TheBucket List (2007) Memorablequotes

Carter Chambers: You measure yourself by the people who measurethemselves by you.


Edward Cole: Do you hate me?

Carter Chambers: Not yet.


Carter Chambers: What are you so afraid of?

Edward Cole: Just because I told you mystory, does not invite you to be a part of it!

Carter Chambers: Oh, like the lady inthe bar?

Edward Cole: That's different.

Carter Chambers: Tell me how it'sdifferent.

Edward Cole: I build a billion dollarbusiness up from NOTHING! Presidents have asked my advice, I have dined withroyalty, and i'm supposed to make out like what? This trip was supposed to MEANsomething to me? Like it was gonna change ME? How did you see it playing outCarter, I knock on the door, she answers, she's surprised and angry, but I tellher how much I love her and miss her, and OH, by the way, I'm gonna be deadsoon so I'm reaching out to you because I don't wanna die alone?

Carter Chambers: Everyone's afraid todie alone.

Edward Cole: I'm not everyone! This wassupposed to be fun. That's all it ever was.


Thomas: I'm proud of you.

Edward Cole: Nobody cares what youthink.


Edward Cole: I want my own room.

Thomas: You run hospitals, not healthspas. Two beds to a room, no exceptions.


Thomas: What are you doing here?

Carter Chambers: Fighting for my life.You?


Edward Cole: The sequel was like that. She never backed me up onanything.

Carter Chambers: The sequel?

Edward Cole: The second Mrs EdwardCole.

[Carter rolls his eyes]

Edward Cole: Hell, that woman hated me.

Kyle the parachutist: Maybe because you called her the sequel.


Dr. Hollins: How are you doing?

Edward Cole: Dumb question.


Edward Cole: I envy people who have faith, I just can't get my headaround it.

Carter Chambers: Maybe because yourhead's in the way.


Edward Cole: [Carter's obsessing over a car] You gonna driveit or buy it a dress?

Carter Chambers: Just getting to knoweach other.


Carter Chambers: Edward, I've had baths that were deeper than you.


Carter Chambers: [in his letter to Edward] Dear Edward, I've goneback and forth the last few days trying to decide whether or not I should evenwrite this. In the end, I realized I would regret it if I didn't, so here itgoes. I know the last time we saw each other, we weren't exactly hitting thesweetest notes-certain wasn't the way I wanted the trip to end. I suppose I'mresponsible and for that, I'm sorry. But in all honestly, if I had the chance,I'd do it again. Virginiasaid I left a stranger and came back a husband; I owe that to you. There's noway I can repay you for all you've done for me, so rather than try, I'm justgoing to ask you to do something else for me-find the joy in your life. Youonce said you're not everyone. Well, that's true-you're certainly not everyone,but everyone is everyone. My pastor always says our lives are streams flowinginto the same river towards whatever heaven lies in the mist beyond the falls.Find the joy in your life, Edward. My dear friend, close your eyes and let thewaters take you home.


Edward Cole: Good afternoon. My name is Edward Cole. I don't knowwhat most people say at these occasions because in all honesty, I've tried toavoid them. The simplest thing is I loved him and I miss him. Carter and I sawthe world together, which is amazing when you think that only three months agowe were complete strangers. I hope that it doesn't sound selfish of me, but thelast months of his life were the best months of mine. He saved my life, and heknew it before I did. I'm deeply proud that this man found it worth his whileto know me. In the end, I think it's safe to say that we brought some joy toone another's lives, so one day, when I go to some final resting place, if Ihappen to wake up next to a certain wall with a gate, I hope that Carter'sthere to vouch for me and show me the ropes on the other side.


Carter Chambers: Edward Perryman Cole died in May. It was a Sunday inthe afternoon and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. He was 81 years old. Evennow, I can't claim to understand the measure of a life, but I can tell youthis: I know that when he died, his eyes were closed and his heart was open,and I'm pretty sure he was happy with his final resting place because he wasburied on the mountain, and that was against the law.


Edward Cole: [to Carter, of expectations without a bucket list]What do you think happens now? I go back and sit around listening to peopletalking about mezzanine financing and subordinated debt pretending that I careabout dead money. You go home to some ceremonial procession into death witheveryone standing around watching you die while you try to comfort them.


Carter Chambers: [to Edward, of the two questions asked of the deadby the gods at the entrance to heaven] Have you found joy in your life? Hasyour life brought joy to others?


Carter Chambers: I've had bowls of soup with more depth than you have.