstrate an understanding of a story through accurate retelling of the details in a logical order.
Essential Questions:
- What does it mean to retell a story?
- What can a reader demonstrate through a retell?
ESL Supports:
- Teacher Modeling
- Games
- Digital Tools
- Read Alouds/Guided Reading/Shared Reading/Adaptive Texts
- Cooperative Learning
- Graphic Organizers
- Realia
- Word/Picture Wall
- Build on prior knowledge
- Draw connections between course content and real life.
- Chunk( words patterns) information
Standards: / Student Learning Objectives(SLO)
Content Objective (CO)
Language Objective (LO) / Suggested Instructional Scaffold Skills / Suggested
Assessments / Suggested
CCSS:RL.K.2 With prompting and support, retell familiar stories, including key details.
Speaking / SLO 2
CO2: Memorize and recall stories with details in their own words.
LO 2: Retelling and relating past events in a selection by describing people, places, and things using a story map and props.
/ ELP. 1: Retell story using single words, simple phrases and/or acting out the parts of the story.
ELP 2: Retell story using simple phrases and simple sentences with general vocabulary related to the story.
ELP3. Retell story using general and some specific vocabulary related to the story. Oral or written language with some phonological, syntactical, or semantic errors expected.
ELP4: Retell the story in sequence using detailed sentences with specific and some technical language related to the story. Use sentences of varying lengths.
ELP.5: Retell the story in sequence using complex detailed sentences. Make connections and use specialized language related to the story. Use a variety of sentence lengths and types. / Formative Assessments
- Observations
- Learning/Response Logs
- Checklists
Mentor Texts
Wiki-Teacher website-link to RL.K2
Elements of a Story
retelling assessment for kindergartners.
“sequence of events”rubric.
Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence
Suggested Performance Tasks:
- I know a key detail is a part of the story that helps me to understand the story.
- I know when I retell a story; I have to tell the beginning, middle, and ending in order.
- I can retell a familiar story, including key details from the story.
- I can listen to a story and decide which parts are the most important to use when I retell the story.
- Teacher maintainsanecdotalrecords/notes
- Work samples
- Portfolios
Grade level: Kindergarten District-Approved Text: Rigby, On Our Way to English
Stage 1 – Desired Results
Enduring Understanding:
- Identifying the main topic and key detail of an informational text helps readers to better understand a text.
Essential Questions:
- Why is it important to know the main topic of a text?
- How do the key details contribute to a reader’s understanding?
ESL Supports:
- Teacher Modeling
- Games
- Digital Tools
- Read Alouds/Guided Reading/Shared Reading/Adaptive Texts
- Cooperative Learning
- Graphic Organizers
- Realia
- Word/Picture Walls
- Build on prior knowledge
- Draw connections between course content and real life
- Anchor Charts/Posters
Standards: / Student Learning Objectives(SLO)
Content Objective (CO)
Language Objective (LO) / Suggested Instructional Scaffold Skills / Suggested
Assessments / Suggested
CCSS: RI.K.2:With prompting and support, identify the main topic and retell key details of an informational text.
Speaking / SLO 3
CO3:Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development in an informational text.
LO3:Identify the main topic of the informational text by using a story map or different graphic organizers. / ELP 1. Identify and express the main topic of an informational text and/or using single words, simple phrases in English.
ELP2: Identify and express the main topic of an informational text and/or use phrases and simple sentences.
ELP3:Identify and express the main topic of an informational text using general and some specific vocabulary related to the story in simple, related sentences.
ELP4: Identify and express the main topic of an informational text using detailed sentences of varied lengths with specific and some technical language related to the story.
ELP5:Identify and express the main topic of an informational text in complete, detailed sentences of varied lengths and types, using specialized vocabulary related to the story. / Formative Assessments
- Observations
- Learning/Response Logs
- Checklists
Mentor Texts
Wiki-Teacher website-link to RL.K.2
Elements of a Story
Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence
Suggested Performance Tasks:
- I know that the main topic is what an informational text is mostly about.
- I know that a key detail is a piece of information that will help me to understand the text.
- I can decide which parts of an informational text are the most important.
- I can pick out the main topic of a text.
- I can retell key details of an informational text.
- I can key details in sequential order.
