FAR-West 2017Private Guerilla Showcase Contract
To host a Private Guerilla Showcase you must reserve your PGS Room directly through FAR-West (not through the hotel) via the online registration site and submit this contract. Your credit card will be charged when you complete the online registration process, but your room reservation is not finalized until the contract is received.
The PGS room rate of $185 per night includes room charges, room tax, hotel surcharge and insurance. You will need to provide a credit card when you check in to the hotel for incidental charges.
Check in time is 3:00 pm - we cannot promise that you will have access to your room prior to 3:00 pm.
For the easiest submission, type the information right on this PGS Contract, save itas a Word doc and email it to: CareyAppel <>. If you are unable to submit via email, contact her for an alternative way to submit.
Contact Person for website posting (responsible for scheduling room):
Host Name (if different from above):
Email(if different from above):
Contact Street Address:
City: State:Zip:
Contact phone number before conference:
Cell number at conference (if different):
Room Name (for Web site and program book – no more than 35 characters including spaces):
To encourage PGS awareness, all PGS Rooms and host nameswill be listed on the website. Please indicate if you want to be listed on the website as: ( ) Available for Contact (i.e. email listed)- or ( ) Private (i.e., email not listed)
Will you charge a fee for playing in your room? ( ) Yes ( ) No
If yes, describe your fee structure:
Indicate nights you want to host PGS room: ( ) Friday/Saturday ( ) Thursday/Friday/Saturday
You will be able to sleep in your PGS room for the nights you have reserved.If available, you can sleep in your PGS room for any night other than the nights you arehosting. If so, which nights? ______
(Based on demand, your PGS roommay or may not be available on those nights. NOTE: FAR-West will reserve the room for these nights in your name at the conference rate and you will reimburse for them.)
Would you prefer ( ) 1 bed or ( ) 2 beds?(Every effort will be made to meet this request based on availability with priority for three night reservations and receipt of your PGS contract. You will be contacted if your bed choice is not available.)
Name(s) of other room occupants:
Would you like to rent additional chairs for your room: ( ) Yes ( ) No(est. cost $3/chair for the full weekend.)
If yes, how many? ____ (no more than 5/rm)
Room Host (type name):Date:
(Your name above indicates that information for your PGS roomis correct and you agree to the Host Requirements.)
(Deadline to reserve a Private Guerilla Showcase Room is Aug. 5, 2017.)
See the next page for additional information.
- All artists must be registered for the conference on the evening they perform. No drop-ins allowed.It is the room host’s responsibility to inform their presenters of this requirement.
- FAR-West Private Guerilla Showcases begin at 10:30 pm and must end at 2:00 am on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. These are the only times PGS will be permitted. More information will be provided about after-hours jams.
- PGS Rooms are intended as acoustic performances. Read the No Amplification rule below.
- PGS hosts must abide by hotel regulations regarding room decorations, alcohol and furniture. There will be regular email updates to all hosts before the conference with additional information.
The No AmplificationRule
Private Guerrilla Showcases are intended to be unamplified performances. We recognize that some instruments, such as electronic keyboard and electric bass require some amplification. For this reason small amplifiers used at low volumes are allowed when absolutely necessary. We do not, however, allow sound systems to be set up in private guerrilla showcase rooms and there is no vocal amplification.No drum kits are allowed and any other drums may be played with brushes. Cajons or other drums must be used at a low level.
Please communicate the No Amplification rule in your messages to artists you will host.
The key is to keep the sound at a level that will not create a problem for nearby PGS rooms or other floors. Volume levels will be monitored and if the volume in a showcase room rises to a level that disturbs listeners in nearby rooms, the room host will be asked to solve the problem by reducing the volume or closing the door to the room. Repeated problems with volume may result in the room being closed for that evening. If you have questions about sound or amplification, contact Carey Appel.