APRIL 2011
As part of the Council’s commitment to strengthen its capacity to address the issues affecting its Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transsexual, Intersex, Queer,(GLBTIQ) communities, the Council is seeking to establish a GLBTIQ Advisory Committee.
The formation of the advisory committee is a direct response to the recommendations from the Supporting Queer Culture in the West - A report on the Hobsons Bay GLBTIQ Forum held on the 3rd February 2010 as a part of the Midsumma Festival.
The key aim of the forum hosted by the Council was to raise the profile ofthe GLBTIQ community in the west and within Council.
The key objectives of the Forum were to:
- give voice to the local GLBTIQcommunity and discuss any issues that may be of importance
- identify how the Council might support and advocate for the GLBTIQ community
- identify an ongoing engagementstrategy with the GLBTIQ community in the west.
The forum report noted by the Council at its meeting on the 6thApril 2010, detailed a number of key areas in which the Council can respond to the needs of its local GLBTIQ community, one of which is the role Council can play in providing the opportunity to represent members of the GLBTIQ community through the development of a GLBTIQ Advisory Committee.
The key aim of the GLBTIQ Advisory Committee will be to provide advice from the GLBTIQ community on Council policies, programs and servicesas they relate to GLBTIQ issues and will ensure that these issues are represented appropriately by the Council.
Guiding Principles:
- To understand and act on the issues ofdiscrimination faced by members of the GLBTIQ communities that adversely impacts ontheir physical and physiological health,sense of wellbeing and ability to participateopenly within the community at large without a sense of fear.
- Every GLBTIQ resident of Hobsons Bay has the right to equal access to services, projects and programs initiated by Council.
- All members of Hobsons Bay GLBTIQ communities should be able to observe their own sexuality and cultural practices without being discriminated against or disadvantaged and should be provided with acceptance, respect and equality of rights from the mainstream community.
- GLBTIQ communities in Hobsons Bay should be given opportunities to develop confidence and reach their full potential for active mainstream civic participation.
The purpose of GLBTIQ Advisory Committee is to advise Council on issues and barriers affecting people from the GLBTIQ community who work, live or study in Hobsons Bay.
The establishment of the GLBTIQ Advisory Committee will assist with the achievement of the key strategic objectives Civic Leadership, Community Wellbeing and Arts, Recreation and Culture, as set out in the Council Plan 2009 - 2013, specifically by contributing to strategic actions; 1.1 Advocate on issues of importance to our community; 1.3 Consider initiatives to increase and support full and equal community participation in the civic life of Hobsons Bay; 2.3 - Promote and foster health and wellbeing in our community and, 6.1 – Promote and enhance the community pride and sense of belonging.
- To represent and advise the Council on the needs and interests of residents from GLBTIQcommunities.
- To contribute to the development of policies that determines the provision of services to GLBTIQ communities.
- To contribute to the review and evaluation of council services and programsthat has an impact on the GLBTIQ community.
- To provide the Council and other local service providers with an effective channel of communication to reach GLBTIQ communities.
- To promote understanding of the issues affecting the GLBTIQ communities and its needs, which recognize and celebratesthe value of a rich and diverse community in alignment with the Council’s core values.
The GLBTIQ Advisory Committee will fulfill its role by:
- Advising Council on the needs and issues of GLBTIQ residents with respect to services, programs and activities provided by Council.
- Providing an effective channel of communication between Council and groups representing the GLBTIQ communities.
- Seeking to balance the different perspectives and needs of the various groups that form the GLBTIQ communitieswhich must be integrated into the planning and delivery of Council services.
- Providing support and feedback to Council projects and processes in terms of their appropriateness to the GLBTIQ communities.
- Contributing to the implementation of the recommendations from the Supporting Queer Culture in the West - A report on the Hobsons Bay GLBTIQ Forum.
- Providing the opportunity for members of the GLBTIQ communities to plan and participate in the delivery and development of the partnership with the Midsumma Festival and GOWEST activities.