- Teacher maintains anecdotalrecords/notes
- Portfolios
Grade level: Kindergarten District-Approved Text: Rigby, On Our Way to English
Stage 1 – Desired Results
Enduring Understanding:
- Good readers identify and understand story elements to aid comprehension.
Essential Questions:
- Why are characters, setting, and major events important in a story?
- How do these elements aid comprehension of a story?
ESL Supports:
- Teacher Modeling
- Games
- Digital Tools
- Read Aloud/Guided Reading/Shared Reading/
- Cooperative Learning
- Graphic Organizers
- Realia
- Word/Picture Walls
- Build on prior knowledge
- Draw connections between course content and real life.
- Anchor Charts/Posters
Standards: / Student Learning Objectives (SLO)
Content Objectives (CO)
Language Objective (LO) / Suggested Instructional Scaffold Skills / Suggested
Assessments / Suggested
CCSS: RL.K.3: With prompting and support, identify characters, settings, and major events in a story.
/ SLO 4
CO4: Recognize and analyze how and why individuals, events, and ideas develop and interact over the course of a text.
LO4: Identify and describe the characters and setting by using pictures/photographs and a story map. / ELP1: Identify and describe the main characters and setting of a story using single words, simple phrases in English.
ELP2:Identify and describe the main characters and setting of a story using simple phrases and simple sentences in English with general vocabulary related to the story.
ELP3:Identify and describe the main characters and setting of a story using simple sentences with general and some specific vocabulary related to the story.
ELP 4:Identify and describe the main characters and setting of a story using detailed sentences of varied lengths with specific and some technical vocabulary related to the story.
ELP5: Identify and describe the main characters and setting of a story using complete, detailed sentences of varied lengths and types, using specialized vocabulary related to the story. / Formative Assessments
- Observations
- Learning/Response Logs
- Checklists
Mentor Texts
Wiki-Teacher website-link to RL.K.3
Kindergarten Storytelling Rubric
story retelling rubric for Kindergarten
Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence
Suggested Performance Tasks:
- I know a character is a person or creature in a story.
- I know the setting is where and when a story takes place.
- I know a major event is something important that happens in a story.
- I can identify characters in a story.
- I can identify the settings of a story.
- I can identify the major or main events in a story.
- I know all stories have characters, settings, and major events.
- Teacher maintainsanecdotalrecords/notes
- Work Samples
- Portfolios
Grade level: Kindergarten District-Approved Text: Rigby, On Our Way to English
Stage 1 – Desired Results
Enduring Understanding:
- Knowing the parts of a book will help me become a reader.
Essential Questions:
- How can knowing the front cover, back cover and title page of a book help me become a reader?
ESL Supports:
- Teacher Modeling
- Games
- Digital Tools
- Cooperative Learning
- Realia/ Visuals (Multimedia)
- Word/Picture Wall
- Build on prior knowledge
- Draw connections between course content and real life
- Anchor Charts/Posters
Standards / Student Learning Objectives (SLO)
Content Objectives (CO)
Language Objective (LO) / Suggested Instructional Scaffold Skills / Suggested
Assessments / Suggested
Identify the front, back cover and title page of a book.
Listening / SLO 5
CO 5: Identify and describe the parts of a book?
LO: 5: List and label the parts of books.
/ ELP 1: Identify the front, back, and title page of a book by pointing to the appropriate part after listening to one word directions; e.g. “front.
ELP 2: Identify the front, back, and title page of a book by pointing to the appropriate part after listening to directions given in phrases; e.g. “front of book”
ELP 3: Identify the front, back, and title page of a book by pointing to the appropriate part after listening to the directions given in complete sentences; e.g. “Show me the front of the book”
ELP 4: Identify the front, back, and title page of a book by pointing to the appropriate part after listening to the directions given in complete sentences; e.g. “Show me the front of the book”
ELP 5: Identify the front, back, and title page of a book by pointing to the appropriate part after listening to the directions given in complete sentences; e.g. “Show me the front of the book” / Formative Assessments
- Observations
- Learning/Response Logs
- Checklists
Mentor Texts
Wiki-Teacher website-link to RI.K.5
Book Cover Creator
Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence
Suggested Performance Tasks:
- I know a book is a written or printed work consisting of many bound pages.
- I know a book has a covering that protects the pages and binds the pages together.
- I know the front cover of the book is located on the front of the book.
- I know a book has a back cover located on the back of the book.
