6th / Lesson Focus: Alcohol Prevention / Lesson Number: 1 / Total Time:
Approximately 75 min.
# of students:35 / Safety considerations:
Smart Device or Laptop
Padlet QR code posted on the board or wall (use and to generate the padlet and Qr code)
“I can say No banner”- posted on wall in classroom with colored markers
Ripple Effect Worksheets 1 per student
Objectives: (What will your students know by the end of the lesson?
Students will identify and describe family and peer pressure as influences on the use and nonuse of alcohol through the completion of class discussion and the ripple effects of alcohol worksheet.
Students will identify and describe the consequences of consuming alcohol including the short and long term effects of alcohol use through the completion of the ripple effects of alcohol worksheet.
Students will develop and describe three personal strategies for avoiding alcohol.
6.2h – analyze family and peer pressure as influences on the use and nonuse of alcohol
6.3r-ID resistance skills to avoid
7.2l- ID consequences of engaging in risky behavior related to alcohol
7.2 m- ID strategies for avoiding alcohol
8.1i- short and long term health issues related to alcohol
8.2h- analyze how family and peer pressure influence alcohol use
Reflections: How do you know that your students accomplished the objectives? What went well with the lesson? What could be improved?

Circle or highlight the numbers from each set of standards below that this lesson addresses:

National Health Education Standards (2007)
  1. Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health.
  2. Students will analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology, and other factors on health behaviors.
  3. Students will demonstrate the ability to access valid information and products and services to enhance health.
  4. Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks.
  5. Students will demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health.
  6. Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting skills to enhance health.
  7. Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks.
  8. Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health
/ Virginia Standards of Learning (2015)
  1. Demonstrate the knowledge and skills to make healthy decisions that reduce health risks and enhance the health of self and others. (Essential Health Concepts)
  2. Demonstrate the ability to access, evaluate, and use health information, products, and services that influence health and wellness in a positive manner. (Healthy Decisions)
  3. Demonstrate the use of appropriate health practices and behaviors to promote a safe and healthy community when alone, with family, at school, and in other group settings.(Advocacy and Health Promotion)

Time / Learning Activities/Tasks/Transition / Organization / Skill & Behavior Cues (extensions, refinements, applications) / Assessment
5-7 min / Bell ringer- As students enter the classroom they will scan the QR code that will direct them to the padlet wall. Students will think of and post one word responses to describe the effects of alcohol use.
-Alternative to using the QR code would be to have students write their one word on a post it note and put on the board. / Students will use either their laptops or other smart device and remain seated. / Remind students to post one word responses. / Padlet
10 -15min / Students will discuss the padlet responses and categorize each response.
Categories should be limited to:long term or short term effects of alcohol use, consequence, family influence, or peer pressure. / Students will stand in a double circle inside circle facing outside circle. / Student’s select one response, discuss and categorize. If there is disagreement, students will justify their thought and if not resolved, request teacher assistance. Outside circle will rotate two spaces to the left. This process will continue to allow students time to discuss the majority of the posts. / Student participation
20 min. / Teacher led discussion and review of posts. This is the time for the teacher to insert specific effects and discuss family and peer influences on alcohol use or non-use. Students will take notes either on paper or on their laptop. / Students seated / Allow students to share their reasons for categorizing responses. Teacher will limit responses and remind students to not identify specific names when sharing. / Students will have notes available for teacher to view upon request.
15 min / Ripple Effect Worksheet. Students will use their notes from prior discussion to complete the ripple effects of alcohol worksheet. / Students seated, working individually. / Students will be reminded to personalize the ripple effect worksheet where appropriate / Ripple Effect worksheet
10 min / Personal refusal skills. Students will analyze their responses on the ripple effects worksheet and develop three refusal strategies specific to alcohol. Students will select their strongest refusal technique and write on the “how I can say no” banner on the wall on the classroom. / Students seated and working with a partner. / After students have developed their refusal strategies, they will share and discuss their refusal strategies with a partner. Partners will provide feedback if needed to strengthen the refusal strategy. / Refusal strategies written on back of ripple effect worksheet.
5 min / Closure- Students will walk up to the “how I can say no” banner and high five their personal response and say it out loud. / Students exiting class / Students will be instructed to high five their response as a reminder to stay focused and continue thinking about the importance of avoiding alcohol. / Teacher observes and encourages students to high five their response.