Command Driven

DOS-(Disk Operating System)

Command Driven:-

Dos 2.0

Dos 3.1

Dos 5.0

Dos 6.0

Dos 6.22

To Search Any File

Click Search

Wide card character:-

* Any Number of Characters

? Single Character

01.To search all files with the extension .Doc


02. To display all files with the starting character “A” and with extension .exe


03. To display all files with the extension EXE and name having character “A”


04. To display all files


05. To display all files with the Second character “A”



Name Extension

(Maximum 252 characters in windows)

.txtText file

.docDocument file

.xlsExcel file

.mdbAccess database


.batBatch file

.comcommand file

.pptPower point

.ppsPower point show

.cppC++ programme

.jpgJPJE file

.bmpbitmap file

06. To display all files with the character “T” as first character in extension.


07. To display all files with Second character “X” in extension.


Search The file in specified location

Select looking location and specified location .

Eg:- Search all Txt file from windows folder drive C:\


01. To display all files in programme file folder in drive C:\


02. To display all executable file in windows folder.


03. To display all .INI files in I386 folder in drive C:\


04. To display all documents in document and setting folder in drive C:\


05. To display all batch files in programme file folder in drive C:\


Search the file with give it modified days

Type The name or part of the name of the file click when was it modified

Select the option:-

-Don’t remember

- With in the last week

- past month

- with in the past year

- specify dates

Specify Date:-

You can specify date with

-modify date

-created date

-accessed date


01.To display all text file in drive C:\ which modify in January 2011.


02. .To display all text file in drive C:\ which create with in the past year.


03. .To display all file in windows folder which accessed with in the past year.


Display The Files With It Size

Type the name select location Click on what size is it.

-Don’t remember

-Small (less than 100kb)

-Medium(less than 1MB)

-Large (more than 1MB)

-Specify size (in KB)

More Advanced Option:-

- Search system folder- Search hidden files and folder

- Search subfolder- Case sensitive

- Search type backup