


Open Space & Trails Commission

Draft /


Wednesday, August 15th
101 City Hall Plaza
7:00 p.m.
Members Present: / Kelly Bryant, Jr, Lisa Buckley, Bill Greuling, Jack Gibson, ,Will Wilson, Glenn Bowles, Dan Clever, George Brine, Paula Childers, Annette Montgomery, Josie Owen, , Liz Pullman, Ellen Reckhow, Tom Stark, Charlie Welch, Mike Woodard,
Members Excused: / Bo Glenn ,Andrew Edmonds, John Goebel
Members Absent: / Sue Willis, Valjeanne Jones-Williams, Jason Reyes, Richard Mentock
Staff Present: / Helen Youngblood
Guests Present: / Beth Timpson, Dale McKeel, Julie Brenman, Beth Emerson

I. Call to Order Chairman Dan Clever called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM

II. Approval of Minutes – motion approved to accept modified June minutes. July meeting minutes were not available for review at this time.

III. Agenda Adjustments

·  Julie Brenman, Assistant City Mgr for Budget & Strategic Initiatives presented information on Impact fees. There are three types of impact fees: Parks and Rec, Open Space, and Transportation. They have not been reviewed or modified since 1989. Julie presented draft recommendations for an upcoming increase. Along with a 4 pg handout she clarified that the Open Space $ has been typically used to acquire land and the Park and Rec $ has been used for facilities. She also explained that impact fees are utilized within the zone where they have been assessed. DOST feels that along with the recommended changes (planned to go before council after November) that a stipulation be made that the fees be reviewed every 3 – 5 years. DOST would like to see the final recommendations once they have been prepared so we can support the increase in impact fees.

·  Beth Emerson provided a trail Update for Third Fork Creek Trail and the Eno River Greenway. The construction manager on the Third Fork Creek trail has indicated $500 K under funding. They are exploring design modifications. DOST has requested maps and requested a report back if there are concerns. DOST wishes the Trails group to have the 3rd Fork Creek Trail designed from Woodcroft Parkway to Martin Luther King.
The Eno Project construction manager indicates that they are $100 K over budget. They are seeking authorization to move excess funding from the Stadium Drive.
Future recommendation via- Beth Timson (assistant Parks Director) that land acquisition be confirmed and finalized prior to budgeting for a trail.


Open Space Committee met with Southwest Central neighborhood protection (Tuskaloosa Neighborhood Association.)Still working on the Open Space criteria for acquisition

Education Committee –Center fest is September 15th and 16th Helen will circulate a sign up sheet.

Matching Grants Committee- Advertisements are now out for grants. Annette will be checking with Kevin.

Trails Committee – Third Fork Creek Trail was discussed (see comments above). Finance committee letter was discussed. The committee distributed a cut sheet (draft) created for the Duke Belt line. They are seeking feedback and need input from the Finance Committee. The cut sheet has potential for being used during fundraising or as a means for getting information out to the community.

Development Review Committee –.Have nearly 30 cases to review. Presented just one Jordan at South Point. It was first submitted for rezoning, and then withdrawn; now it’s being presented with a Conservation subdivision. It is located in south Durham adjacent to 751. The proposed site will have (224 lots). This proposal has issues like using power lines as the view shed area. It is located next to corp. property where hunting is allowed. This site has hardwood preservation that is being overlooked and they do not appear to be attempting to meet the true purpose of Conservation Subdivisions.

Finance Committee – Collecting new data – getting reorganized. Mike Woodard asked for time to negotiate on our behalf before we write a Beltway letter to the City Council. Has met with Patrick Baker to request the matter be looked into with regards to the timing on a 2nd appraisal. The committee reported that authorization will be needed to get an appraisal on the property. The Finance committee asked about the sequence and timing of events and if the City or NC DOT will be doing the negotiation.


Bike/Pedestrian Advisory Committee – No Report

Recreation Advisory Committee – No Report

Education Committee – No Report

New Hope Creek Corridor Advisory Committee – No Report

Parks and Recreation Trails/Greenways – No Report


·  Status update on Black Meadow Ridge (Eno Drive). The development plan appears to be missing Neither the Developer or property owner can locate a copy. Plans are for the Friends of West Point to meet with the Mayor and City managers to encourage protecting this site. Additional requests to pursue include traffic impact analysis (TIA) and investigating other properties that may have been condemned for Eno Drive

·  There are continued interests in determining what is available for naming rites on Trails etc facilities etc

Membership and Appointments – requested new membership list be provided

Annual Retreat – Sept? – Tom offered hosting a pot luck. More clarification to be forthcoming. Meeting night would be the third Wednesday of Sept 19 start time 6:00 PM. Helen will provide further details.

