Howwood Community Council Minutes 12.12.2006




Nick Walker, Andrew Wilson, Christine Scarsbrook, Jackie Mackenzie, Grace Weir, Linda Smith, Douglas Paxton, Margie Stewart, Tom Purse, David McKie


PC Tracy Knox-McLean


Bill David, Norma David, Robert Scarsbrook


The Minutes of the 14.11.2006 meeting were adopted – Proposed by Andrew Wilson and Seconded by Grace Weir.


·  Crime figures for Nov 2006

§  Howwood – 5 crimes with 4 detections; 4 Road Traffic Act offences (detected), 1 theft from breaking into school.


·  Lights have now been switched on and feedback has been positive.

·  Chair thanked all who made this event possible – AW for fund raising, the Rev David Stewart for leading the carols, the Church of Scotland for laying on mince pies and teas and special thanks to Renfrewshire Council (RC) Environmental Services for their efforts and the outstanding result.

·  Thanks also to the local businesses for their support and contributions towards the lighting.

·  Switching on of the lights will become an annual event, possibly 1st Friday in December or late November at 6:30 – 7:00 pm.

·  Sale of raffle tickets for fund raising for the lights is ongoing. CC members were encouraged to sell as many tickets as possible.

·  Owners of Howwood Inn kindly agreed to host a carol singing evening with mulled wine and mince pies on Friday 22 December 2006 commencing 7:00 pm. Accompanied children are welcome up to the 9:00 pm licensing deadline

·  The raffle draw will take place at Howwood Inn during the carol singing evening.


·  The event took place on 25 November 2006. Feedback was very positive.

·  Chair thanked the working group for their efforts in organising this event and all who assisted on the evening.

·  Special thanks to the Jiggers who provided the music and to Howwood Primary School and the J&D School of Dance for the excellent entertainment.

·  Financial account for the event is yet to be confirmed by the treasurer but a small surplus is expected.

·  Proposal for a further Ceilidh in late November 2007.


·  Proposal for this popular event for our senior villagers to take place on Saturday 17 February 2007 subject to confirmation of village hall and band availability.

·  A Working Group consisting of CS, LS, JMack, GW and AW was set up to coordinate the event

·  AW to check availability of fiddle group for the event.

·  Budget for the event to be confirmed.


·  Update on progress

o  Bouncy Castles have been booked. Cost is within budget.

o  Arrangements for a second annual concert by the Glasgow Wind Band are progressing with a date set for Friday 15 June 2007. Thanks to Rev David Stewart and the Church of Scotland for agreeing use of the Church to hold the event. Details for the event will be progressed with the Band and the Church in early 2007.

o  The Glasgow Wind Band will be holding a festive concert in Hyndland Parish Church on 19 December 2006. Contact CS for further information and tickets.

o  Proposal to organise a Fun Run during the run up to the Fete. CS to progress.


Village Clean Up – 24 & 25 March 2007

·  In preparation for next village clean up in the spring it was agreed at the last meeting to purchase rubbish picking tools at a cost of £220. However a cheaper option has now been identified. BD to progress.

q  Rubbish and Compost Collection

·  The Secretary wrote to RC on 16 November 2006 regarding villagers concerns about non collection of rubbish. To date there has been no reply. This matter will be raised with Chief Executive of RC, Cllr Mullen and Alex Hewetson.

·  Brown Bin compost collection now finished for the season.

·  Rubbish collection still continues to be a problem in some areas of the village.

q  Mayfield Wasteland

·  The meeting was advised that an Enforcement Order has been issued by RC to the joint owners of the land. The Order requires that the land be brought up to the standard approved by RC. Remedial work must be carried out within a specified 12 month period. Copy of the report is available from the Secretary.

q  SUSTRANS (Access to Cycle Track)

·  SRANI (South Renfrewshire Access Network Initiative) propose to complete one section of the route from Station across the river to the Scottish Water access road. A condition for access near the Temple is that pathway must be a grassed area in consideration of farming requirements in this area. It was agreed that access for prams would be difficult at this location.

·  Talks with SRANI and land owners to improve access to the cycle path are ongoing.

