Personal Details

Parent / Carer Name / Email
Home Contact No. / Address
Mobile Contact No.
Childs Name / Childs Age / Details of Disability / Wheelchair User (Y/N)

Booking Details

Trip / Event / Date / Ages / No. of Carers / No. of disabled children / No. of add
children / No. of add. adults / Cost / Total
Easter Party / Tues 3rd / All / £5a child
Please list any dietary needs for Easter eggs
Forest School / Thurs 5th / All / £15 per child
10am / 2pm / £25 (sibling)
Rare breads / Wed 11th / Over 3 yrs / £5.50achild
Over 16 yrs / £7 adult
Roller skating / Fri 13th / All / £5a child
Chill Zone / Tues 3rd / 13 -18 years / £10.00 each
Thurs 5th / 13 - 18 years / £10.00 each
Tues 10th / 13 - 18 years / £10.00 each
Thurs 12th / 13 – 18years / £10.00 each
Buzz club / Wed 4th / 8 - 15 years / £10.00 each
Fri 6th / 8 - 15 years / £10.00 each
Fri 13th / 8 - 15 years / £10.00 each
Buzz Coach trip / Wed 11th / 8-15 years / £30.00 each


*FOR BUZZ CLUB and CHILL ZONE ONLY – must be completed to be offered a place*
School/college attended / Does your child have an EHCP or Statement of SEN? / Yes / No
Allocated Social Worker’s name / Does your child attend a special school or in a unit attached to a mainstream school? / Yes / No
OFFICE USE ONLY / Amount Paid £ / Cash / Cheque / Signed / Date / /

Thank you for booking on an event. If you have an idea for a trip / event please