SS8H6 The student will analyze the impact of the War Between the States and Reconstruction on Georgia

  1. Explain the importance of key issues and events that led to the War Between the States; include slavery, state’s rights, nullification, Missouri Compromise, Compromise of 1850, the Georgia Platform, Kansas-Nebraska Act, Dred Scott case, election of 1860, the debate over secession in Georgia, and the role of Alexander Stephens.

Slavery (pages 217-221)You will have two class days to work on slavery.

Choose ONE of the following:

1)Write a one page, 12 font, double spaced paper on the life of the slave and Free Blacks in antebellum Georgia. Be sure to include the following: daily life of the slave, number of slaves in Georgia and the south, the class system of slaves, and how slavery effected the south both socially and economically. Also include how things were for the free black in the south.

2)Make a poster detailing the life of a slave. Be sure to include the following: daily life of the slave, number of slaves in Georgia and the south, the class system of slaves, and how slavery effected the south both socially and economically. Compare the life of the slave with the life of a free black.

Choose ONE of the following

1)Go to and watch the following video’s: “Origins of slavery”; “Gateway to Freedom: The Underground Railroad”; “Legacy of the Civil War”; “Frederick Douglas”; Harriett Tubman and the underground railroad”; and then two video’s of your choice then write a synopsis of each video.

2)Make a graphic organizer comparing and contrasting the lives of Slaves, Poor Whites, and Free Blacks.

States’ Rights (page 215-216)

States Rights’ is the belief that the state’s interest should take precedence over the interests of the national government.

States’ Rights was the biggest difference between the North and the South.

Northern states believed decisions should be made that were in the best interest of the nation as a whole. They believed all states should abide by laws made by Congress, signed by the president, or decreed by the courts.

Southern States believed each state had the right to govern themselves and decide what was best for their own needs and situation. They believed northern legislatures had no idea what was best for the southern states.

Nullification (page 227)

Tarriff- tax on imported goods, designed to keep out competition

In the early 1800’s, congress passed several protective tariffs. This hit the southern states very hard.

Why were the southern states hit hard?

John C. Calhoun, Vice President of the U.S., wrote that a state could “nullify” a federal law. He believed this would help southern states protect slavery.

What is nullify?

Why was Calhoun concerned with the southern states?

Read “tariffs” on page 227 and answer the following questions:

1)What happened in 1832 and why?

2)What did President Jackson do?

3)What was the Compromise Tariff law and what did it do?

Panic of 1857

What was it?
Who did it effect?
How did southernerss feel about it?

Missouri Compromise (page 222)

Read the Missouri Compromise on page 222 and complete the 5 W and H chart.

Who did that?
What happened?
Where did it take place?
When did it take place?
Why did it happen?
How did it happen?

Compromise of 1850 (page 223)

Read the “Compromise of 1850” and answer the following questions:

What was the Compromise of 1850?

What were 3 benefits for the North?




What were 3 benefits for the South?




Look at map 33 on page 223:

1)How many states were slave states?

2)How many were free states?

3)How many were free territories?

4)How many were “open” to slavery?

Using a Venn diagram, compare and contrast the Missouri Compromise and the Compromise of 1850.