“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.” (Luke 4:18-19).


Evg. Libu Mathew Varghese was a textile designer, he did his Masters of Design at Edinburgh in Scotland and worked as a designer as well. In 2008 December in Scotland God got hold of him and gave him a vision of Chambal River and said to evangelise the villages near this river. This river particularly flows through three states namely Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan. In regard of this divine calling he left his job and came to India.

In April 2009 he went to the place called Janapau in Mhow from where the Chambal River starts flowing, this place is located in Indore (M.P). He started evangelising the villages which were located near this river, he walked through the banks of this river evangelisingand praying for the people and crossed all the three states. Later he settled in Gwalior (M.P), from there he started visiting other villages and started a small gathering in a village called Sagarpada which is situated in Dholpur dist. Rajasthan.

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In 2011 he shifted to Dholpur and now with his family (wife and two kids Elijah and Agnes) working for the Lord in this place. By his prayer and God’s mighty power many people started gathering in this place, people started seeing and experiencing the mighty power of God, a pujari got baptised, 8 to 9 families started attending the meeting regularly with strong faith and love for Jesus and getting ready to be baptised. God is doing wonders in this place through his servant and family.


His vision is to evangelise the villages near Chambal River. He is mainly focusing on 9 districts in Madhya Pradesh, 5 districts in Rajasthan and 2 districts in Uttar Pradesh. In the month of March 2010 God spoke to him and gave him another vision in which God gave him the name GEM i.e. (Grace Evangelism Movement) also He gave him four specific work that has to be done in GEM.

Four Specific Work

First, House for Destitute (Rehabilitation Centre), this centre is for those people who are completely rejected by their families, physically challenged, mentally Challenged and diseased.

Second, Vocational Training Centre, This centre will teach vocations to differently abled and train poor people in handicraft and textiles.

Third, Media Centre, This centre will have jamming centre for Christian musicians from every region of India. We will be recording Gospel and worship music in regional languages. It will also have a translation section which will translate sermons, biblical teachings and spiritual contents in regional languages which will complement to radio station.

Fourth, Christian Radio Station, GEM will be having its own broadcasting station which will broadcast majorly in regional languages in India and then in different parts of the world.

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Being obedient to God’s voice he registered a religious charitable trust known as Grace Evangelism Movement (GEM) in Delhi on December 7th 2012. If it’s God’s will GEM is about to buy a land of 19 acre in order to begin the Lord’s work appointed to His servant.

GEM’s campus plan.


GEM holds different activities like Saturday bible classes for kids, Christmas programmes, film shows in schools and villages, also a convention which is known as DholpurSamelan that take place every year in the month of April which helps all the villagers from Dholpur to come and hear the gospel.

Film show held in a school

Vol 01, Issue 01-2016

Christmas programme that took place in our village.

Our convention (DholpurSamelan).

God has been blessing this ministry thus far. It’s not GEM’s work but it’s the Lord’s work and the Lord is using His servant and team as an instrument.

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Visitors who visited our mission field


“The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”

(James 5:16).

Dear brothers and sisters GEM needs you earnest prayers.

  1. Pray for the villagers living near the Chambal River. Pray that Lord may open their hearts and spiritual eyes that they may see and experience the love of Jesus in their lives.
  1. Pray for the Nishad community among whom GEM is mainly working.
  1. Pray for the house church that is taking place in the village called Sagarpadain Dholpur.
  1. Pray for all the activities that are taking place through GEM like Christmas programmes, film shows and Bible classes for kids, convention, fasting prayers etc.
  1. Pray for the convention that is going to take place this year in the month of April 29th and 30th that many villagers for different parts of Dholpur may come and hear the gospel of Jesus and be saved.

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  1. Pray for the three states i.e. Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, and Rajasthan, that GEM may be able to start city churches in these states and God may send His faithful and dedicated Pastors and families to work with GEM.
  1. As GEM is about to buy a land for the work that the Lord has told to do. Pray that GEM may be able to see Lord’s mighty work at the due time.
  1. Pray for the administrational and medical staff that GEM needs to work for Rehabilitation of Destitute.
  1. Pray for a vehicle like pickup truck that GEM needs to carry a generator, speaker, projector, lighting and a P.A system to different villages near the banks of Chambal River.

Thank you, God Bless You All

Libu & Feba Varghese