Job Description and DANOS Role Profile: Support Services ManagerAugust 2013
Developing Health and Independence
JOB DESCRIPTIONJob Title: / Support Services Manager
NJC Scale Point: / NJC Scale Pt38 – 44; £31,754 - £37,206 (depending on experience)
/ 37.5 per week, including evenings and weekends as required. Also additional hours as are required by the business from time to time.Annual Leave: / 26 days plus statutory and bank holidays (1 Additional day after each year of service, up to a maximum of 31days).
Location: / Bristoland venues across the city or any other location your Employer may reasonably specify.
Pension: / Contributory pension scheme (employer’s contribution 7% to a minimum 3% contribution from employee).
Accountable to: / Operations Director
Responsible for: / All Bristol staff and volunteers, with direct line management of all:
-Senior Family Practitioner and Family Practitioner
-Senior Peer Support & Community Co-ordinator
-Peer Support Co-ordinator
-Support Trainer
-AdministratorData manager
-Clinical Supervisor and TCF Senior Practitioner (as part of matrix management arrangements)
Principle Purpose of the Job
Reporting to the Operations Director, the Support Services Manager will ensure the operational effectiveness of DHI’s services in Bristol promoting the highest standards of quality, efficiency and consistency, in line with DHI’s vision, values and corporate culture. S/he will at all times promote and represent the interests of the organisation and its client group, and work in partnership with other agencies to meet the needs of the clients and the community.
Key Duties and Responsibilities
- Oversee the management of services in the Bristol area, including the day to day co-ordination of services/staff across the area.
- Develop effective working relationships within and beyond the ROADS partnership.
- Promote a culture ofintegrated recovery oriented service to clients and other providers/agencies.
- Proactively engage and build relationships with local communities, external agencies/professionals to identify and build recovery resources; opportunities for individuals and service development.
- Embed and maintain a culture of continuous improvement in service delivery, developing the service to meet the needs of the local communityensuring itremains aligned to DHIs values and vision whilst is also designed to meet the outcomes agreed and requirements of the local commissioner and national drug strategy.
- Identify opportunities to deliver projects that add value and enhance service delivery and bring to the attention of the Operations Director.
- Represent and promote DHI’s services to commissioners, councillors, external organisations and other key stakeholders maximising engagement in treatment services and opportunities to increase the profile and excellent reputation of DHI services within the community.
- Take the lead role in ensuring Clinical Governance and Safeguarding policies and procedures are being carried out in Bristol, providing regular reports to the Director of Operations.
- Participate in annual Clinical Governance and Safeguarding audits within Bristol and across DHI.
- Prepare and present clear verbal/written reports for the Operations Director and other bodies as required.
- To manage and monitor resources in line with budgetary requirements and participate in the negotiation/setting of annual budgets.
Staff Management
- To develop a team based culture through the development and leadership of the team.
- To directly line manage key staff as identified within this job description, including supervision, appraisal, absence management and monitoring, and providing them with appropriate support and training to ensure their continuing personal and professional development.
- To ensure the effective implementation of staffing policies and procedures and to support staff with management or supervisory responsibilities in carrying out these duties.
- To be responsible for the recruitment and induction of new staff, following DHI’s agreed HR policies, procedures and systems, also ensuring the personnel files are accurate and kept up to date and filed appropriately.
- To develop leaders through coaching, engagement, communication, motivation, and appropriate delegation. Develop collaborative, creative and flexible teams, which empower, challenge and change.
- To ensure that risk management procedures (including child and adult safeguarding protocols) are consistently followed and that team members are fully informed of the requirements of these procedures.
- To maintain robust performance monitoring and management systems to measure individual and project performance in line with strategic objectives, team targets and performance appraisal plans.
- To make use of DHI’s disciplinary and grievance policies and procedures, referring to the Director of Operations where necessary.
Contract Management & Quality Assurance
- To act as the main contact point for service commissioners and attend contract meetings on behalf of the organisation.
- To take responsibility for the overall monitoring and achievement of contract and organisational targets and outcomes as defined by the commissioner, Public Health England, DHI and other funding bodies.
- To ensure all reporting is completed on time and to the required quality and contractual standards. Where performance falls short of standards and targets, to inform the Operations Director of proposed performance improvement plans.
- To routinely carry out spot checks and monitoring of all aspects of the service, including random client file audits, ensuring services are aligned with the service vision, compliant with contract requirements and good practise guidelines. This includes monitoring and supporting the development of the Bristol website and quality assuring interventions provided.
