Regular Board of Education Meeting

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

President Hauser called the budget work session to order at 6:30 PM in the Board Room.

Present were Commissioners Hauser, Miller, Alger, Stephens, Holland, Chisholm, Hougaard, Hooker and Jennerjohn. Also present were Superintendent Tjernagel and Business Manager Holtz. Motion: Stephens/Alger to adopt the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Business Manager Holtz went through budget projections explaining documents also included in the regular Board Meeting Packet with the Business Manager report items.

Motion: Hougaard/Chisholm to adjourn at 7:00 PM. Motion carried unanimously.


President Hauser called the regular meeting to order at 7:04 PM in the high school library. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Present were Commissioners Hauser, Miller, Alger, Stephens, Holland, Chisholm, Hougaard, Hooker and Jennerjohn. Also present were Superintendent Tjernagel and Business Manager Holtz.

  1. Motion: Hougaard/Jennerjohnto adopt the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION SECTION—also known as audience to visitors and delegations (as noted in Board Policy 0167.3 Public Participation at Board Meetings): None.

MINUTES Motion:Jennerjohn/Algerto approve minutes of regular board meeting of July 19, 2017. Motion carried unanimously.

BILLS: Motion:Hooker/Hougaardto approve the Julyboard bills. Motion carried unanimously.


  1. Grants and Donations – Sawyer School received a $250 donation from the Volunteer Center of Door County thanks to Nancy Hutchinson, 2017 Lifetime of Service Volunteer recipient, who designated her award gift to Sawyer School. Mark Smullen received a grant for the System 44 Next Generation Reading Intervention program at TJ Walker, as well as a grant for the Soar to Success Reading Intervention program at TJ Walker. Jenny Spude received a grant for a new dish washing machine in Food Service. Gerry Banks received a grant for virtual work stations in the middle school IMC and room 220. A motion to accept the grants and donations is recommended.
  1. Resignations & Retirement – Brynn Orthober has resigned from her teacher associate position at TJ Walker. Amanda Gosser has resigned from her teacher associate position at Sunrise. Stacey Schroeder has resigned from her special education teaching position at Sunrise to take a regular education elementary position in another district. Rob Tess has resigned as the JV volleyball coach (but plans to remain with the program as an unpaid varsity assistant). John Crocket has retired from his part-time maintenance department position. We thank John for his many years of full-time and part-time service, and wish him and his family nothing but the best in navigating the challenges currently before them; while we will miss John and his expertise, we certainly understand and know he is only a phone call away when needed.
  1. Approve Elementary Student-Parent Handbook
  1. Approve Elementary Faculty and Staff Handbook
  1. Second readings of the following Board Policies:

As a reminder, first readings occurred at the July 19 Board meeting.

  1. Board Policy 6152 – Student Fees, Fines, and Charges (revised)

Neola overview: The policy is updated to reflect collection authority pertaining to food service and to remove reference to food service policy decisions that are properly referenced in Policy 8500.

  1. Second reading of Board Policy 8500 – Food Services (revised)

Neola overview: The policy includes language regarding Districts’ handling of unpaid meal balances, specifically excluding them from permissible costs to the food service program and discussing collection methods. Likewise, the policy includes language and options for prohibiting or permitting negative account balances, and options within those contexts. Finally, there is language to provide the District an option as to whether to provide alternative meals to free or reduced price meal recipient students. The policy does not determine whether to claim or charge for alternative meals.

Motion: Chisholm/Algerto approve the consent agenda items as presented. Motion carried unanimously.


  1. Consent Agenda items requiring attention (if any). None.
  1. Motion: Stephens/Holland to approve Jessica Day as the TJ Walker Family and Consumer Education Teacher. Motion carried unanimously.
  1. Motion: Hougaard/Chisholm to approve Brynn Orthober as the Elementary Special Education Teacher. Motion carried unanimously.
  1. Approve Teacher Associates
  1. Motion: Stephens/Hougaardto approve Linda Miller as a Teacher Associate. Motion carried unanimously.
  2. Motion: Holland/Jennerjohnto approve Anika Haugen as a Teacher Associate. Motion carried unanimously.
  3. Motion: Chisholm/Hougaardto approve Stephanie Volz as a Teacher Associate. Motion carried unanimously.
  4. Motion: Stephens/Hougaardto approve Dayna Nellis as a Teacher Associate. Motion carried unanimously.
  5. Motion: Jennerjohn/Hougaardto approve Lucas Stephenson as a Teacher Associate. Motion carried unanimously.
  6. Motion: Stephens/Chisholmto approve Cassie Gigstead as a Teacher Associate. Motion carried unanimously.
  7. Motion: Holland/Hougaardto approve Stacey Laughlin as a Teacher Associate. Motion carried unanimously.
  8. Motion: Stephens/Hollandto approve Beth Verst as a Teacher Associate. Motion carried unanimously.
  9. Motion: Chisholm/Jennerjohnto approve Laura Hoffman as a Teacher Associate. Motion carried unanimously.
  1. Motion: Hougaard/Hooker to approve Natalie Marchant as the TJ Walker Volleyball Coach. Motion carried unanimously.
  1. Motion: Hougaard/Jennerjohn to approve the three overnight athletic trips. Motion carried unanimously.
  1. Motion: Chisholm/Alger to approve the Strategic Action Plan. Motion carried unanimously.
  1. Food Service Expansion to St. John Bosco School (informational item)