Meeting adjourned 9:02 PM

Staff Contact: Helen Youngblood, Senior Planner

919.560.4137 ext 245

Durham Open Space and Trails Commission
Updated August 15, 2007
Officers, 2007
Chairperson: Dan Clever
Vice Chairperson: Robert Glenn, Jr
Secretary: Valjeanne Jones-Williams
Name and Address / Contact Numbers / Representing / Term Expires
City Council Appointments
Susan Willis
805 Berkley Street
Durham, NC 27705 / H: 416-1018
Willis / Ward 1 / 6-30-07
Vacant / Ward 2 / 6-30-07
Andrew Edmonds
102 Hilton Avenue
Durham, NC 27705 / H: 419-0269
/ Ward 3 / 6-30-09
John A. Goebel
2 Creekview Lane
Durham, NC 27705 / H: 489-7063
W: 489-6569 ext. 452
/ At-Large / 6-30-08
Josie Owen
509 Wanda Ridge Drive
Durham, NC 27712 / H: 471-3310
W: 471-3802
/ At-Large / 6-30-08
Paula Childers
407 East Lavender
Durham, NC 27704 / H: 317-4205
W: 767-7311
/ At-Large / 6-30-08
Mayor’s appointee / At-Large
Jason Reyes
1400 Glendale Avenue
Durham, NC 27701 / H: 638-7849
W: 484-8448
/ At-Large / 6-30-08
Board of County Commissioners Appointments
LaDawnna Summers
2643 Barton Road
Durham NC 27704 / H 810-5622
W 810-5622 cell
/ Oak Grove/Carr Township / 12-31-08
Jack Gibson
1015 Wolf Laurel Court
Rougemont, NC 27572 / H: 479-1947
W: 460-3611
/ Mangum Township / 12-31-08
Will Wilson
5329 Ventura Drive
Durham, NC 27712 / H: 477-4865
W: 660-7346
/ Lebanon Township / 12-31-09
Glen Bowles
105 Education Avenue
Durham, NC 27713 / H: 293-0547
W: 245-2577
/ Durham County
Triangle Township / 12-31-09
Robert B. Glenn, Jr.
(Vice Chair)
3000 Montgomery St.
Durham, NC 27705 / H: 493-0522
W: 683-2135
/ At-Large / 12-31-08
Charlie Welch
3905 Collander Drive
Durham, NC 27707 / H 489-9449
W 489-9449
/ At Large / 12-31-07
Lisa Buckley
4627 Hope Valley Road
Apt. E
Durham, NC 27707 / H: 740-5065
W: 684-3698

/ At Large / 12-31-08
Vacant / At Large / 12-31-08
William Greuling
4527 Berini Drive
Durham, NC 27705 / H 383-7730
W 323-4892
/ At Large / 12-31-08
Elected or Appointed Board Representatives
Ellen Reckhow
11 Pine Top Place
Durham, NC 27705 / H: 383-3883
Fax: 383-3833
/ Board of County Commissioners / N/A
Mike Woodard
2009 Woodrow St.
Durham, NC 27705
Diane Catotti
4147 Deepwood Circle
Durham, NC 27707 / W:
H: 286-0188

W: 560-4396 ext. 401
Fax: 560-4801
/ City Council / N/A
George A. Brine
6505 Hunters Ln.
Durham, NC 27713 / H: 544-3212
W: 541-6695
Fax: 541-8868
/ Planning Commission / 6-30-08

Richard Mentock

3418 Heatherwood Ln.
Durham, NC 27713 / H: 490-6081
W: same
Fax: 361-2487
/ Recreation Advisory Committee / N/A
DOST Appointments
Appointed by DOST Commission
R. Kelly Bryant, Jr.
618 Bernice St.
Durham, NC 27703-5012 / H: 596-7100
Fax: 596-7100
/ Appointed by
DOST Commission / 6-30-08
(Vacant) / Appointed by
DOST Commission / 12-31-06
Dan Clever (Chair)
1608 Maryland Ave.
Durham, NC 27705 / (H) 286-3827
(W) 483-5025
W: / Appointee by
DOST Commission / 6-30-08
Annette G. Montgomery
1 Citation Dr.
Durham, NC 27713 / H: 489-1407
W: 313-1527
Fax: same as home
W: / Appointed by
DOST Commission / 12-31-08
Valjeanne Jones-Williams
1925 Cecil St.
Durham, NC 27707 / H: 682-2402
fax 682-2802
W 949-7646

/ Appointed by
DOST Commission / 6-30-07
Elizabeth Pullman
1114 Scott King Rd.
Durham, NC 27713 / (H) 544-1609
Fax: 513-1762
/ Appointed by
DOST Commission / 12-31-08
Thomas Stark
5925 Farrington Rd, Suite 200
Chapel Hill, NC 27517 / H: 490-0722
W: 490-5550
Fax: 490-5551
/ Appointed by
DOST Commission / 12-31-08


Durham Open Space and Trails Commission
Updated August 15, 2007
Staff Liaison
Helen Youngblood
Senior Planner / City-County Planning Department
101 City Hall Plaza
Durham, NC 27701
560-4137 ext. 245

Rosetta Radke
Senior Planner / City Parks and Recreation Department
400 Cleveland St.
Durham, NC 27701
560-4355 ext. 208

Jane Korest
Open Space and Real Estate Administrator / County Engineering Department
Division of Open Space and Real Estate
200 E. Main St.
Durham, NC 27701

Greg Schuster
Open Space Land Manager / County Engineering Department,
Division of Open Space and Real Estate
200 E. Main St.
Durham, NC 27701

Kevin Etheridge
Matching Grants Program
Administrator / County Budget and Management Services Department
200 E. Main St.
Durham, NC 27701


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