City of Phillips

Notice of Meeting of Board of Public Works

Municipal Building: Council Room

174 S Eyder Avenue

Tuesday June 3rd, 2008 at 5:00 p.m.

Mayor: Jeffrey V. Fahl

Committee members: Linda Johnson, Charles Peterson, Dorothy Hanish

Department Head: Terry Staroba

Clerk-Treasurer: Mary M. Willett

This meeting is held in compliance with Wisconsin’s Open Meeting Law, WI § Chapter 19, Subchapter V. As such it is open to the public.

This meeting may constitute a quorum of the Common Council or other city committees.

1.  Call to Order (presiding officer)

a.  Greeting

b.  Certification of Compliance with Open Meeting Law

c.  Pledge of Allegiance

2.  Roll Call

Linda Johnson___Charles Peterson___Dorothy Hanish___

Mayor Jeff Fahl___

3.  Set next month’s meeting date and time: July 1, 2008

4.  Set the date and time for the Pavilion dedication

5.  Public Comment

6.  Motion to accept/amend minutes of 5-6-2008

7.  Lions’ Club and rentals

8.  Waste Management

9.  CMAR – Bronson Thalacker report

10. Pavilion progress –updates

11. DOT update: HWY 13 access to North Business Park/DOT/Ayres

12. Deer Management Plan

13. Invoices

14. Department updates

15. Adjournment

Meeting Minutes

Board of Public Works

June 3, 2008

Chair Linda Johnson called the meeting of the Board of Public Works to order at 5:00 p.m.

Present at the meeting were: Linda Johnson, Chuck Peterson, Dorothy Hanish, Jeffrey Fahl, Terry Staroba, Bronson Thalacker, Pat Beringer, Mike Stoffel, Jeff Wolfe and Mary Willett.

July’s meeting was set for Tuesday July 1st, 2008 at 5:00 p.m.

The dedication for the Elk Lake Pavilion was set for Tuesday July 15th from 4-6 p.m. Pat Zatopa of the DNR and Stueber’s Beverages will be contacted.

Hanish/Peterson motioned to accept the minutes as presented for the May 6th committee meeting. Carried.

Jeff Wolfe of Waste Management told the committee that the company prefers to pick up the residential garbage and recyclables on Wednesday for the City of Phillips. Waste Management will continue until the end of the current contract with this arrangement, and they will be reimbursed for this service from the proceeds of the sale of stickers for the garbage bags. Ms. Willett told Jeff that the City would like to discontinue being the middleman, and would like to be out of the middle of the collection as soon as or stickers supply is depleted. Jeff said that the company would be willing to take this over at that time.

Terry and Jeff discussed where the bins from WM would be placed around the city. The number and placement can be adjusted as needed. WM will give the City a 50% discount off the rate. The 60 gallon bins are $13, and the 90 gallon bins will be $16 each for the usage.

Jeff Wolfe will work with Clerk Willett to make sure the information for the change in the garbage gets out to the citizens. Notices will be sent to The Bee, WCQM, Price County Telephone Company (to display on Channel 6), and inserted in the water/sewer bills.

Hanish/Peterson motioned to recommend to the full city council, the approval of the new conditions for the contract with Waste Management for the pick up of residential garbage and recyclables – to be picked up on the same morning, Wednesday – beginning Jul 2, 2008. The City of Phillips Public Works last day to pick up garbage will be Thursday June 26th. Waste Management agrees to provide this service for the fees collected for the stickers for the bags until the end of the current contract in July 2011. Carried.

Water/Sewer Superintendent Bronson Thalacker presented the 2007 CMAR (Compliance Maintenance Annual Report) to the committee. The main area of interest from the perspective of the Wisconsin DNR is the financial management fund – and the fund is now in full compliance with the DNR’s expectations. The report shows all compliant categories at the highest grade ranking of “A” for:

·  Influent Flow and Loadings

·  Biosolids Quality and Management

·  Staffing, Operator Certification

·  Financial Management

·  Collections Systems

Terry Staroba and Bronson Thalacker also told the committee that improper sump pump infiltration into the sewer is still an issue. The sump pump water should be going to the outside of the homes, not into the sewer system. Ordinance enforcement and resident education on the issue are the only remedies at hand.

Pavilion progress:

v  PUSH is done with the water and sewer directional drilling

v  Cabinets and pedestals are completed

v  The posts for the stainless dividers in the bathroom had to be reordered – the wrong ones were sent with the order

v  The broom closet was placed next to the window in the kitchen – still working on a resolution to the problem that presents

v  Michael Stoffel will check the contract to see if any penalties will be incurred since the building is not done by the June 1st deadline.

v  Terry Staroba will have public works pouring the 5’ strip around the pavilion under the eaves with concrete in 3 pours.

v  The asphalt walks will be completed mid-June.

v  Some groups have contacted City Hall about donating shrubs or other items for the pavilion

v  The Committee would like to see a flag pole and flag down in the park.

DOT update on the Highway 13 access to North Business Park

·  Michael Stoffel called to check on the permit process.

·  He originally sent the permit information in

·  Resubmitted to Christopher Droes

·  Was told verbally that the proposal was acceptable and that an adequate site distance exists for the intersection

·  There were “no problems”

·  The permit cannot be issued until the full design is completed

·  Mike is waiting for verification of this decision in some type of writing – email or letter.

Wildlife Manager Pat Beringer reviewed the steps already taken by the committee in regards to the deer management plan and the steps still needed to implement a city hunt. Pat will meet with Clerk Willett to fine tune the details still needed and to lay out the final options the committee must yet determine so the public hearings can move forward. There is quite a bit of flexibility on some of the remaining issues: when the hunt season will be, which permits will be used for the hunt from the Wisconsin DNR, where the designated hunt areas will be located, and determining how many deer may be harvested by a hunter and how to prove the deer was harvested in the City of Phillips.

Hanish/Peterson motioned to adjourn. Carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:02 p.m.

Mary Willett

City Clerk-Treasurer