Jenny Spude is preparing a summary to keep the Board and public informed on the expansion, offering food service to the families of St. John Bosco School. (Please see Jenny’s attachment once that is completed.)

Very briefly for the background document, a pilot was conducted near the end of the 16-17 school year, and St. John Bosco would like to continue the program. Jenny, Sharon Fernandez, and Vicki Dassler (principal) have had meetings to work out the details in such a way that it is a win-win for the children/families as well as the district food service program.

While Board approval is not needed based upon the DPI process or from my standpoint, Jenny and I did want to make sure the Board and public are appropriately aware of what is happening so I thought an informational item would be appropriate.

  1. First reading of Board Policy 0151.2 Required Student Academic Standards Agenda Item (new)

This bylaw is included within the 0150 Organization section to clearly identify the procedural requirement of §120.12(13) for an agenda item pertaining to academic standards notices. Locally we know that we have met the requirement, but now we would have an additional policy on the books stating the requirement.

  1. First reading of Board Policy 1619 Group Health Plans (new)

Language from Policy 3420/4420 has been added to Policy 1619/3419/4419. Options selected should be consistent with the District’s employment contracts, current practice, and compliant with provisions and prohibitions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

With the deletion of Policy 3420/4420 this revision should be adopted to provide policy authorization for the district’s group health plans for employees.

Please note that I separated the policies to keep them in numerical order for a couple of reasons. First, I wanted to point out that there are some policies for professional staff (3000 series) and support staff (4000 series) that we have not had listed in the administration section (1000 series) previously. I’ve added them to help bring all the sections up to speed. Second, I wanted to highlight that the policies do have different numbers for various sections of our organization.

  1. First reading of Board Policy 1619.02 Privacy Protections of Fully Insured Group Health Plans (new)

Revisions to 1619.02/3419.02/4419.02 reflect the most recent revisions to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule and should be adopted to maintain accurate policies. Districts should carefully consider the nature of funding for group health plans, as both self-funded and fully insured benefit plans may be offered, in which all of these policies should be considered.

As noted previously, there are some policies that have not been included in the administration section (1000 series) previously.

  1. First reading of Board Policy 3310 Employee Expression in Noninstructional Settings (revised)

The title has been modified to better reflect the balancing of rights which can arise when employees make public comments. Legal citations have been added to these policies for ease of reference should questions arise when dealing with employee speech issues.

  1. First reading of Board Policy 3419 Group Health Plans (revised)

Language from Policy 3420/4420 has been added to Policy 1619/3419/4419. Options selected should be consistent with the District’s employment contracts, current practice, and compliant with provisions and prohibitions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

With the deletion of Policy 3420/4420 this revision should be adopted to provide policy authorization for the district’s group health plans for employees.

  1. First reading of Board Policy 3419.02 Privacy Protections of Fully Insured Group Health Plans

Revisions to 1619.02/3419.02/4419.02 reflect the most recent revisions to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule and should be adopted to maintain accurate policies. Districts should carefully consider the nature of funding for group health plans, as both self-funded and fully insured benefit plans may be offered, in which all of these policies should be considered.

  1. First reading of Board Policy 4310 Employee Expression in Noninstructional Settings (revised)

The title has been modified to better reflect the balancing of rights which can arise when employees make public comments. Legal citations have been added to these policies for ease of reference should questions arise when dealing with employee speech issues.

  1. First reading of Board Policy 4419 Group Health Plans (revised)

Language from Policy 3420/4420 has been added to Policy 1619/3419/4419. Options selected should be consistent with the District’s employment contracts, current practice, and compliant with provisions and prohibitions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

With the deletion of Policy 3420/4420 this revision should be adopted to provide policy authorization for the district’s group health plans for employees.

