Changing patterns of segmentation & polarisation:
Causes, consequences and counter strategies

(Fairness at Work Research Centre)
2nd International Conference
Reconstructing Fairness:
the Contested Terrain of Fairness and Decency at Work
10th-12th September 2014
Manchester Business School
The University of Manchester

08.30 - 09.30: Registration – coffee

09:30- 11:15 Plenary and welcome

Room: MBS EAST B10 Chair: Janine Berg (ILO)

Author(s) / Paper
Rafael Munoz de Bustillo Llorente, José-Ignacio Antón / Changes in the structure of employment in the long run: the Spanish case 1977-2013
Rodrigo Rodrigues-Silveira / Changes in Employment Structure in Brazil: 1991-2010
Enrique Fernandez-Macias, John Hurley / Exploring the drivers behind recent job polarization and upgrading in Europe
Emily Murphy, Daniel Oesch / Does technological change inevitably lead to occupational polarization? Census-based evidence for Ireland and Switzerland 1970-2010

11:15-11:45 Coffee

11:45- 13:00

Room: MBS EAST B3 Chair: Maria Karamessini

a)Gender, austerity and inequalities in southern Europe

Author(s) / Paper
Marcella Corsi, Valeria Cirillo / Quality of employment in a gender perspective: the case of Italy
Caroline Recio, Teresa Torns / Gender inequalities in Spanish Labour Market: the continuum between precariousness and informal work
Maria do Pilar Gomez / Economic Crisis and Austerity Policies in Portugal: effects on the middle classes

Room: MBS EAST B8 Chair: John Burgess

b)Non-standard employment

Author(s) / Paper
Adriana Marshall / The incidence and structure of flexible employment in Latin American countries: revisiting the evidence and explanations
Merja Kauhanen, Jouko Nätti and Satu Ojala / Incidence and intensity of employer-funded training in Finland – does the type or motive of temporary or part-time work matter for the outcomes?
Agnieszska Piasna / Consequences of non-standard working hours for work intensity: a cross-national comparative perspective

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch

14:00 - 15:40

a)Mare Curie workshop

Room: MBS EAST B3 Chair: Jill Rubery

Author(s) / Paper
Joan Miquel Verd / The impact of recession on trajectories and life chances viewed through the lens of the Capability Approach
Vanessa Gash / The Polarisation of Job Insecurity in Europe after the Great Recession, comparing outcomes for atypical workers
Marti Lopez Andreu / Employment transitions and turning points in individuals’ life course in times of recession and austerity: the cases of Spain and the UK.
Maria Karamessini / Greek youth in the great Greek depression: from difficult transitions to emigration


Room: MBS EAST B8 Chair: Philippe Mehaut

Author(s) / Paper
Iain Campbell, Martina Boese and Joo-cheong Tham / Two temporary migrant workers programs in Australia: Implications for labour markets and labour market analysis
Chris Brennan / Disposable Tourists: Australia’s Working Holiday Maker Program
James Wickham / Workplaces, careers and conjunctures: migrant professionals in the construction industry moving through time and space

15:40 –16:00 Coffee

16:00 – 17:40

a)Job structure and quality

Room: MBS EAST B3 Chair: Damian Grimshaw

Author(s) / Paper
SatuOjala, Jouko Nätti and Merja Kauhanen / Job quality in part-time and temporary employment in finland from 1970s to 2010s
Francis Green, Alan Felstead and Duncan Gallie / The evolution of the level and distribution of job quality in Britain
Deok Soon Hwang / Changesin Korea's job quality: 2001-2013
Chris Warhurst and Sally Wright / Job polarisation in Australia


Room: MBS EAST B8 Chair: Jackie O’Reilly

Author(s) / Paper
Paolo Borghi, Guido Cavalca / New representation strategies against job segmentation among Italian professionals
Vanessa Di Paola, Philippe Mehaut, Stephanie Moullet / The Poor Lonesome Young French in the Crisis
Guillemette de Larquier, Geraldine Rieucau / Labour market segmentation and youth employment insertion in France: a job-finding channels approach
Rostislav Kapelyushnikov / Structural change without job polarisation: the Russian case