Delegated Authority and Decision Making Powers
- The Advisory Committee will act in an advisory capacity only and has no delegated authority to make decisions as if it were the Council.
- The Committee will provide advice to the Council and staff to assist them in their decision making.
- The Committee does not havean operational role and neither it, nor its members may direct council staff in the performance of their duties.
Membership of the GLBTIQ Advisory Group, where possible, will be balanced in terms of representation of the various groups that form the GLBTIQ communities, inclusive of gender, age and ethnicity.
The membership will comprise of:
- Hobsons Bay City Council Mayor or nominated Councillor as Chairperson;
- Council staff with specific roles that understand the needs of the GLBTIQ community and are able to implement actions that relate to the needs of the GLBTIQ communities.
- At least 2 representatives from communityorganisations which have their primary purpose the supportof GLBTIQ communities.
- Up to 10 members comprising of the following:
- A minimum of one representative who is a regular participantof the Hobsons Bay Youth Services Pride Group.
- Members of the local GLBTIQcommunities who have specialist and extensive skills in policy development and community work or have a particular interest in representing the local GLBTIQ communities.
- A balanced and equitable representation of the all the communities that comprise GLBTIQ, respecting how these individuals self identify their sexuality.
Council reserves the right to achieve a broader representation from different geographical areas across Hobsons Bay and representation of all GLBTIQ communities.
Requirements for members (criteria)
GLBTIQ Advisory Group Committee members should be able to demonstrate:
- Knowledge and understanding of the needs and issues affecting GLBTIQ communities.
- An interest and involvement in local and/or broader GLBTIQ community affairs, advocacy and networks.
- An interest and understanding of local government services and programs from a GLBTIQ perspective.
- The ability to contribute to the Council’s consultative processes.
- Direct links to GLBTIQ groups, networks and or direct participation in the local GLBTIQ community which would benefit the local Hobsons Bay Community.
- Residency in Hobsons Bay or works, lives or plays in Hobsons Bay.
- Experience or understanding of the role of an advisory committee.
Terms and method of nomination
- Nomination for appointment as members of the GLBTIQ Advisory Group will be called by public notice in local newspapers and by letter to GLBTIQ agencies and groups.
- Appointments will be made by the Council
- A position will be deemed vacant if a member fails to attend two consecutive meetings without prior notification being given.
- If a vacancy occurs it will be filled at the discretion of the Council for the balance of the term.
Terms of appointment
The operations of the Committee will be evaluated annually to ensure it is effective and relevant. The results of the evaluation will be reported in the form of an annual report to the Council detailing the activities and achievements of the advisory group.
Appointments to the committee will be for a period of 3 years.At the end of the 3 year term, the appointment will be reviewed and a subsequent expression of interest will be invited. Members will have the option to reapply for further 3 years and nominations will be subject to approval by the Council.
Meetings will be held quarterly or as required in Council Meeting Rooms from 5:30pm to 7pm with a light supper provided.
The Committee is not required to give public notice of its meetings and meetings are not required to be open to the public.
The position of Chairperson shall be reviewed annually immediately following Councillor appointments to committees.
The Committee may determine, with consent of the Councillor representative/s, to appoint another member other than the Councillor representative/s as Chairperson. If the Chairperson is not present at a meeting, any other Councillor representative shall be the appointed Chairperson. In the absence of any other Councillor representative/s, the committee members shall appoint a Chairperson for the purpose of conducting the meeting.
In addition, there will be at least one GLBTIQ community forum per year. Additional sub groups may be formed if agreed by the group to address specific issues.
Attendance at meetings
All GLBTIQ members will be required to give the Coordinator Neighbourhood Development or delegate 24 hours notice if they are unable to attend a meeting.
Resignations should be advised in writing to the Coordinator Neighbourhood Development or delegate.
Administrative support
The Coordinator Neighbourhood Development or delegate will provide support to the GLBTIQ committee.
The Agenda and other relevant documents will be forwarded to the members by post or email at least 7 days before the meeting.
