Tai Chi Qigong Shibashi (18 Movements Chi Kung) – Level 1

Before starting, stand quietly in a loose standing posture for a few minutes, allowing your body and mind to relax. Keep your head straight as you practice the form and your shoulders relaxed. Hand movements should be coordinated with your breathing and both should be in a continuous, fluid movement. Breathing is very important in Qigong - in general, breathe in for yin (inward) movements, out for yang (outward) movements. Allow the movements to naturally follow your breathing.

1. Commencing the Form

Stand naturally with your legs shoulder width apart, drop and relax the shoulders. Keep the hips straight and your gravity in the centre and slowly raise your arms, in front of you, to shoulder height.

Lower the body and bend the knees at the same time as bringing the arms back down. Exhale on the downward movement and inhale on the upward.

Repeat 6 times.

2. Broadening ones chest

Stand naturally with your legs straight but not locked, raising your extended arms, with palms facing downwards, to the front of your chest (as Movement 1).

Separate your arms to the sides as you open your chest and breathe in. Bring the hands back towards the chest, finishing with the hands in front of the stomach as you bend your legs and breathe out.

Repeat 6 times

3. Dancing with Rainbows

Raise both outstretched arms to chest height, straighten your legs and bring both arms over your head and straighten the arms. Your palms face each other, and breathe in.

Move your weight into the right leg, bending your knees - straighten your left leg and raise your heel off the floor, so that only your sole/toes are touching. Bring your left hand down to the horizontal level of your left side, palm upward.

Arch your right arm in a semicircle bringing the palm over the head, and as your body moves to the side, breathe out. Change your weight and repeat, on the opposite side, swaying gently from side to side in a continuous motion. Do both sides six times, breathing in one side and out the other.

4. Circling Arms

Bend both knees and simultaneously, place both arms in front of your body and cross your wrists with palms facing upwards. Raise both arms above your head and separate, and then bring them down the sides and around back to the front of the stomach.

As the arms come down bend the legs, then straighten them as your wrists cross; the palms circle outward and upward over your head. Inhale going up, exhale coming down.

Repeat 6 times

5. Twisting waist & Swinging Arms

Stand with your left arm extended in front of the body, palm upward at chest height, right hand out to the back at shoulder height, palm upward, elbow bent. Push the right hand forward, past your ear and down your left arm, withdrawing your left hand so that the palms cross in front of your body. Turn your waist to the left to transfer your weight to your right leg very slightly.

Now bring your left palm past your ear, down your arm, over your right palm, and withdraw your right hand. Slightly transfer your weight to your other foot as you turn your waist in the opposite direction - you are repeating the move. Exhale as an arm moves forward, inhale as you open the arms.

Repeat 6 times

6. Rowing the Boat

Begin with your legs straight, and bring your arms straight up from the sides to above your head .Then swing them over the front so that they move down in front of your body. This is a circular action, taking the arms behind then over the top and down. Inhale as the arms go up and exhale as they come down.

Slowly lean very SLIGHTLY forward at the waist as your hands come down and round.

Repeat 6 times

7. Holding a ball

Stand naturally, turn dantien to the left and bring the right palm across the body to the left, above shoulder height, as if you are lifting a ball. Keep your left arm to your side, and move your weight into your left leg. Lift the right heel off the ground. Turn the waist and breathe in. Turn the palm to face down, and move the arm downwards.

Change from one side to the other, breathing in on the upward movement and out on the down.

Repeat 6 times

8. Carrying the moon

Stand with your arms at your side, turn to the left and swing both arms upwards and to the side (your right elbow bends naturally) – Left palm will face forwards and right palm faces towards the back.

Repeat on the other side, repeat 6 times.

9. Twisting waist & Pushing Palms

Stand in a horse stance, and hold both palms upwards with the wrists sitting on your hips. Turn your waist to the left and push forward with your right palm. Turn the palm back over as you pull the arm in again. Keep your upper body straight as your waist turns. Repeat with left palm. Inhale as you pull in and exhale as you push out.

Repeat 6 times.

10. Playing with Clouds/Wave Hands like Clouds

With this movement you stay in a ‘high horse riding’ stance and turn your waist.

Begin by crossing the arms over the body in a ‘hug’. (As though you are hugging a soft pillow)

Have the left arm on top and the right arm at the bottom of the ‘hug’. Turn your body to the left, push down with your left hand then sweep it under your right arm, returning to the ‘hug’. Turn the waist to the right and repeat on the other side.

Breathe in turning left and out turning right. With more practise you will be able to perform this move in a more ‘circular’ manner.

Repeat 6 times.

11. Scooping from the Sea

Put your left leg forward, lean your body forward, bring both hands to cross in front of your knee, whilst breathing out.

As you move your weight to the back leg, raise the crossed arms, opening and separating them over your head.

Push the hands down at the side of your body.

Repeat this on the other leg, and do 6 to 12 times on each leg.

Inhale scooping up, exhale as you go down.

12. Playing with Waves

Stand in a bow stance with your right foot forward, lift your palms up facing forward. With the weight on your right foot, push forward at dantien height, and stretch the back leg, lifting the heel.

Slowly move your weight to your back leg lifting the front toes, and draw back the arms, breathing in.

This movement should achieve a gentle rocking backwards and forwards. Change leg stances after 6 - 12 times on the one leg.

13. Spreading your wings

With one leg forward, lift both arms up to your side, place your weight on the back leg, lift your front leg toes, and breathe in. Imagine that you are stretching something with your arms.

Transfer your weight to your front leg, raise the heel of your back foot, and bring your palms together in front of your chest - breathe out.

Repeat 6 to 12 times.

14. Punching

Adopt a horse stance, and hold both fists on your hips. Push out your left fist, twisting it so that the ‘palm’ ends up downwards. Turn the fist over and withdraw the left fist as you push out with your right fist.

Repeat 6 times.

15. Flying like a Wild Goose

Stand naturally, then bring both hands outwards to shoulder height at the side of your body, and slowly squat down into a horse stance. Let both arms slowly sink down to your sides.

Raise up your body, bringing both hands to shoulder height again, breathing in on the up, and out on the down.

Repeat 6 times.

16. Spinning Wheels

Stand naturally, and bring both hands to the front of your stomach, and then turn to the left side, keeping your arms straight. The arms follow your waist movement, going up and around over the top of your head, palms forward. Breathe in as you do this.

Your hands drop down and you breathe out.

Repeat 3 times in both directions.

17. Bouncing the Ball

Lift up your left leg to hip height and, at the same time, your right arm to shoulder height, breathe in, and then drop them down slowly. Repeat on the other side and breathe out. Repeat 6 times each side

18. Pressing the Palms

This is to balance your chi. Stand naturally, and lift both hands palm upwards in front of your stomach, fingertips of both hands nearly touching. Lift your hands to chest height, breathe in.

Turn the palms over and bring down your arms down to your dantien. Exhale as the arms go down. Repeat 6 times.