- Monitor and report all safeguarding issues in line with DHI policies and procedures.
- To clearly communicate contract requirements and targets to all staff involved in service delivery.
Organisational Responsibilities
- To participate in regular support and supervision.
- To perform as part of the DHI management team, attending and participating in regular team meetings, attend appropriate training courses and participate in skills sharing sessions within the team.
- To participate in the periodic review of service policies and procedures and to ensure that these are understood and adhered to.
- To lead on specific areas of service development, tenders,projects or pilots, as agreed with Operations Directors.
- To ensure service users are provided with opportunities to consult on service development and to be involved in the development and delivery of services as appropriate.
- At all times adhere to and ensure that DHI policies and procedures are followed, with specific reference to:
- Confidentiality
Ensure confidentiality at all times, only releasing confidential information obtained during the course of employment to those acting in an official capacity.
- Data Protection Act
To comply with the requirements of the Data Protection Act.
- Equal Opportunities and Diversity
To ensure that all service users, their partners, colleagues both within DHI and other partner organisations are treated as individuals by following DHIS’s Equality and Diversity Policy.
- Health and Safety
To ensure you comply at all times with the requirements of the Health and Safety regulations and DHI’s Health and Safety Policy and Procedures. You are responsible for taking reasonable care with regard to yourself as well as any colleague, client or visitor who might be affected by an act or failure to act by yourself.
- Quality Assurance
To ensure all activities are managed in a way that supports DHI’s Quality Assurance systems, with particular attention to clinical governance systems.
- Safeguarding
To adhere to the implementation of risk management procedures (including child and adult safeguarding protocols) taking personal responsibility for keeping up to date on the requirements of these procedures. DHI is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
- Lone Working
To work in accordance with the DHI Lone Working policy and procedures.
- At all times ensure adherence to contract requirements, relevant legislation, good practice, with specific reference to: The DoH Drug Misuse and Dependence – Guidelines on Clinical Management; Ethical Framework for Good Practice NTA and NICE.
- Participate in the organisational planning processes and contribute to the establishment of DHI’s business plan.
- To contribute to the development and delivery of DHIs core training programme.
- To ensure the service complies with data collection procedures and reporting to ensure effective recording of performance monitoring outcomes and service user information.
- To deal with complaints in line with the complaints policy and procedure
- To carry out an annual service Equality Impact Assessment and develop equality improvement targets and measures.
NBThis job description contains only the main accountabilities relating to the post and does not describe in detail all the duties required to carry them out. As duties and responsibilities change, the job description will be reviewed and amended in consultation with the post holder.
Support ServicesManager
A ‘can do’ attitude
Significant experience of working within substance misuse services with a clear understanding of the need for and ability to deliver quality services
Proven ability to manage staff, including recruitment, supervision and performance management
Understanding of clinical governance good practice guidelines and experience implementing and managing clinical management systems
Excellent leadership, negotiation and communication skills (written and verbal)
Experience of managing project development and leading a service operation
Experience of working with a wide range of stakeholders to meet the needs of service users
An understanding of local and national targets/outcomes and the ability to embed and manage performance to ensure they are met.
Knowledge and commitment to Adult and Child Safeguarding procedures
Ability to work alone, keep calm under pressure and have confidence in decision making
Excellent level of IT literacy in Word, Excel and databases
A professional qualification in management, health, housing or social care
Experience in project management
Experience in monitoring budgets
Use of own transport, i.e. car/cycling
Annex 1 Role Profile Template
NamePosition / Support Services Manager
Organisation / Developing Health and Independence
Units of national occupational standards
Number / Title
AA2 / Relate to, and interact with, individuals
AA4 / Promote the equality, diversity, rights and responsibilities of individuals
AA6 / Promote choice, well-being and the protection of all individuals
AB5 / Assess and act upon immediate risk of danger to substance misusers
AC1 / Reflect on and develop your practice
AC2 / Make use of supervision
AF3 / Carry out comprehensive substance misuse assessment
AG2 / Contribute to care planning and review
AH12 / Enable individuals to take their medication as prescribed
BD4 / Promote, monitor and maintain health, safety and security in the working environment
BE2 / Receive, analyse, process and store information
BI5 / Promote effective communication for and about individuals
BI7 / Participate in inter-disciplinary team working to support individuals
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