09.00 – 10.00: Registration and coffee

10:00-10:15 Welcome – Opening of FairWRC Conference

10:15-11:15 plenary Room: Crawford Lecture Theatre Chair Helge Hoel

Author(s) / Paper
Gerhard Bosch / The bumpy road to a minimum wage in Germany.
Stephanie Barrientos / Buying with a conscience - fairness at work in buyer-supply chains

11:25- 12:40


Room: MBS EAST B3: Chair: Sebastian Ugarte

Author(s) / Paper
Matt Johnson / The living wage in UK local government
Anna Lukiyanova, Nina Vishnevskaya / The Decentralization of Minimum Wage Setting in Russia – Courses and Consequences
Karen Jaehrling / Compliance and enforcement of minimum wages

b)Inequalities and Work Room: B10: Chair Sheena Johnson

Author(s) / Paper
Andy Charlwood / Is the distribution of subjective well-being at work fair? Understanding inequalities in job satisfaction by class and gender
Jo Cartwright, Gail Hebson / ‘I’m not in Harvey Nichols…I’m not a personal shopper!’: Exploring the relevance of the triangular relationship and the performance of emotional labour: the case of the retail industry.
Colette Fagan, Karen Hassell, Liz Seston and Nina Teasdale / Women’s under-representation in the university sector: an exploration of the gendered nature of scientific leadership

c)Fairness and Labour Markets Room: B1 Chair: Miguel Martinez Lucio

Author(s) / Paper
Oxana Krutova, Liudmila Lipiäinen and Pertti Koistinen / Stable Employment, Permanent Adaptation or Labour Deprivation? Considering Trajectories of Labour Market Integration among Immigrants in Finland
Damian Oliver, John Buchanan / Australia’s Fair Work Reforms: Refining, not redefining, a new working order
Maria Hudson / Ethnicity and low wage traps: the importance of informal workplace processes in labour market segmentation

d)Changing job structures

Room: MBS EAST B7: Chair: Jorg Flecker

Author(s) / Paper
Dominique Anxo / Long-term Changes in the Swedish Job Structure: Upgrading or Polarisation?
Damian Grimshaw, Anthony Rafferty / Long-run trends in the UK jobs structure: A story of upgrading with some polarisation but not for all workers
Arja Jolkkonen, Pertti Koistinen, Arja Kurvinen, Liudmila Lipiäinen, Tapio Nummi & Pekka Virtanen / Good and bad times of Displacements - Labour Market Attachment of Displaced Workers after Plant Closings

12:40-13:40 Lunch

13:40 - 15:20

a)Production systems

Room: MBS EAST B3: Chair: Iain Campbell

Author(s) / Paper
Jorg Flecker / The devil takes the hindmost – precarisation of work from a value-chain perspective
Al Rainnie, Caleb Goods, John Burgess, Grant Michelson / Separating workforce from community: Fly in Fly Out Workers and the West Australian resource Sector
Phil Almond, Maria C. Gonzalez / Segmented production, business system competitiveness and geographical contests for inward investment: Observations from the UK and Spain
Damian Grimshaw, Jo Cartwright, Arjan Keizer and Jill Rubery / Cleaning contracting in the UK