Minutes will be written for each meeting of the GLBTIQ Advisory Group and will be kept by the Administration Officer within Community Development.
Minutes must:
- contain details of the proceedings and resolutions made
- be clearly expressed
- be self-explanatory; and
- in relation to resolutions recorded in the minutes, incorporate relevant reports or a summary of the relevant reports considered in the decision making process.
The minutes will be provided to the Coordinator Neighbourhood Development or delegate within two weeks after the meeting for approval by the Chairperson and for the purpose of following up required actions.
Minutes will be approved by the chair as an accurate record of proceedings before being published, presented to council or distributed.
Minutes will be formally endorsed at the following meeting of the Committee.
Records of Agendas and minutes will be maintained by Council staff in accordance with Public Records Act requirements .
Voting Rights
The Councillor and community members have voting rights. Council officers are to provide support and advice to the committee only and have no voting rights.
A quorum of at least 50 per cent of the members is required to enable the meeting to proceed. The formal meeting may not proceed without the member-Councillor (or proxy) and support council staff being present.
Where the view of the Advisory Group is sought on a particular issue, the consensus view of the group will be reported to the Council.
The views of individual group members will also be reported to the Council where they depart significantly from the consensus view or at the request of members.
Where a vote is taken, the chairperson may exercise a casting vote in the event of a tie.
Conduct and Interest provision
In performing the role of a GLBTIQ Advisory Group member, a person must:
- Act honestly and respectfully in relation to all members of the group, including individual members, Council Officers and Councillors
- Exercise reasonable care and diligence
- Not make improper use of their position
- Not make improper use of information acquired because of their position.
Where a member of the GLBTIQ Advisory Committee has an interest or conflict of interest in relation to a matter in which the GLBTIQ Advisory Committeeis concerned, or is likely to be considered or discussed, the member must disclose their interest to the GLBTIQ Advisory Committee before the matter is considered or discussed at the meeting. Disclosure must include the nature of the relevant interest and be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.
Confidential and Sensitive Information
The members of the GLBTIQ Advisory Committee are required to comply with the confidential information provisions contained in Sections 77 and 89 of the Local Government Act 1989. It is recognised that members of the GLBTIQ Advisory Committeemay be in receipt of confidential or sensitive information that should not be disclosed without the consent of the Council or the Chief Executive Officer including:
- Information that would be of direct disadvantage to the Council and/or individuals and families if made public
- Politically sensitive information that may impact negatively on the Council and/or individuals and families if made public
- Information that is still only partly formulated and may, if released, give a misleading view to the community of what the Council is planning; and
- Any other information that would disadvantage the Council and/or individuals and families if made public.
GLBTIQ Advisory Group members shall be required to discuss any potential confidential or sensitive issues with the appropriate Director before releasing information to any third parties.
- Members must treat information they receive as confidential unless otherwise advised. The documents presented to the GLBTIQ Advisory Committee may be in draft format and not ready for wider community distribution.
- Draft documents should not be referred to or used in any proceedings with the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) or Planning Panels or other courts and tribunals.
- The Council may require members of the GLBTIQ Advisory Committee to sign a confidentiality agreement.
- The only person authorised to speak to the media on behalf of the GLBTIQ Advisory Committee is the Chair of the Committee.
Reporting Procedure
- The GLBTIQ Advisory Committee is required to prepare a formal report on an annual basis in line with the stated objectives.
- The report must be formally adopted by the GLBTIQ Advisory Committee and should directly reflect the objectives and the performance measures of the committee as set out in these Terms of Reference.
- The report will be presented to the Council for noting and any such other action as the council may choose to determine by resolution.
Terms of reference
These Terms of Reference must:
- be reviewed by the committee biannually and by the Council biannually and within 12 months of a general election . Any proposed changes to the Terms of Reference resulting from a review must be agreed on by the committee and be presented to the Council for consideration and ratification with or without further amendment; and
- be made available on the Council’s internet.