Recording Times for Phylogeny of Sleep Papers in Database

Total number of papers = 178

Recording Time is unknown, but entry is in database = 8

  1. Bell & Itabisashi, 1973 – Crossbred Merino sheep (data not obtained from this paper; data entered are from Elgar et al., 1988) Recording time unknown
  2. Bubenik, 1960 - Capreolus capreolus (Venison)
  3. Carskadon & Dement, 2006 – Human, Recording time unknown
  4. Cowgill, personal communication - Perodicticus potto (Potto) From Zeplin, Recording time unknown.
  5. Haas, 1958 - Panthera tigris (Tiger), Panthera leo (Lion), and Acinonyx jubatus (Cheetah). Recording time is unknown.
  6. Meddis, 1983 – Genet Recording time unknown
  7. Pilleri, 1979 –Trichosurus vulpecula(blind Indus dolphin; recording time is unknown; current data from Campbell & Tobler, 1984)
  8. Snyder, F. unpublished data - Criestomys gambianus (African giant pouched rat) and Genet. Recording time is unknown

12-hour or less recordings (and not including 12 hours) = 24

  1. Ambrosini et al., 1994 –Meriones unguiculatus(Mongolian Gerbil) and Wistar Rats (6 hours)
  2. Aristakesian, 1997 – Wistar rats and guinea pigs (3 hours)
  3. Balzamo, 1973 – Papio cynocephalus (Primate; 7.5 hours)
  4. Bert et al., 1967 – Galago senegalensis (8 hours); data from Campbell & Tobler, 1984
  5. Bert et al., 1970A – Macaca mulatta (Rhesus) and Papio papio(Baboon); 8 hours
  6. Bert et al., 1972 – Macaca radiata (Bonnet macaque; 10.5 hours)
  7. Breton et al., 1986 – Saimiri sciureus (squirrel monkey; 10 hours)
  8. Cicala et al., 1970 –Megaleia rufa (Red kangaroo; 5.5 hours)
  9. Fragaszy, 1990 – Cebus apella (Tutfted capuchin; 6-8 hours; rounded to 7 hours)
  10. Godfrey, 1955 – Talpa europaea (mole; 8 hours)
  11. Hunter & Milsom, 1998 – Spermophilus lateralis (Golden mantled ground squirrels; 8 hours)
  12. Klemm, 1966 – goat (actual time is unclear, but we know it’s less than 12 hours)
  13. Kripke et al., 1968 – Macaca mulatta (Rhesus monkey; 7-9 hours nights averaged for 8 hours)
  14. Kurt, 1960 – Loxodonta africana and Elephas maximus (Elephant; recording time is 8-13 hours in Zeplin and Campbell & Tobler)
  15. Mendelson, 1982 – Octagon degu (Degu; 8 hours)
  16. Miller & South, 1981 – Marmota flaviventris (Yellow bellied marmot; 5.4 hours)
  17. Nishino et al., 2000 – Doberman Pinscher (6 hours)
  18. Palchykova et al., 2002 – Phodopus sungorus (says also [1]known as Phodopus campelli) (Djungarian hamster; 6 hours)
  19. Sazonov, 1981 – Dicrostonyx torquatus (Arctic lemming; 8 hours)
  20. Swett, 1969 – Macaca mulatta(Rhesus monkey; 8 hours)
  21. Tenaza et al., 1969 – Nycticebus coucang (Slow lorises; 11 hours)
  22. Walker et al., 1983 – Perognathus longimembris (Pocket mouse; 8 hours)
  23. Weitzman et al., 1965 – Macaca mulatta (Macaca mulatta monkey; 6 hours)
  24. Zolovick et al., 1973 – Cat (8 hours)