  1. First reading of Board Policy 4419.02 Privacy Protections of Fully Insured Group Health Plans (revised)

Revisions to 1619.02/3419.02/4419.02 reflect the most recent revisions to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule and should be adopted to maintain accurate policies. Districts should carefully consider the nature of funding for group health plans, as both self-funded and fully insured benefit plans may be offered, in which all of these policies should be considered.

  1. First reading of Board Policy 5111.01 Homeless Students (revised/replacement)

Neola points out that this policy revision aligns with the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). As we saw when we adopted the new Children and Youth in Foster Care this past spring there are some key provisions to keep in mind with ESSA. I’ll copy and paste some of those below:

Pursuant to the United State Department of Education (USDOE), ESSA includes provisions that will help to ensure success for students and schools. The law:

  • Advances equity by upholding critical protections for America's disadvantaged and high-need students.
  • Requires—for the first time—that all students in America be taught to high academic standards that will prepare them to succeed in college and careers.
  • Ensures that vital information is provided to educators, families, students, and communities through annual statewide assessments that measure students' progress toward those high standards.
  • Helps to support and grow local innovations—including evidence-based and place-based interventions developed by local leaders and educators—consistent with ourInvesting in InnovationandPromise Neighborhoods
  • Sustains and expands this administration's historic investments in increasing access to high-qualitypreschool.
  • Maintains an expectation that there will be accountability and action to effect positive change in our lowest-performing schools, where groups of students are not making progress, and where graduation rates are low over extended periods of time.
  1. First reading of Board Policy 5530 Drug Prevention (revised)

The Drug Prevention policy has been modified to retain the policy directives, but moves the implementation provisions to the administrative guidelines.

  1. First reading of Board Policy 5780 Student/Parent Rights (revised)

This policy is offered to clarify the requirements of adult students that wish to restrict access to their student records by their parents and to simplify the procedures described.

  1. First reading of Board Policy 6145 Borrowing (revised)

This policy is revised to reflect statutory language to clarify legal requirements.

  1. First reading of Board Policy 6150 Tuition Income (revised)

This policy is revised to indicate that tuition rates are set by the Board but must be based on one of the three DPI-approved methods. . Given the far broader availability of open enrollment, circumstances involving the payment of tuition are uncommon, but can still occur.

  1. First reading of Board Policy 6350 Prevailing Wage Coordinator (delete)

This policy is deleted. Wisconsin’s prevailing wage law was repealed.

  1. First reading of Board Policy 8330 Students Records (revised)

This policy has been updated to reflect the exception to confidentiality of student records permitted by Wisconsin Act 161.

  1. First reading of Board Policy 8340 Letters of Reference (delete)

Neola points out that this policy revision aligns with the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). It is recommended in this update that the current AG 8340 - Providing a Reference be adopted as a Policy instead.

Further, this document has been revised to reflect the prohibition of an administrator from preparing a letter of recommendation or an employment reference for a District employee, contractor or agent in obtaining a new job if s/he knows or has reasonable cause to believe that such District employee, contractor or agent engaged in sexual misconduct regarding a minor or student in violation of State or Federal law.

  1. First reading of Board Policy 8340 Providing a Reference (replacement)

Administrative Guidelines for 8340 are being moved to Board Policy.

  1. First reading of Board Policy 8531 Free and Reduced-Price Meals (revised)

This policy is revised to modify the USDA required nondiscrimination statement that must accompany all correspondence concerning the food service program. The regulations require that the noticed be exact. The use of the word “District” instead of “institution” deviated from the exact language and therefore the policy is revised to meet this requirement to make the language exact.

  1. Reports:
  2. Legislative: No report.
  3. CESA-No report.
  4. Committee/Seminars: No report.
  5. Superintendent: Superintendent Tjernagel summarized ongoing activities for the month as well as upcoming events.
  1. Motion:Alger/Hougaard to adjourn to executive session per Wis. Ss. per 19.85(1)(c) Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility.
  2. Compensation request from a professional staff member

at 7:59 PM with roll call vote. Motion carried unanimously with a roll call vote.

Motion: Alger/Hougaard to approve a one-time PhD stipend of $1,000 for professional staff member. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion: Hougaard/Chisholm return to open session at 8:53PM with roll call vote. Motion carried unanimously.

  1. Motion to adjourn: Jennerjohn/Hougaardto adjourn at 8:54PM. Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted by,

Ann DeMeuse

Board Recording Secretary

Date: ______

President’s Signature: ______