© Commonwealth of Australia 2013
First edition — August 2013
National Measurement Institute
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1 Introduction 1
2 Partitioned Excitation Core 2
3 Excitation Windings with Unequal Turns 4
3.1 Ratio of Unity 4
3.2 Ratios other than Unity 5
4 Conclusion 7
5 References 7
Partitioning the excitation core of a two-stage transformer into two or more sections with their separate excitation windings may effect a significant economy of core material. It may also allow the close approximation of non-integer transformer ratios with fewer turns than would be required in a conventional design. Application of the technique to the design of transformers with amplifier-assisted excitation and to an active coaxial choke is described.
Keywords: two-stage transformers, pre-excited transformers, partitioned excitation cores, amplifier-assisted excitation, active coaxial chokes
1 Introduction
Two-stage voltage transformers comprise a magnetic circuit, usually a toroidal core, with a winding that is connected to a voltage source to provide the excitation of the transformer, and a second core with a winding that couples both cores and is connected to a voltage source to define the input, or primary, voltage. The second core is excited by the deficit in excitation of the first core. The first core and its excitation winding may be shielded to contain any leakage flux. Conducting shields may enclose, and be connected to the respective grounds of, the primary and secondary windings to contain capacitance currents. A representation of the half cross-section of such a transformer is shown in Figure 1 [1, 2].
Figure 1. Two-stage transformer with magnetic shield and inter-winding screens
In some low-frequency designs the second core winding may also be connected to the excitation source, and a third core and winding added to reduce further the excitation error [3]. For the purposes of this document, these and similar arrangements are to be regarded as elaborations of two-stage transformers.
The excitation core is designed to carry the total excitation flux, which is proportional to the applied voltage and inversely proportional to the turns of the excitation winding and to the signal frequency. Efficient use of the core will see that the peak flux density approaches the saturation flux density for the core material. In a toroidal core, the excitation field is inversely proportional to the distance from the core axis so that the flux density is also approximately, to the degree that the excitation is linear, inversely proportional to radial distance. To this degree the peak flux density at the outer radius, r2, of the core is less than that at the inner radius, r1, in the ratio r1/r2.
For small transformers this may be inconsequential, but for larger transformers operating at lower frequencies and with requirements for higher voltages per turn the excitation core may be both expensive and massive and it becomes important to design for efficient use of core material. For a given total flux to be carried by the core, this points to a high aspect ratio of core height to radial width. Factors that limit this approach are the mechanical implications of a high aspect ratio and the greater length, and hence higher resistance and uncoupled reactance, of the excitation winding with consequent increase in excitation error. Alternatively, more efficient use of core material may be had by partitioning the core radially into two or more sections, each with its own excitation winding (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Two-stage transformer with a partitioned excitation core
2 Partitioned Excitation Core
Consider a core of height h1, inner radius r1 and outer radius r2 with flux density Bmax at radius r1. Again, to the degree that the excitation is linear, the flux density B(r) at radius r is:
B(r) = Bmax r1/r
and the total flux ϕ is:
ϕ = Bmax h1dr
= Bmax h1 r1 loge(r2/r1) (1)
Suppose the excitation were to be increased in proportion to the radius, so that the flux density is maintained at Bmax. For the same total flux ϕ, the outer radius r2' is implied by:
Bmax h1 (r2'− r1) = Bmax h1 r1 loge(r2/r1)
giving (r2'/r1) = 1 + loge(r2/r1) (2)
The mass m' of this core relative to that, m, of the first is:
(m'/m) = ((r2'/r1)2 – 1)/((r2/r1)2 – 1) (3)
Values of r2'/r1 and m'/m for a range of values of r2/r1 are given in Table 1.
