FLEXIBLE Work EnvironmenT pilot
format / Audience / Date / Classification
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Pilot outline
Pilot ID:
Pilot name: Flexible Work Environment (FWE) Pilot
ICT component ID:
Pilotcategory: ATO Finance
Pilot sponsor: StewartSmillie, MarilynMcTaggart
Pilot manager: StephenReilly
Sponsoring BSL and sub-plan: ATO Finance - CS&L
UNCLASSIFIED / tier 3 project outline
FLEXIBLE Work EnvironmenT pilot
Table of contents
1.1What are we aiming to achieve?
UNCLASSIFIED / DRAFT / PAGE1 OF 13UNCLASSIFIED / tier 3 project outline
FLEXIBLE Work EnvironmenT pilot
Currently the ATO spends approx $265M per annum on accommodation and this is seen as a fixed corporate cost. There is currently a vacancy rate of approximately 13% against a corporate target of 8-10%. This situation costs the ATO approx $25-30M per annum in unused work points. A change to the ratio of work points allocated to staff could see the ATO reduce annual fixed costs by up to $50M per annum, depending on the take up of a lower ratio of work points to staff. These funds would then be available for other corporate expenses such as staff salaries etc.
It is anticipated that the existing work environment will be subject to external influences which will have the capacity to change work practices, technology and ways of attracting and managing staff. This will have a significant impact on office accommodation design and utilisation. Large organisations both in Australia and overseas have, or are moving to,more flexible work space solutions to address some of these issues and to deliver reduced space requirements and savings in real estate costs.
Increasing pressures on the ATO budget and the significant cost of providing office accommodation require PS&ES to test different approachestothe supply and use ofoffice accommodation. Core elements of a flexible work environment (FWE) provide an opportunity for individuals to choose a work space that suits their needs and the type of work they do. This change in approach is currently being introduced in organisations such as NAB, ANZ, Commonwealth Bank, IBM, Microsoft, Macquarie Bank,and Delloites.
This pilot will allow the ATO to test more flexible work space usage in a large, multi function, government environment. Flexible work space has been proven to enhance working conditions, increase workplace collaboration, reduce unplanned leave in the work place as well as improve efficiency and reduce costs in the supply and use of office space.
Towards the completion of the Melbourne building pilot, an additional two floors were leased (Levels 2 and a portion of Level 1). Level 2 has been completed using a traditional ATO approach to work points and provision of meeting space. The fit out on level 1 however, presents an opportunity to trial a flexible work environment (FWE). FWE involves creating an environment that fosters collaboration, personal accountability and flexibility by using more innovative ways of providing fit for purpose breakout, meeting and work space..
As stated, many major financial institutions have embraced the FWE concept over the last few years and based on the success of their implementation Frances Cawthra (CFO) requested PS&ES undertake research through a pilot of this type to determine what the ATO future position should be on accommodation management.
1.1What are we aiming to achieve?
We aim to prove or refute the notion that flexible work environments can provide a level of infrastructure that supports multiple ATO business outcomes. It is also imperative at the commencement of this pilot to recognise that there are potentially a number of management and staff issues that will need to be understood and managed. This could require potential changes to the existing business models to realise the maximum benefits available from changing the way the ATO manages accommodation. Areas to be examined under the pilot include:
- the provision of a range of alternative style of work space that support different types of collaborative work activities,
- increased flexibility in staff choosing the type of work point appropriate to the style of work they will undertake,
- mandatory clear desk policy at COB,
- reduced paper storage and paper consumption,
- A workplace concept which will allow the ATO to manage future accommodation requirements in a manner that delivers on a range of government targets, including improved density and staff working remotely (including working from home e.g. Teleworking).
Our goal is to successfully accommodate a workforce of 45 ATO personnel in a work space that provides 38 work points (0.8:1 ratio). We propose to challenge the need to allocate employees desks and rather, offer a range of different work spaces such café style hubs, meeting rooms or other collaborative spaces together with some different configuration of standard work points. There will also be a need to ensure that the ATO Health & Safety Advisor provides approval to use different styles of furniture after a full Risk Assessment ha been completed.
The availability of ad-hoc and collaborative work spaces will enhance collaboration, increase the flexibility for personnel to carry out their work and accommodate individual work styles.
The pilot will provide work space design that meets ATO business needs and sets the standard for future office accommodation fit outs and refurbishments.
The pilot will also identify learning’s/issues associated with the following ATO Business Model changes:
- Managers approach to the allocation and management of work to staff,
- Remote management issues for mangers and staff,
- IT platform requirements to support a more flexible work force and possible work from home (Teleworking) arrangements,
- Accommodation infrastructure requirements to support mobility within sites, eg personal storage requirements, how to provide a sense of individuality for staff in the work place.
- Benefits
The benefits of the pilot will be a range of learning’s across a number of changes identified such as:
- Increased collaboration between staff
- Enhanced flexibility in the work place
- Better use of the work space to support the type of work being undertaken
- Focused storage options, with specific emphasis on implementing and reinforcing the corporate position on Records Management.
