Paratransit Advisory Committee
August 9, 2017
Meeting Minutes
Call to order
Linda Gurley called meeting to order at 1:05 pm and introductions were made.
Committee Members in Attendance:
Linda Gurley – Provider, Hampton
Lynn Lesko -Consumer, Newport News
Benjamin Farmer – Consumer, Hampton
Janice Taylor – Consumer, Virginia Beach
Paul Atkinson- Provider, Chesapeake
Deborah Vaughan – Consumer, Chesapeake
Brian Trickler-Provider, Virginia Beach
Vernon Savage-Consumer, Norfolk
Helen Brown – Provider, Norfolk
Catherin Tyler-Northan – Provider, Newport News
David Gonzales – Provider, Portsmouth
Patricia Brown – Consumer, Hampton
Nancy Smith- Consumer, Virginia Beach
Committee Members not in Attendance:
Angela West – Consumer, Chesapeake
Mary Mathena – Consumer, Virginia Beach
Others in Attendance
Keith Parnell - Commissioner, TDCHR
Joe Paulus – Ex-Officio, HRTPO
Ina Kreps – Consumer, Portsmouth
Keith Johnson – HRT
Mark Stemple - HRT
Cheryl Watson –HRT
Jim Price – HRT
Aaron Nickerson- MV Transit
Tony Hanks- MV Transit
Marshall King – First Transit
Patricia Williams – First Transit
Frank Azzalina – HRTI
Brian Smith -HRT
Approval of minutes A motion to approve the June Meeting minutes was approved and seconded with two corrections.
Public Comment
No public comment was offered.
Chairman’s Report :
Ms. Gurley attended the Commission meeting; with nothing significant to report to the committee.
Subcommittee Reports
Service Quality Report:
Policy – Patricia Brown states there are many new drivers that are not getting out of the vehicles which is policy. Ms. Brown stated that it is not only the new drivers but the veteran drivers also. Ms. Brown offered additional sensitivity training.
Ms. Patricia Brown complimented some of the drivers going beyond what is required to many clients, there was also a commendation for First Transit reservations for providing quality service.
Ms. Brown added a complaint related to the tablets not functioning. Mr. Aaron Nickerson stated that MV is going back to maps in addition to the GPS since they are having problems with the tablets, Ms. Gurley stated that the drivers are using their smart phones when the tablets go out, however are required to contact dispatch Mr. Pernell stated this should not be an issue because GPS signal is always available. Mr. Johnson stated that the problem is the communication between the tables and the Trapeze software. Mr. Marshall King added that First transit’s IT department is investigating and working to find a solution to the communication issue between the tablets and the Trapeze software. Ms. Price asked for a record or list of tablets that malfunction.
Ms. Patricia Brown, mentioned that sense of smell and some participant have been complaining about the drivers and their hygiene.
Ms. Brown restated what Mr. Pernell mentioned at the last meeting that the drivers should announce their destination prior to departure. Mr. Johnson stated that we are able to implement announcing the destination for customers so that here is not an issue of the drivers transporting clients to the wrong location.
Ms. Gurley stated that there are consumers responsibilities while traveling. Ms. Gurley states that some of the consumers have an attitude because the drivers did not provide change, Ms. Gurley asked if there could be a sign posted that the drivers do not give change.
Ms. Gurley mentioned a client made the driver wait for the window to begin before allowing access to a gated community. Mr. Nickerson stated that if the drivers arrive prior to the window it’s the client decision whether to board. The drivers are trained if they arrive prior to the client’s window they are to wait for the window to begin before starting the 5-minute required wait time. It depends on a case to case basis and the driver is required to contact dispatch before continuing on.
It was also mentioned that there are several vehicle’s that have stained seats. Mr. Price stated that we need the vehicle number to report. Mr. Nickerson stated if there is a vehicle that requires additional cleaning then it should be reported so that special attention is performed on that vehicle.
Ms. Gurley stated that a wheel chair participant was asking the drivers to assist her into her home and concerned with liability. Mr. Nickerson states that the normal protocol would be for the driver to contact dispatch and possible a road supervisor would need to visit the location to determine the scenario. Mr. Nickerson stated he will speak with Mr. Johnson and discuss a solution.
Membership- The committee elected the new Chairperson and the Vice Chairperson for the FY-18 term, the results were unanimous; Janice Taylor (Virginia Beach) was elected Chairperson and Catherine Tyler Northern (Newport News) was elected Vice Chairperson. Both are consumers of the service and are also providers servicing the ADA community. Current committee vacancies are (all consumer positions): Newport News (1), Norfolk (1), Portsmouth (2), and two “Extra Member” positions are still available.
Operations Reports – Mr. Keith Johnson presented the paratransit call center; operations and certification reports.
Old Business – Mark Stemple presented a power point presentation for the Transportation Network Companies. Brian Smith presented a Legislative Update for the State of Virginia.
New Business – Mr. Keith Johnson announced effective October 8, 2017 there will be a fixed route fare increase and explained some of the fixed route service changes that will affect Paratransit services in some areas. He also indicated the Paratransit fares are not affected and would remain at the current rate of $3.50.
Adjournment – Motion to adjourn was made; meeting adjourned at 3:02 PM
Upcoming Meeting – The next regular meeting of the Hampton Roads Advisory Committee will be October 11, 2017. 509 E 18th St BLDG 4 Norfolk, VA 1:00 pm, Subcommittee will meet 1-hour prior.