Table 1. Hypothetical minimum masses for several values of relative width
r2/r1 / r2'/r1 / m'/m / r2/r1 / r2'/r1 / m'/m /1.1 / 1.095 / 0.951 / 1.6 / 1.470 / 0.744
1.2 / 1.182 / 0.904 / 1.7 / 1.531 / 0.710
1.3 / 1.262 / 0.860 / 1.8 / 1.588 / 0.679
1.4 / 1.336 / 0.819 / 1.9 / 1.642 / 0.650
1.5 / 1.405 / 0.780 / 2.0 / 1.693 / 0.622
This result is the hypothetical limit to the reduction in core size and mass for the given height, inner radius and maximum flux density. To approach this limit, consider partitioning the core radially into n concentric cylinders of equal width, each cylinder being wound with nT turns and all windings connected in parallel to the voltage source V of excitation. The spacing between cylinders is, for the purposes of the argument, assumed to be zero, ignoring the radial space that must be occupied by the excitation windings and any structure enclosing the component cores. Clearly, with increasing values of n, the increasing numbers of turns and the increasing space needed to accommodate the windings rapidly become self-defeating.
Now consider the core to be partitioned into two cores, each of which carries half the total flux, with the same values of r1, h1 and Bmax. Let the outer radius of the inner core and the inner radius of the outer core be r12, neglecting the space required by the excitation windings, and the outer radius of the outer core be r2'.
The total flux ϕ1 in the inner core is:
ϕ1 = Bmax h1 r1 loge(r12/r1) (4)
For ϕ1 to be equal to ϕ/2:
loge(r12/r1) = loge(r2/r1)/2
so that (r12/r1) = √(r2/r1) (5)
The total flux ϕ2 in the outer core is:
ϕ2 = Bmax h1 r12 loge(r2'/r12) (6)
and for ϕ2 to be equal to ϕ1:
r12 loge(r2'/r12) = r1 loge(r12/r1) (7)
That is (r12/r1) loge((r2'/r1)/(r12/r1)) = loge(r12/r1)
from which (r2'/r1) = exp[(1 + 1/(r12/r1)) loge(r12/r1)] (8)
Some values of the relative widths r2/r1 of the single core and r2'/r1 of the partitioned core, together with their relative masses m'/m, are given in Table 2.
A typical value is around 1.5, corresponding to a ratio of outer to inner diameters of 3:2; in this case the saving in material with the partitioned core is nearly 13%.
Table 2. Relative widths and masses of single core and equivalent partitioned core
r2/r1 / r2'/r1 / m'/m / r2/r1 / r2'/r1 / m'/m /1.1 / 1.098 / 0.974 / 1.6 / 1.523 / 0.846
1.2 / 1.191 / 0.948 / 1.7 / 1.598 / 0.822
1.3 / 1.279 / 0.922 / 1.8 / 1.670 / 0.799
1.4 / 1.364 / 0.896 / 1.9 / 1.740 / 0.777
1.5 / 1.445 / 0.871 / 2.0 / 1.807 / 0.755
With the pair of cores each carrying half the flux of the single core, the excitation winding on each core will require exactly twice the number of turns as that on the single core. The partitioned core with its windings connected in parallel is then functionally equivalent to the single core and its winding.
3 Excitation Windings with Unequal Turns
Allowing the excitation windings to have different numbers of turns one from the other leads to interesting possibilities, including the partitioning of the cores for other than the same flux in both cores, and for effecting non-integer transformer ratios that might otherwise be approximated only with high numbers of turns.
Let the numbers of turns of the excitation windings be N1 and N2, and of the common secondary winding N12. As before, the excitation windings are connected in parallel to the source of excitation voltage.
The effective turns ratio R is:
R = N12/N1 + N12/N2
= N12(1/N1 + 1/N2) (9)
Let N1 = 2N12 – a
and N2 = 2N12 + b (10)
where a and b are integers.
Then R = N12(N1 + N2)/(N1N2)
= (4N122 + (b – a)N12)/(4N122 + (b – a)N12 + [(b – a)N12 – ab]) (11)
For values of b less than or equal to a, the denominator of equation (11) is less than its numerator and R must be greater than 1. Other and more useful possibilities result from setting b greater than a, are examined.
3.1 Ratio of Unity
Putting (b – a)N12 = ab in equation (11) results in R = 1 for all values of a. A ratio of 1 is required for a conventional two-stage design where the N12 winding couples the additional core and serves as the defining primary winding of the two-stage transformer.