- IT infrastructure requirements
- Personal storage requirements,
- Security of individuals property in the work place
- Reduced cost in the provision of workspace.
Maximum flexibility will be provided to the personnel occupying the workspace, increasing collaboration and productivity.
Premium office accommodation will be provided to 45 personnel that nurtures future working styles, increased occupancy (higher density) and reduced paper consumption.
Reduction of fixed property costs will be identified to allow for further decision making about extension of these arrangements more broadly across the ATO.
The introduction of FWE will see a reduction in vacant workspace resulting in a better value for money outcome and assist the ATO to meet occupation density targets set by the Department of Finance and Deregulation.
The fit out will provide a variety of work point styles to suit individual’s working needs.
With the flexibility of ROAM laptops and wireless connectivity to ATOnet, there is the potential for environmental benefits through reduced paper and energy consumption. The flexible workspace will drive greater compliance with the ATO’s clear desk policy and Carbon Footprint reduction targets.
What are we going to do?
- Establish working groups to participate in the pilot
- Consult with union representatives
- Engage with industry experts
- Identify suitable location
- Identify participants for a pilot
- Partner with EST to facilitate IT infrastructure changes to support the pilot
- Partner with ATOP to facilitate solutions in the people management space that arise throughout the pilot
- Ensure all work spaces are fully equipped with IT peripherals so staff can move freely from area to area.
- Design work space on ‘activity’ basis
- Collaborate with participants and facilitate a flexible work environment
- Nurture a 100% ‘clear desk’ policy
- Indentify a work space booking / allocation system
- Develop protocols for working in an FWE
576m2 of office space on level 1 in the Melbourne office will be fitted out to facilitate the new flexible work environment. The new space will be fitted with a variety of work points and collaborative areas, designed for identified teams and personnel to choose their work space to suit their needs each day.
To ensure flexibility, support is required from EST as personnel will require access to ROAM laptops, docking stations, video conferencing capabilities and wireless connectivity.
Consultation will take place with a variety of different areas
- The occupying teams and personnel
- WHS representatives
- Union representatives
- ICT provisioning.
Provision of a fully operational work area that meets FWE principles and allows ATO business to test a changed set of arrangements for work point usage..
Development of a new accommodation standard that is innovative and considers future technological advancements while being compliant with appropriate standards, legislative and building code requirements. This will include all WH&S risks being mitigated before the furniture etc is implemented into the work space.
Assess the effectiveness of adopting the FWE methodology into the ATO.
Deliverable name / Purpose and description / Due dateComplete fit out of space / Provisioning of 38 work points for 45 personnel using a variety of work point types and configurations. Full IT enablement to be delivered. / December 2012
Development of accommodation standards / Accommodation aids with the embedding of corporate standards eg Records Management, as well as defining specific facility types and configurations to ensure new work models are fully supported. / May 2013
Effectiveness assessment / To deliver accurate, factually based (with evidence) learning’s and issues to allow future decision making to be informed, accurate, timely and future focussed. / May 2013
Key tasks for each deliverable / Due dateProvision of space
Design the work space
Identify participants
Choose furniture
Identification of storage requirements
Fit out the area
Occupancy facilitated / Oct ‘12
1 Dec ‘12
1 Dec ‘12
1 Dec ‘12
1 Dec ‘12
1 Dec ‘12
1 Dec ‘12
Development of accommodation standards
Consultation with industry experts
Develop concept design / 15 Jan‘13
Nov - Dec ‘12
1 Dec ‘12
Effectiveness assessment
Develop a pilot plan
Communication plan
Stakeholder engagement plan
Utilisation reviewed / 31 Dec ’12
31 Dec 12
31 Dec 12
Is there an ICT component√ YES
If Yes, describe the nature of the IT activity below.
Provision of mobile computing capability (ROAM laptops) for all personnel is an essential component to support the FWE pilot. All personnel occupying level 1 space will require ATOnet docking stations to access ATO networks. All desks will require identical docking station, and all desktop peripherals.
Wireless connectivity is required to provide flexibility to users.
The availability of scanning would assist in driving down paper usage and retention, with flow on effects for storage.
Dual screens and video conferencing are technology functionality that are being explored and requested by business areas.
The AVO is a potential business area that would occupy the FWE. The AVO has unique server and utility requirements, which is currently being discussed between the ATO and AVO IT areas.
Is procurement required?√ Yes but the purchase of furniture to support the pilot is sourced and procured by the service provider, DTZ on behalf of the ATO. There is no further procurement required.
If Yes, describe the nature of the procurement activity below.
FWE is a concept being piloted in the newly occupied Melbourne CBD building. Fit out and IT provisioning costs will be absorbed by the Melbourne building pilot.