Howwood Wildlife & Woodlands Walk

·  The next walk will be on Saturday 06 January 2007 via Roebank, pending prior inspection and prevailing weather conditions.

q  Green Bins in Park

·  Bins have been in place for six weeks but as yet have not been emptied. Secretary to progress.


q  Web

·  Refresh of web site will take time. Hope to start the work early 2007.

·  Congratulations on content of the web site were received from Secretary of Community Councils in Scotland. Considered to be an excellent example of community involvement.

·  Photographs of the ceilidh now on the web site.

q  Newsletter

·  Next newsletter is being planned for a late January 2007 distribution date. Topics for inclusion are Fete, Scottish Evening and Village Clean Up. Articles for inclusion should be sent or emailed to the Secretary.


q  Mid Gavin Nursery

·  Planning permission for use of extension for the nursery was won on appeal subject to a counter appeal by RC.

q  Thorntrees Cottage Midton Road

·  Planning permission to demolish the building and build a new home has been granted.

Outline Planning Application To Build A Pet Crematorium

·  Application has been withdrawn.

q  Meteorological Masts

·  An objection to the erection of two masts was lodged with North Ayrshire Council. Application was granted.

q  Wind Farming

·  There is a need to have a response ready for any planning application. Chair distributed a draft position statement on wind farm development at the last meeting. Chair to email draft to members not in attendance at the last meeting. A decision needs to be taken on this matter at the next meeting.

·  Application for six wind turbines in the Dalry area some of which are within the Muirshiel Park. Agreement to object to North Ayrshire Council regarding the turbines within the Park in line with draft position statement.


·  a) New Shop – The general store, will open on 13 December 2006. Opening times are, initially, 7am to 9pm Monday to Saturday and 10am to 6pm on Sunday.

·  b) Accounts & Signatories – Carried forward to next meeting

·  c) Citizens’ Advice Bureau – Carried forward to next meeting

·  d) Planning Aid Workshop – AW attended this worthwhile event

·  e) Antisocial Behaviour Meeting, Hugh Henry MSP – GW attended on behalf of HCC and reported back. Meeting was poorly attended, 7 people and was of no value as nothing constructive emerged.

·  f) Glasgow Airport Development - Road Show – Defer to next meeting. Copy of presentation materials is available from the Secretary.

·  g) RC Consultation on licensing procedure and Gambling Act 2005 – Reviewed by Secretary. No comments to be made.


q  As per the Agenda

·  ASCC – Request for an area representative. Secretary to ascertain membership of ASCC before decision is made.

·  SNH Annual Report – Available from the Secretary.

·  Health Council Newsletter – Available from the Secretary

·  Sports & Hobbies – Request for financial assistance. Sports & Hobbies group advised that RC can no longer fund the hire of the Village Hall at a cost of £40 per week, for use by the Sports & Hobbies group. Meeting expressed great disappointment at the lack of funding for this group who have some 50 young people enjoying the activities each week. Secretary will provide Sports & Hobbies with details of possible funding sources but in the meantime HCC agreed to donate £300 to tide the group over the next two months. Funding level proposed by DP and seconded by LS. Annual Accounts for the group are available and will be requested by the Secretary.


Complaint regarding the poor condition of part of the Howwood to Barrhead road near Greenacres Curling Club. – The road has been improved from the Howwood side up to boundary between East Renfrewshire Council area. HCC will seek advice from Scott Allan RC Roads on this matter.

NEXT MEETING: Tuesday 9 January 2007 at 7:30 pm Howwood Village Hall

Thereafter, second Tuesday monthly - 13 February 2007, 13 March 2007, 10 April 2007, 8 May 2007 etc.

Contact Details Raised At Meetings

Police / 01505 404000
Fly Tipping / 08452 30 40 90
Antisocial Behaviour Help line / 0800 169 1283
Youth Nuisance Help line / 01505 325030
Renfrewshire Council / 0141 842 5000
Roads & Lighting Faults / 0141 842 4466 (M – F)
0141 889 2314
Dog Warden, Michelle Knox / 0141 840 3164
Secretary, Andrew Wilson / 01505 702 392
www.andrew@howwood .com
Village Web site /
Responses to Wind Farm Survey /

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