Room: MBS EAST B7: Chair: Paola Villa

Author(s) / Paper
Dominik Postels, Christine Slomka / The Swedish Welfare State in Times of Crisis: Resilience and Success
Martine Dieckhoff, Vanessa Gash, Antje Mertens, Laura Romeu-Gordo / Dependent earners and part-time employment in the household context
Brendan Burchell, Vincent Hardy, Jill Rubery, Mark Smith / A Data Visualisation approach to understanding Occupational Gender Segregation
Hugo Figueiredo, Vera Rocha, Ricardo Biscaia, Pedro Teixeira / Gender pay gaps and graduate labour markets in Southern Europe

c)Safety and New Fairness Issues Room B10 Chair Gail Hebson

Author(s) / Paper
Drusilla Brown / Verbal Abuse, Contract Practices and Overtime Violations: Evidence from Apparel Firms in Vietnam
Dewhurst, E. Johnson, S. Lynch-Wood, G. Horton, D / Compulsory - Retirement: An Interdisciplinary Perspective
Noemi Sinkovics / Modern forms of workplace servitude
Elinor O’Connor / Work-related Stress in the Veterinary Profession

d)Age, Gender and Work Room B1 Chair Isabel Tavora

Author(s) / Paper
Helen Norman, Colette Fagan / What makes fathers involved? Exploring the relationship between paid work and childcare
Vincenzo Pietrogiovanni / The right to work in the 21st Centry: Legal promotion of employment for young people in Italy, Sweden and the UK
Niven, K. Johnson, S. Yap, M. Farrow, T / Compulsory Retirement: An Interdisciplinary Perspective
Anne McBride, Gail Hebson and Jane Holgate / Preaching to the ‘unconverted’: the broader benefits of taking an intersectional approach

15.20- 15.40 Coffee

15:40 –16:55


Room: MBS EAST B3: Chair: Anna Simonazzi

Author(s) / Paper
Anne Eydoux / More or better jobs? The gender biases of employment trends and employment policies in Europe
Paola Villa, Mark Smith / Gender equality, European leadership and the economic crisis – the case of gender pay equity in the EU
Tiina Soininen / Changing employment stability? Longitudinal analysis of tenures in Finland 1991-2008

b)Multiple Disadvantage & Health Room B1 Chair Jo Cartwright

Author(s) / Paper
Carol Woodhams, Ben Lupton & Marc Cowling / Multiple disadvantage and its impact on pay: an analysis of the “snowballing” penalty effect
Helge Hoel, D. Lewis, Anna Einarsdottir / Straight talking/Talking straight: heterosexuals’ accounts of lesbians, gay men and bisexuals’ struggle for fair treatment at work
Helen Mortimore / Good managers know to check with HR: the doing of equality compliance at work

c)The state, regulation and change Room B7 Chair Debra Howcroft

Author(s) / Paper
Aristea Koukiadaki & Aurora Tiff / Does one-size fit all? Restructuring collective bargaining institutions in Romania and Greece during the crisis
Miguel Martinez Lucio / New Management Practices and the Question of Regulation: A Reflection on theIncapacitation of State Intervention
Elizabeth Cotton / An emancipatory model for building mental health at work: the unique role of trade union education

17:00 – 18:00 plenary Crawford Lecture Theatre Chair Damian Grimshaw

Author(s) / Paper
Paul Stewart / Fairness as Worker Control: the case of the European Automobile Industry
Dieter Zapf / Fair treatment of older workers

09.00 - Coffee

09:30-11:00 plenaries Room Crawford Lecture Theatre Chair Stephanie Barrientos

Author(s) / Paper
Colette Fagan / 'Swimming upstream or being washed out to sea? Progress towards gender equality in the UK'
Tracey Warren / Fairness at work in Britain: gender, class and economic wellbeing in the economic crisis
Sara Charlesworth / Gender, migration and decent work in aged care: The Australian case

11:00-11:30 Coffee

11:30 – 13:10

a)The context of austerity

Room: MBS EAST B1: Chair: Gerhard Bosch

Author(s) / Paper
Annamaria Simonazzi / Taking Summers seriously. Secular stagnation and the labour share
Josep Banylus, Albert Recio / Generating poverty in Spain: productive structure, employers strategies and public policy
Steffen Lehndorf / Living in different worlds? Challenges to transnational labour solidarity in the Eurozone crisis
Dominique Anxo / The Swedish Welfare State in Times of Crisis: Resilience and Success

