The Pillar and Ground of The Truth

1Timothy 3:14-16


Some time ago, I was talking with a local missionary working w college students

He said to me – [blank] church is where I hang my hat

Whthemntws: this chrch is wher I go Sun AM, my real wrkfcus is collg min

I understand why he said what he said, that used to be how I felt

I think mny Christians may thnk of church only as a place where I ‘hang my hat’ Sun AM

Other ministries more important, more exciting, more this or that

Whtchnged my thinking was studying 1Ti3:14-16 in seminary, this AM look at this pssg


I. Put It In Writing 14, 15a

A. Master teachers teach face to face

Jesus chose twelve that they might be with Him, Mk3:14

Paul selected Timothy to have him go with him Ac16:3

Face2face training, ask Q’s, learn, experience under guidance of master teacher

B. Eventually teacher and student separate

Jesus w disciples early training Mt 10:5, great commission Mt 28:18-20, Ac1:8

Paul w Timothy Ac 17:14,15; 18:5; 19:22; 20:4,5 Phil 2:19-22

C. Teacher continues to teach by putting it in writing

Jesus – never did write anything that we have

Jesus disciples put what He said in writing Lk[Paul] 1:1-4; J20:30,31

Paul left for Macedonia, Timothy stayed in Ephesus 1Ti1:3

Paul wrote to Timothy what he could not say in person – 1 Timothy,

1Ti314thesthngs I writ 2U tho I hope 2com2U shrtly, bt if delayd I writ…

Thes thngs-38-13dcons, 31-7bshops; 28-15womn;21-7prayr,118-20sp war, aso46, 11, 15,57, 21, 62,11

1Ti3:15a wrttn so tht if dlayed, Umayknohw 2cndct urslf in hous of God

Personal and specific and purpose driven writing, also accountable

APP – Thnkfltht P put in writngwhtsd2Tim., so we can read, lrn, know, conduct rselvs

APP – U may not be a master teacher, but U can teach, continue to teach loved ones, put

things in writing, leave a spiritual legacy for your family and friends in writing

II. The Church 15b

A. The Church – three phrases describe the church

B. The house of God – can mean building as in 1Co3:16

or household [family occupies building Hb3:5-6 1Pt4:7 <- most likely here cfv4,5

APP equal dignity before Him ?Ga 3:26; Hb 10:2,3 Ga 6:2

C. The church of the living God – church = called out

Emphasis on living God, God who is alive Mt22:32, 1Th1:9, 2Co6:16, 1Sm17:26

APP com 2gthr as chur: God present Mt18201Co1425, read/hear His word, table…

D. The pillar and ground of the truth – responsible to hold truth against false teaching

Pillar – hold up hi so all can see, temple Diana [127pillar svnwndr world]Ac1934f

Ground – hldtrthstdyagnstfalstching, hresy, hldtrth firm, doctrins JS and word The truth – absolut, ‘the’ makes it definit J831,32146anwrs J1838Ga24,52Th212,13

III. Mystery Hymn ofThe Truth16

A. heart of epistle, some call it a hymn some a liturgy, doctrinal climax – probably all tru

B. w/o controversy[question,dispute i.e. incontrovertibly true

Grt is thmystry of godlinss[rlgn or duty of whtmn owes 2God, Christnblfsystm]

C. Six great mystery truths of the Christian Belief/religion – sing about, know

1. God or He was manifested in the flesh – refer to the incarnation of JS J1:1,14

2. …justified in the Spirit – refer to Spirit vindicating work

ministry JS Lk4:1,14,18 Mk18,10,12and resurrection Ro1:4

3. …seen by angels – cld be messengers apostles saw JS 1J11-3 J2025,29

or angels witnesses of mighty work of Christ 1Pt 1:12

4. …preachdamngth Gentiles/thnatns, missionary proclaiming 1Co123 Ro116

5. …believed on in th world i.e. not only preached but ppl believed, trustedAc1631

6. …received up in glory i.e. the ascension of JS and indirectly 2nd comingAc111