12-hours+ recording periods (does not include 24 hours) = 29

  1. Adams & Barratt, 1974 –Saimiri sciureus (squirrelmonkey; 12 hours from Campbell & Tobler)
  2. Balzamo et al., 1978A – Cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus (green monkey; 12 hours)
  3. Balzamo & Bert, 1975 – Papio Anubis (Baboon from Kenya; 12 hrs)
  4. Bert & Collomb, 1966 – Papio papio (baboon;12 hours) In French; obtained data from Elgar, 1988; recording time in Pegram, 1972 is 12 hours
  5. Bert & Pegram, 1969 – Erythrocebus patas and Cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus (Patas monkey and green monkey; 13.5 hours)
  6. Bert et al., 1972 – Macaca radiate (Bonnet macaque; 13 hour recording time)

note: also listed in <12 hr. rec. time section so only count this paper in that section

  1. Bert, 1970 – Papio papio and Macaca radiate (baboon and Bonnet monkey; 13.5 hr)
  2. Bert, 1973 – Saimiri sciureus and Papio papio (baboons; 12.5 hours)
  3. Bert et al., 1975 –Papio papio(baboon; 12 hrs)
  4. Castellini et al., 1994 –Mirounga angustirostris (Northern elephant seal pups; 12 hours)
  5. Crofts et al., 2001 – Callithrix jacchus (common marmoset; 12 hours)
  6. Dallaire & Ruckebusch, 1974A – Pony (12 hours – from 20:00 to 8:00)
  7. Dallaire & Ruckebush, 1974B –Pottock pony (12 hrs)
  8. Flanigan, 1974B – Delphinapterus leucas (Beluga whale; 13.5-14 hours)
  9. Flanigan, 1975A – Orcinus orca (Killer whale; 12-13 hours)
  10. Immelman & Gebbin, 1962 – Okapi johnnstoni(Okapi; Recording time unknown) and Giraffa camelopardalis (Giraffe;12 hours) From Zeplin
  11. Leinonen & Stenberg, 1986 – Macaca arctoides (Monkey; 12 hours)
  12. LoPresti et al., 1970 – Trichosurus vulpecula (Phalanger; recording time is unknown) data from Zepelin, 1989(has to be more than 12 hrs b/c total sleep is 13hrs, but actual is unknown)
  13. Lyamin et al., 2002B – Delphinapterus lecuas L. (Beluga whale; 14 hour observation time)
  14. McNew et al., 1971 – Chimpanzee (13.5 hour recording time)
  15. Milsom et al., 1996 – Mirounga angustirostris (Northern elephant seal pups; 12 hours)
  16. Noser et al., 2003 – Theropithecus gelada (Gelada baboon; 16 hours)
  17. Reite et al., 1965 – Macaca nemestria (Pigtail monkey; 14.5 hours) from Campbell & Tobler, 1984)
  18. Reite et al., 1976 – Macaca nemestria (Monkey; 12 hours)
  19. Reite & Short, 1985 – Macaca Radiata (Bonnet monkey; 12 hours)
  20. Ridgway et al., 1975 – Halichoerus grypus (Gray seal; 14 hours)
  21. Ruckebusch & Bell, 1970 – Bos Taurus (Cow; 14 hours)
  22. Ruckebusch et al., 1970 – Equus caballus (Horse; 12 hours)
  23. Sterman et al., 1965 – Laboratory cat (23 hours)
  24. Tauber et al., 1968 – Paraechinus hypomelas (Desert hedgehog; 12 hours)

