Church of England
High School
More Lane Esher Surrey KT10 8AP
Telephone: 01372 468068
4 November 2016 Website:
Headteacher: Mr M Boddington
Dear Parents/Guardians
Much Ado about Nothing – Theatre Trip
We are delighted to be able to offer your child the opportunity to take part in a trip to the Haymarket Theatre, London to see Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare. The trip is being offered to all Year 9, 10 and 11 students. We are not studying the play, however during this trip students will have an opportunity to see world-class theatre. It is one of the most successful productions I have ever seen: the actors, staging and music are truly excellent.
Details for this trip are as follows:
Date: Thursday 19 January 2017
Departure time: 4.30pm at the front of school
Return Time: 11.30pm approximately
Destination: Theatre Royal Haymarket, 18 Suffolk Street, London, SW1Y 4HT
Method of transport: Coach
Dinner: Students need to bring food and drinks with them.
Cost: £27.50 which includes theatre ticket, insurance and transport.
We have a limited amount of tickets so if you would like your child to take part in this trip, please return the completed consent form and payment to Mrs Farr via Student Services marked Much Ado About Nothing as soon as possible and by Friday 11 November 2016 at the latest. If the trip is over-subscribed, places will be selected at random. Cheques should be made payable to Esher C of E High School and handed in with the consent form in a clearly marked envelope.
This trip will be arriving back outside of school hours; please make suitable arrangements for your child to be collected from school and indicate this on the consent form.
Please see the school website for standard terms and conditions for trips at Esher C of E High School, including allocation of places and cancellation information.
Please do not hesitate to contact me at the school if you have any queries about the above named trip.
Kind regards
Miss Bosley
Head of English
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