For (b – a) = 1, N12 = a(a + 1) and from equation (10), N1 = a(2a + 1) and N2 = (a + 1)(2a + 1). The first several combinations of turns are given in Table 3.
Table 3. Combinations of turns with unity ratio
a / N12 / N1 / N2 / a / N12 / N1 / N2 /1 / 2 / 3 / 6 / 6 / 42 / 78 / 91
2 / 6 / 10 / 15 / 7 / 56 / 105 / 120
3 / 12 / 21 / 28 / 8 / 72 / 136 / 153
4 / 20 / 36 / 45 / 9 / 90 / 171 / 190
5 / 30 / 55 / 66 / 10 / 110 / 210 / 231
Since a, (a + 1) and (2a + 1) are mutually prime in all combinations, N12, N1 and N2 are also mutually prime. Hence each of these combinations of turns may be scaled up but not down to numbers of turns appropriate to the application.
For values of (b – a) other than 1:
(b – a)N12 = a2 + (b – a)a (12)
To avoid combinations that are multiples of some other, N12, a and b must have no factors in common. If (b – a) has any unpaired prime factor pj then, from equation (12), pj must be a factor of a2 and therefore of a, of b, of a2/(b – a), and hence of N12. (b – a) must therefore be a square, and a2 but not a must be divisible by (b – a). The smallest value a1 of a is therefore:
a1=√(b – a)
If a is any multiple of a1 such that the multiplier m includes a prime factor pi of (b – a), then pi will also be a factor of a2/(b – a) and hence of N12 as well as of a and b. Multipliers m must therefore be mutually prime with (b – a). Combinations of turns for several values of (b – a) and a meeting these constraints are given in Table 4.
Table 4. Combinations of turns with unity ratio and values of (b-a) other than 1
(b-a)→ / 4 / (b-a)→ / 9 / (b-a)→ / 16 /a↓ / N12 / N1 / N2 / a↓ / N12 / N1 / N2 / a↓ / N12 / N1 / N2
2 / 3 / 4 / 12 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 20 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 30
6 / 15 / 24 / 40 / 6 / 10 / 14 / 35 / 12 / 21 / 30 / 70
10 / 35 / 60 / 84 / 12 / 28 / 44 / 77 / 20 / 45 / 70 / 126
14 / 63 / 112 / 144 / 15 / 40 / 65 / 104 / 28 / 77 / 126 / 198
18 / 99 / 180 / 220 / 21 / 70 / 119 / 170 / 36 / 117 / 198 / 286
It is seen that larger values of (b – a) rapidly lead to large values for the numbers of turns, while for smaller numbers of turns the proportional differences between N1 and N2 are large and probably less useful than is the case for (b – a) = 1.
3.2 Ratios other than Unity
As noted above, combinations of different numbers of winding turns on two primary cores permit the approximations to ratios that otherwise might require much larger numbers of turns. For example, consider a transformer ratio bridge for the comparison of a resistor of value 100 kΩ with a resistor of value RK/2, where RK is the von Klitzing, or quantised Hall, resistance of which the presently accepted value is 25 812.807 Ω. The nominal transformer ratio is 7.74809187.
From the continued fraction expansion of the ratio, the successive convergents (and their errors in parts per million) are:
7:1 (−96 552)
8:1 (32 512)
23:3 (−10 509)
31:4 (246.27)
984:127 (−7.792)
1 015:131 (−0.034)
To approximate this ratio to a few parts per million with a conventional transformer requires a primary winding of about 1000 turns. For a partitioned-core transformer with paralleled primary windings of 51 and 79 turns and a secondary winding of 4 turns, the ratio error is −1.541 parts per million.
Another application is in the amplifier-assisted excitation of a two-stage transformer. In this example, a unity-gain amplifier drives the two excitation windings. A sensing winding, coupling both the excitation cores and the additional core, provides the input signal to the amplifier (Figure 3). The loop gain must be less than unity to ensure that this arrangement is stable, but close to unity so that the pre-excitation error is small. As the primary winding need provide only the deficit in excitation, this configuration may be advantageous where the primary voltage source is unsuitable or inconvenient as the source of pre-excitation. Let: