(Awaiting Schools Capital Group’s approval)


Notes of Meeting 5 June 2013

Present:Alan Barham, Simon Foulkes, John Hoadly, Sheree Hyder, Lynn Keeley, David Metcalfe, Phil Sayer(Chair), Grahame Ward

Guests:-Barry Healey, David Nicholson

Apologies:Nigel Brown, John Dennis, Roland Gooding,Marisa White,

ItemNo / Minutes / Action by:
1. / Minutes of Previous Meeting
Minutes of 6 March meeting were agreed as a true and accurate record.
Agreed notes are published on Kent Trust Web
2. / Matters Arising
3. / Terms of Reference & Membership
The current Terms of Reference were last reviewed in 2009. Given the ending of the BSF and the Primary Capital Programme, the James Review proposals and the restructure of the Education and Property departments it was agreed to revised the Terms of Reference
Following discussions the Groupagreed revised T of R which will be presented to the SFF for approval.
There are currently vacancies for 2 Primary and 1 Secondary school representatives.
SF to explore possible candidates / PS
4. / Modernisation of Asset
SH advised the Group that it is anticipated funding of between £2-4 million may be made available to undertake a schools modernisation of asset programme of works in 2014/15.
The criteria for prioritisation has yet to be agreed but it is proposed that a higher percentage of the funding would be proportioned for Primary schools.
Whilst the criteria has yet to be discussed it is suggested that the schools ranking list be utilised to aid the format.
It is proposed that the SFF and SCG will be consulted and their view sort on the proposed criteria.
Further details to be presented at the next SCG meeting. / SH
5. / Maintenance Condition Programme of Works 2013/14
The Group received the proposed list of schools and works to be included in 2013/14 Maintenance Condition Programme.
SH advised the Group that the budget allocation is awaiting Member ratification. It is anticipated that approval will be given on 16 June PAG meeting.
To minimise any time delay to the programme the schemes continue to be worked up awaiting approval.
6. / Maintenance Contracts
Class Care
A review of Edu Kent is currently being undertaken. This is looking at the services the LA offer to schools. A report has been presented to Paul Carter and is awaiting his comments.
LK to provide a progress report for the next SCG meeting
Academies - At the previous meeting AB had suggested that Academies should be made more aware of their statutory responsibility and what services are available to them from the LA.
LK to contact Hilary Williams to confirm the meeting dates of the Head Teachers Briefing Forum which would be a suitable platform.
Water Hygiene & Asbestos Training
LK informed the group that Property continue to provide the training which schools have opportunity to attend. The training days have continued to be well attended and positive fed back has been received.
Provision of Sprinklers
The LA is preparing a paper to confirm KCC’s policy regarding the provision of sprinkler systems in school buildings.
The paper should consider the maintenance and testing of the equipment.
Maintenance Consultants
LK presented Building Maintenance Performance Monitor summary which is collated from a range of criteria and works.
Should schools have any comments relating to the Maintenance Consultant for inclusion in the performance monitor they should contact their Area Maintenance Contracts Manager. / LK
7. / Response to Automatic Fire Alarm (AFA)- Automatic Dial- by Kent Fire & Rescue Service
Barry Healey KF&RS attended the meeting.
As from April 2012 the KF&RS require a phone call to confirm all calls received from automatic fire alarms and automatic dial AFA are genuine.
The Group expressed their grave concerns and felt these changes to be totally unacceptable as the loss of a school building has an impact on children’s’ education and effects the wider community (eg parents)
There is particular concerns for residential special schools.
BH advised that the changes to F&RS response has been discussed in Parliament and other Fire Services are also adopting this method. It is anticipated that the method will become adopted Country wide.
The new requirements are for the premises occupier to manage. BH recommended that the management of such should be included within the premises Risk Assessment.
It was agreed that following the E-Bulletin issued in March a further E-Bulletin should be prepared advising schools of KF&RS response procedure. / DN
8. / Fire Risk Assessments
It is the schools responsibility to ensure a suitable and robust fire risk assessment is undertaken.
BH advised the Group that any issue regarding Fire safety is now classified under Criminal Law.
Schools may choose to employ a company to undertake the assessment. There are many companies that offer this service but there is no guarantee that the risk assessment produced meet the Fire Safety officer’s requirements.
Whilst the Fire Service is happy to offer some advice unfortunately they can not be involved in preparing these assessments.
LK agreed to explore the possibility of an approved contractor list for fire risk assessments. This would give the schools some confidence when selecting a company.
Schools would be responsibility for arranging and funding the assessment.
PS to discuss with the SFF the possibility of buying in this service.
Kent Fire & Rescue Service – Advise
BH advised that he is consulted on any planning application.
If schools are proposing any building works and require guidance on fire safety issues he is available. / LK

Next Meeting Venue: 8am for 8.15 start

25 September 2013 Oakwood House Maidstone, ME16 8AE

11 December 2013 Oakwood House Maidstone, ME16 8AE

Contact: Sheree Hyder 01622 694771