24-hours recordings (exactly 24 hours) = 114

  1. Affani, 1972 – Priodontes giganteus (Giant South American armadillo) and Lutreolina. crassicaudata
  2. Affanni et al., 2001 –Chaetophractus villosus (South American armadillo)
  3. Alfoldi et al., 1990 – Sprague-Dawley SIVZ
  4. Allison & Van Twyver, 1970 – Scalopus aquaticus (Eastern moles) andCondylura cristata (Star-nosed moles)
  5. Allison et al., 1972 – Tachyglossus aculeatus (Echidna/Spiny Anteater)
  6. Allison et al., 1977 –Suncus murinus (Musk shrew),Blarina brevicauda (Greater short-tailed shrew), andCryptotis parva (Lesser short-tailed shrew)
  7. Astic & Royet, 1974 – Potorous tridactylus apicalis (Kangaroo rat)
  8. Astic et al., 1979 – Potorous apicalis (Kangaroo rat)from Campbell & Tobler
  9. Ayala-Guerrero et al., 1998 – Neotomodon alstoni alstoni (Volcano mouse)
  10. Balzamo et al., 1972 – Pan troglodytes troglodytes or Pan troglodytes verus (Chimpanzee)
  11. Balzamo et al., 1978B – Lemur macaco fulvus
  12. Balzamo et al., 1998 – Macaca mulatta (Rhesus monkey)
  13. Barre & Peter-Rousseaux, 1988 – Microcebus murinus(Nocturnal Malagasy Prosimian)
  14. Batini et al., 1967 – Macaca nemestrina (Monkey)
  15. Baumgardner et al., 1980 – Neofiber alleni (Round-tailed muskrat); Peromyscus eremicus (Cactus mice), Peromyscus maniculatus bairdi (Deer mice), Onychomys leucogaster (Northern grasshopper mouse), Calomys callosus (Laucha de campo), Microtus pennsylvanicus (Meadow vole), Rhabdomys pumilio (African-striped mice), Peromyscus gossypinus (Cotton mice), Peromyscus leucopus (White-footed mice), Peromyscus polionotus (Old field mice), Microtus canicaudus (Gray-tailed vole), Microtus montanus (Montane vole), Microtus ochrogaster (Prairie vole), Mus musculus (House mice)
  16. Berger & Walker, 1972 – Tupaia glis (Tree shrew)
  17. Bert et al., 1970B – Pan troglodytes troglodytes and Pan troglodytes schweinfurthi (chimpanzee)
  18. Chepkasov, 1980 – Citellus parryi (Arctic ground squirrels)
  19. Copley et al., 1976 – Domestic Canine
  20. Crowcroft, 1954 – Sorex araneus (common shrew),Neomys fodiens (water shrew), and Sorex minutus (pygmy shrew)
  21. Crowley et al., 1972 – Macaca mulatta (Monkey) from Campbell and Tobler
  22. Dallaire & Ruckebusch, 1974C – Vulpes vulpes (Captive fox)
  23. Deboer et al., 1994 – Phodopus sungorus (Djungarian hamster)
  24. Deboer & Tobler, 1996 – Phodopus sungorus (Djungarian hamster)
  25. Deboer et al., 2000 – Phodopus sungorus (Djungarian hamster)
  26. Dijk & Daan, 1989 – Eutamias sibiricus (Siberian chipmunk or Burunduk)
  27. Estep et al., 1978 – Tamias striatus(Eastern chipmunk) and Eutamias dorsalis(Cliff chipmunk)
  28. Fischer et al., 1980 – Octodon degus(Hystricomorph rodent)
  29. Folk, 1963 – (Spermophilus undulates)Arctic ground squirrel
  30. Folk, 1964 – Arctic foxe and Arctic wolf
  31. Fourre et al., 1974 – Erinaceus europaeus (hedgehog)
  32. Freemon et al., 1971 – chimpanzee
  33. Friedmann et al., 1975 – A/J lab mouse
  34. Galvao et al., 1983 – Bradypus tridactylus (Three-toed sloth)