b)New forms of work and organising

Room: MBS EAST B10: Chair: Arjan Keizer

Author(s) / Paper
Eva Katharina Sarter / From public to private - Contracting out, public procurement and equal opportunities
Stefania Marino, Heather Connolly, Miguel Martinez Lucio, / Justice for Janitors ‘goes Dutch’
Siobhan Austen, Therese Jefferson & Rhonda Sharp / Using the IAD framework to examine dirty, dangerous and underpaid work in aged care
Lucy Taksa, Alison Barnes, and Sasha Holley / On Borrowed Time: Restructuring, labour hire and its impact on Qantas employees’ lives, incomes and security prospects

c)Recession and Change at Work in a Comparative Perspective

Room B3: Chair Helge Hoel

Author(s) / Paper
María C. González Menéndez and Gabriel Pruneda / The Spanish labour management model: Crisis? What crisis?
Isabel Tavora / Employment, welfare and gender equality under recession and austerity in southern Europe: The case of low educated women in Portugal
Eleni Sifaki / Sustaining the GPN in times of crisis? Women’s unwaged work as fallback position in the table grape GPN in Archanes, Greece
Fiona Macdonald & Sara Charlesworth / Disability services workers under individualised funding models: new challenges for fairness and decency at work

d)Change at work Room B7 Chair Matt Johnson

Author(s) / Paper
Helen Norman, Nina Teasdale, Colette Fagan / Building a supportive infrastructure for gender equality in the UK?
Sebastian Ugarte, Damian Grimshaw, & Jill Rubery / Gender pay equity at the organisational level: exploring the impact of formal, consistent and transparent HR practices
David Holman & Anthony Rafferty / The influence of national institutions on the convergence and divergence of job design in Europe from 1995 to 2010
Debra Howcroft and Birgitta Bergvall-Kåreborn / Crowdsourcing labour: a study of Amazon mechanical turk

13:10-14:10 Lunch

14:10 –15:25

a)Precarious employment

Room: MBS EAST B 1: Chair: Dominique Anxo

Author(s) / Paper
Simon Deakin / Institutional solutions to inequality and precariousness in labour markets
Jill Rubery / Regulating for gender equality in an age of increasing inequalities

b)Fairness, Diversity and Inequality Room B3 Chair Miguel Martinez Lucio

Author(s) / Paper
Francine Morris / Barriers facing mature graduates in the labour market
Nicholas Black / Organisational Income Inequality and the Financialisation of British Universities
Juliet Nagy / A critical examination of diversity and leadership progression in small and medium enterprises (SMEs)

c)Voice and Fairness Room B7 Chair Stephen Mustchin

Author(s) / Paper
Manolchev, C and Lewis, D. / Channelling Employment Voice against Pressures of Workplace Displacement: A Network Approach to Fairness at Work
Steve Higginson (UNITE) / Keep the Movement Moving
Joel Rudin / Reconstructing the Fairness of Health Care in the United States

15:25 – 15:40 Coffee

15:40 – 17:00

a)Issues of Wellbeing Room B1 Chair Juliet Nagy

Author(s) / Paper
Gitte Meyer / Well-being: Thick concepts and strict science
Matthew Alford / Public governance and multi-scalar contestation in global production networks: crisis in South African fruit
Ugo Orazulike / Hermeneutics of OSH Regulation: empirical application of equal standards for a determinate unprotected group

b)Governance and Wellbeing Room B3 Chair Jill Rubery

Author(s) / Paper
Sara Guediri / The role of formal and shared leadership in improving safety climate and safety performance
Philippe Méhaut & Cathel Kornig / Health and safety at work, psychological risks in the public urban transports
Martin Dietz & Christopher Osiander / What could all the money do? Designing training measures to increasing job opportunities for low skilled unemployed

c)Fairness at Work Research Centre Session - The challenge of impact in our research

Room B7 Chair Sheena Johnson

Roundtable with FairWRC advisors and practitioners on the role and challenges of research in a context of dissemination


Closure of Conference