Outcome / Measure of success / Method of measurement / Responsibility for measurement / Proposed date for measurementIncreased office space utilisation / Ratio of work points to FTE is at .8:1. / Frequent utilisation checks (headcount) / Property Strategy / Daily
Decreased office space provided per ATO personnel / ATO meets or betters 16m2 per occupied work point in the FEW. / PRODAC formula / Property Strategy / Monthly or at end of pilot
Appropriate infrastructure provisioned to the pilot area. / All IT and Property facilities are provisioned and all meet WHS assessments for usability and safety. / Formal Risk assessments provided and agreed. / Property Strategy & ATOP. / Prior to occupation and again at each change of physical assets eg. work points, or furniture.
Reduced paper usage / Reduced consumption and storage of paper / Consumption of Corporate express paper order.
Tracking meter readings on printers and copiers / Melbourne green team representative / Fortnightly
Collaborative and flexible environment / Increased collaboration amongst staff, increased mobility and cohesiveness of business areas / Key stakeholder feedback / Pilot group / Monthly
8.1Pilot risks
Key Risk / Potential Impacts[Indicate how the risk could impact the budget, timeline or deliverables] / Mitigation Strategy
[Outline action that could be taken to mitigate the risk]
Lack of resources / Stall or end pilot / Gain commitment from pilot sponsor
Lack of budget for resources / Stall or end pilot / Gain commitment from pilot sponsor
Lack of participants / Inability to test FWE principles and applicability in the ATO environment / Continued discussions and information sharing with possible participants, including issue management.
Lack of clear roles and responsibilities / Inability to test FWE principles and applicability in the ATO environment / Identify and clarify roles and responsibilities. Raise with business owners.
Inability to reduce storage requirements / Inability to test FWE principles and applicability in the ATO environment / Continued discussions and information sharing with possible participants, including issue management.
Design doesn’t deliver enough usable work points to test the theory / Inability to test FWE principles and applicability in the ATO environment / Continued discussions and information sharing with interior designers and DTZ Project management, including issue management.
Failure to obtain EST commitment to the pilot / Inability to test FWE principles and applicability in the ATO environment / Continued discussions and information sharing with EST, interior designers and DTZ Project management, including issue management.
Fit out not available in time / Inability to test FWE principles and applicability in the ATO environment / Continued discussions and information sharing with EST, interior designers and DTZ Project management, including issue management.
Furniture not available in time / Inability to test FWE principles and applicability in the ATO environment / Continued discussions and information sharing with interior designers and DTZ Project management, including issue management.
Work practices not able to be transferred into the new environment / Inability to test FWE principles and applicability in the ATO environment.
Delay to commencement of the pilot / Continued discussions and information sharing with possible participants, including issue management.
Participants don’t follow agreed processes / Inability to test FWE principles and applicability in the ATO environment / Continued discussions and information sharing with possible participants, including issue management. Communication Strategy
Financial risk in not achieving desired space saving / Inability to test FWE principles and applicability in the ATO environment / Continued discussions and information sharing with possible participants, including issue management.
Note: For a more detailed response theRisk assessment and management plan template may be completed.
Provide a list of key stakeholders. These may include the pilot sponsor, interested parties, contributors, etc. Also include their interest in the pilot’s outcomes and a brief outline of the strategy that will be used to liaise with them or take their views into account. Stakeholders can be internal or external to the ATO. In compiling this list also consider who will be affected by the pilot and how they will be affected.
Name / Interest / StrategyFrancesCawthra (CFO) / Pilot Requestor / Communications strategy and continued discussions and information sharing, including issue management.
(FAC CS&C) / NAF Chair / Communications strategy and continued discussions and information sharing, including issue management.
(DirectorPSE&C) / Pilot Sponsor / Communications strategy and continued discussions and information sharing, including issue management.
(AC PS&ES) / Pilot Champion / Communications strategy and continued discussions and information sharing, including issue management.
PeterFrater, EST / Key stakeholder, / Communications strategy and continued discussions and information sharing, including issue management.
MoragLokan, AndrewOsborne
ColinStabb / Key stakeholder, participant managers / Communications strategy and continued discussions and information sharing, including issue management.
PS&ES staff
ATOF staff
AVO staff / Participants / Communications strategy and continued discussions and information sharing, including issue management.
EST / IT provisioning / Communications strategy and continued discussions and information sharing, including issue management.
ATOP / Change management / Communications strategy and continued discussions and information sharing, including issue management.
PTID/DTZ / Design and project management / Communications strategy and continued discussions and information sharing, including issue management.
CS&L Executive / Interested party / Communications strategy and continued discussions and information sharing, including issue management.
ATO Executive / Interested party / Communications strategy and continued discussions and information sharing, including issue management.
NAF / Steering committee / Communications strategy and continued discussions and information sharing, including issue management.
Staff associations / Interested party, staff representatives / Communications strategy and continued discussions and information sharing, including issue management.
Note: For a more detailed response, the Stakeholder management plan template may be completed.