  35. Goley, 1999 – Lagenorhynchus obliquidens (Pacific White-sided dolphins)
  36. Gonzalez et al., 1979 –Macaca sylvana
  37. Gutierres-Rivas, 1980 – cat
  38. Hartmann, et al., 1968 – elephants
  39. Haskell et al., 1979 – Citellus lateralis (Golden-mantled ground squirrel)
  40. Hofer, 1976 – Rattus norvegicus (Wistar-derived rats)
  41. Ibuka, 1984 – Wistar strain rat & Hartley guinea pig
  42. Jha et al., 2006 – Mustela putorius furo (Ferret)
  43. Jouvet-Mounier & Astic, 1966 – Guinea pig
  44. Kaemingk & Reite, 1987 – Macaca nemestrina (Pigtail monkey infant)
  45. Kantha & Suzuki, 2006 – Callithrix jacchus (Common marmoset),Saguinus Oedipus (Cotton tap tamarin), and Saimiri sciureus(Squirrel monkey)
  46. Karmanova et al., 1979 – Dicrostonyx torquatus (Arctic lemming)
  47. Kas & Edgar, 1998 – Octogon degus (South American hystricomorph rodent)
  48. Kastaniotis & Kaplan, 1976 – Meriones unguiculatus (Mongolian gerbil)
  49. Kilduff & Dube, 1976 – Sigmodon hispidus (Cotton rat)
  50. Kiyono, 1975 – Gunn rat
  51. Lucas, 1979 – Laboratory cat
  52. Lucas & Sterman, 1974 – Laboratory Cat
  53. Lucas et al., 1977 – Pointer dog
  54. Lyamin et al., 1986 – Callorhinus ursinus (Northern fur seals)
  55. Lyamin, 1987 –Callorhinus ursinus(Northern fur seals)
  56. Lyamin et al., 1989 – Pagophylus groenlandica (Harp seal)
  57. Lyamin & Chetyrbok, 1992 – Arctocephaluspusillus(Cape fur seal)
  58. Lyamin, 1993 – Pagophylus groenlandica (Harp seal)
  59. Lyamin et al., 1994 – Otari byronia (Southern sea lion)
  60. Lyamin et al., 2000 – Enhydra lutris(Sea otter)
  61. Lyamin et al., 2002A – Delphinapterus leucas (White whale)
  62. Lyamin et al., 2002C – Otaria byronia (Southern sea lion)
  63. Lyamin et al., 2004 – Delphinapterus leucas (Beluga whale) and Tursiops truncatus(Bottlenose dolphin)
  64. Marks & Shaffery, 1996 – Mustela putorius furo (Ferret)
  65. McNew et al., 1972 – Chimpanzee
  66. Mistlberger et al., 1983 –Sprague-Dawley rats
  67. Mukhametov & Supin, 1975 – Tursiops truncatus(Black Sea dolphin)
  68. Mukhametov et al., 1977 –Tursiops truncates (Bottlenose dolphin)
  69. Mukhametov & Polyakova, 1981 –Black Sea porpoise
  70. Mukhametov et al., 1984A –Phoca caspica (Caspean seal)
  71. Mukhametov et al., 1984B – Callorhinus ursinus (Northern fur seal)
  72. Mukhametov et al., 1985 – Callorhinus ursinus (Northern fur seal)
  73. Mukhametov, 1987 – Inia geoffrensis (Amazonian dolphin)
  74. Mukhametov et al., 1992 – Trichechus inunguis (Amazonian manatee)
  75. Nicol et al., 2000 – Tachyglossus aculeatus(Echidnas)
  76. Pegram et al., 1969B – Baboon
  77. Pellet & Beraud, 1967 – Cavia porcellus (Guinea pig) and Rat
  78. Perachio, 1970 – Aotus trivirgatus (Owl monkey)
  79. Pivik et al., 1986 –New Zealand White rabbit
  80. Prudom & Klemm, 1973 – Dasypus novemcinctus (Armadillo)
  81. Richardson et al., 1985 –Mus musculus (strain C57BL/10J)
  82. Robert & Dallaire, 1986 – Sus scrofa (Domesticated pigs)
  83. Robinson et al., 2003 – Macaca mulatta (Rhesus monkey)
