Unit Theme: ¿Cómo te llevas con los demás?
Context for the Integrated Performance Assessment: The Spanish language newspaper in your community wants to recognize good people and good deeds. For that reason the newspaper is sponsoring an essay contest for students in local Spanish classes. The topic of the essay for your year is “A Special Teenager,” for which students are asked to describe the special qualities and good deeds of a teenager they know and admire.Interpretive Task: Listen to several students as they talk about their friends on Realidades 3, Audio CD 5, Track 3 and their friends’ special qualities. (Don’t worry about the directions given on the CD itself. Use these directions instead.) Think about a teenager you know and admire and take notes as you hear something that describes him/her. Write down 2 more qualities that you admire and what he/she does as an example of each quality.
Interpersonal Task: Discuss the teenager’s qualities with a partner in Spanish class and listen to your partner’s description. Continue to talk about the person until you have more qualities and examples. Identify one very special thing that the teenager has done for his/her family, in school, or in the community.
Presentational Task: Write the essay for the contest. Convince the judges that your nominee deserves to be named “A Special Teenager” because of his/her qualities and what he/she does at home, in school, and in the community.
Assessment Rubrics
Interpersonal Task Rubric
Score: 1Does not meet expectations / Score: 3
Meets expectations / Score: 5
Exceeds expectations
Language Use / Student uses little or no target language and relies heavily on native language word order. / Student uses the target language consistently, but may mix native and target language word order. / Student uses the target language exclusively and integrates target language word order into conversation.
Vocabulary Use / Student uses limited and repetitive language. / Student uses only recently acquired vocabulary. / Student uses both recently and previously acquired vocabulary.
Presentational Task Rubric
Score: 1Does not meet expectations / Score: 3
Meets expectations / Score: 5
Exceeds expectations
Amount of Communication / Student gives limited or no details or examples. / Student gives adequate details or examples. / Student gives consistent details or examples.
Accuracy / Student’s accuracy with vocabulary and structures is limited. / Student’s accuracy with vocabulary and structures is adequate. / Student’s accuracy with vocabulary and structures is exemplary.
Comprehensibility / Student’s ideas lack clarity and are difficult to understand. / Student’s ideas are adequately clear and fairly well understood. / Student’s ideas are precise and easily understood.
Vocabulary Use / Student uses limited and repetitive vocabulary. / Student uses only recently acquired vocabulary. / Student uses both recently and previously acquired vocabulary.
Capítulo 4
Integrated Performance Assessment, page 1
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