- I can identify the front cover of the book.
- I can identify the title page of a book.
- I know that a title page is at the front of the book and contains the title, author and publisher.
- Teacher maintains anecdotalrecords/notes
- Work Samples
- Portfolios
Grade level: Kindergarten District-Approved Text: Rigby, On Our Way to English
Stage 1 – Desired Results
Enduring Understanding:
- Comparing and contrasting adventures and experiences of characters requires that students use (or expand) their academic vocabulary to include words such as compare, contrast, experiences, adventures, characters, plot, events, differences, and similarities.
- Students who successfully compare and contrast experiences and adventures of characters can be guided to transfer that skill to other types of text across a variety of content areas and grades.
Essential Questions:
- What do good readers do?
- Do I understand what I just read?
- How do I know?
- What makes collaboration meaningful?
- What will help me to "make meaning from a variety of sources"?
ESL Supports:
- Teacher Modeling
- Gestures
- Games
- Digital Tools
- Read Aloud/Guided Reading/Shared Reading/Adaptive Text
- Cooperative Learning
- Graphic Organizers
- Realia
- Word/Picture Walls
- Build on prior knowledge
- Draw connections between course content and real life
Standards: / Student Learning Objectives (SLO)
Content Objectives (CO)
Language Objective (LO) / Suggested Instructional Scaffold Skills / Suggested
Assessments / Suggested
CCSS: RI.K.10; RL.K.10;
Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.
Confirm understanding of a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media by asking and answering questions about key details and requesting clarification if something is not understood.
WIDA ELD 2, 4, 5
Speaking / SLO 6
CO6: Listen and respond to questions about literature and informational text.
LO6: Answer questions about the text by listening and responding using pictures/photographs, gestures, and/or graphic organizers. / ELP1: Respond non-verbally by pointing to stated pictures/photographs in context by using single words and simple phrases in English.
ELP: 2: Respond by using simple phrases and simple sentences in English with general vocabulary related to the story.
ELP3. Respond by using simple sentences with general and some specific vocabulary related to the story.
ELP4: Respond by using detailed sentences of varied lengths with specific and some technical vocabulary related to the story.
ELP5: Respond by using complete, detailed sentences of varied lengths and types, using technical vocabulary related to the story. / Formative Assessments
- Observations
- Learning/Response Logs
- Checklists
Mentor Texts
Wiki-Teacher website-link to RI.K.10; RL.K.10; SL.K.2
A rubric to assess comprehension of informational text.
Assessment Advice & Forms - A resource for assessment including a variety of rubrics and other information.
A variety of graphic organizers that can be used as an assessment for student understanding of reading of informational text.
Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence
Suggested Performance Tasks:
RL.K.10/ RI.K.10.
When someone helps me:
- I can listen to a story for a particular reason.
- I can listen to a text and tell what happened.
- I can talk about what happened in the story.
- I can actively participate in group reading activities.
- I can ask questions when I am confused.
- I can answer questions to show what I know.
- I can ask questions about what I see.
- I can ask questions about what I hear.
- I can answer questions about what I read.
- I can answer questions about what I hear.
- Teacher maintains anecdotalrecords/
- Work Samples
- Portfolios
Grade level: Kindergarten District-Approved Text: Rigby, On Our Way to English
Stage 1 – Desired Results
Enduring Understanding:
- The ability to recognize and produce rhyming words is a foundational skill in understanding word structure and its role in reading and writing.
- Kindergarten will be able to be aware of Phonological awareness (recognizing the sounds of the language such as rhymes and parts of words such as syllables, onset and rime, and individual letters) is essential to mapping sounds to letters and, then, to reading print.
Essential Questions:
- Why are sounds and letters important? How do sounds and letters create words?
- How does rhyming support students in their ability to read and write?
- How does understanding spoken words, syllables and sounds support a child’s ability to learn to read print?
- What strategies and materials support students’ understandings of spoken words, syllables and sounds?
- Why is it important for students to understand that words have parts (syllables and sounds)?
ESL Supports:
- Teacher Modeling
- Songs/Chants
- Digital Tools
- Read Aloud/Guided Reading/Shared Reading/Adaptive Text
- Cooperative Learning
- Graphic Organizer
- Realia
- Word/Picture Walls
- Build on prior knowledge
- Draw connections between course content and real life
- Anchor Charts/Posters