  84. Ruckebusch, 1962 – Lamb
  85. Ruckebusch, 1963 – Ass
  86. Ruckebusch, 1972 – Stallion, Cow, Sheep, and Pig
  87. Sato & Kawamura, 1984 – Eutamias sibiricus (Siberian chipmunk)
  88. Shurley et al., 1969 – Globicephala scammoni (North Pacific pilot whale)
  89. Siegel et al., 1999 – Ornithorhynchus anatinus (platypus)
  90. Snyder et al., 1971 – Didelphis marsupialis (Opossum), Erinaceus europaeus (Hedgehog), Centetes ecaudatus (Tenrec), and Aplodontia ruja (mountain beaver)
  91. Snyder, 1974 – Procavia johnstoni (Rock hydrax), Heterohyrax brucei (Hyrax), and Dendrohyrax validus (Tree hydrax)
  92. Spies et al., 1970 – New Zealand White rabbits
  93. Strijkstra & Daan, 1997 –Spermophilus citellus (European ground squirrels)
  94. Strijkstra & Daan, 1998 –Spermophilus citellus (European ground squirrels)
  95. Sunquist & Montgomery, 1973 – Choloepus hoffmanni (tow-toed sloth) andBradypus infuscatus (3-toed sloth)
  96. Susic & Masirevic, 1986 – Meriones unguiculatus(Mongolian gerbils)
  97. Takahashi et al., 1981 – Mongrel andBeagle
  98. Tang & Sanford, 2002 –CB6F1/6J (CB6:B6XC), DBA/2J (D2), BALB/cJ (C), and C57BL/6J (B6)
  99. Tobler et al., 1990 – Swiss rabbits
  100. Tobler, 1992 – Elephas maximus (Asian elephant)
  101. Tobler et al., 1993- Cavia porcellus (Guinea pig)
  102. Tobler & Schwierin, 1996 – Giraffa camelopardalis (Giraffe)
  103. Tobler & Deboer, 2001 – Spalax ehrenbergi (Mole rat)
  104. Tobler & Jaggi, 1987 – Mesocricetus auratus (Syrian hamster)
  105. Toutain & Ruchebusch, 1975 – Erinaceus europeanus (Hedgehog)
  106. Ursin, 1968 –Cats
  107. Valatx & Bugat, 1974 – C57BR, C57BL/6J, DBA/2, CBA, C3H,He, BALB/c
  108. Van Twyver, 1969 – Rattus norregicus (Rat -Long Evans Strain), chinchilla, Mus musculus (Mouse- C.R.I. strain), Mesocricetus auratus (Hamster), and Citellus tridecemlineatus (Thirteen-lined ground squirrel)
  109. Van Twyver & Allison, 1970 –Opossums (Didelphis marsupialis)
  110. Van Twyver & Allison, 1974 –Dasypus noremcinctus (Armadillo)
  111. Walker et al., 1977 –Citellus beldingi and Citellus lateralis (Ground squirrel)
  112. Wauquier et al., 1979 – beagle dogs
  113. Wexler & Moore-Ede, 1985 –Saimiri sciureus (Squirrel monkey)
  114. Zepelin, 1970 –Jaguars and Tapir

Review/Reference Papers= 6

  1. Berger et al., 1990
  2. Campbell & Tobler, 1984 - Lemur macaco fulvus (Lemur), Phaner furcifer (Lemur), and Sus domesticus (Pig). Recording time is unknown.
  3. Elgar et al., 1988 – review paper; several species
  4. Monnier, 1980 – review paper; Mongolian gerbil; cotton rat; male Wistar rats – age not given; rabbit; hedgehog; cats – age not given; dog; cattle; Papio Anubis given; baboons (Not in Database)
  5. Zepelin & Rechtschaffen, 1974 – Myotis lurifugus (Bat), Spalax leucodon (mole rat), and Eptesicus fuscus (Bat). Recording time unknown.
  6. Zepelin, 1989 - Spermophilis parryi (Arctic ground squirrel) and Capreolus capreolus (Roe Deer) Recording time is unknown.


Revised 06.25.07

[1] Need to check to see if we put this in also for duplicate species list