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Pre-Book to Ensure a Ticket

Witchfest International 2017
Brighton Centre, Brighton
Ticket Booking Form
Friday 6th - 6pm - 11pm/ Saturday 7th 10:00am-2:00am (way past the Witching hour)

Witchfest International Friday 6th and Saturday 7th October
Early Bird discount price advance tickets before 30thJune 2017
Please send me:______Non-members Full Event (Includes Friday Evening) tickets @ £34.00
Please send me:______Non-members tickets Saturday ONLY@ £27.00
Please send me:______Gold Members Full Event (Includes Friday Evening) tickets (2 for 1) @ £29.00
Please send me:______Gold Members tickets Saturday ONLY (2 for 1) @ £21.00
Please send me:______Members Full Event (Includes Friday Evening) tickets @ £29.00
Please send me:______Members tickets Saturday ONLY @ £21.00
Please send me:______Young Persons (under 16s) Full Event (Includes Friday Evening ) tickets@ £19.95
Please send me:______Young Persons (under 16s) tickets Saturday ONLY @ £12.50
Witchfest International Friday 6th and Saturday 7th October
Regular Price advance tickets from the 1st July 2017
Please send me:______Non-members Full Event (Includes Friday Evening) tickets @ £40.00
Please send me:______Non-members tickets Saturday ONLY @ £33.00
Please send me:______Gold Members Full Event (Includes Friday Evening) tickets (2 for 1) @ £35.00
Please send me:______Gold Members tickets (Saturday ONLY 2 for 1) @ £28.00
Please send me:______Members Full Event (Includes Friday Evening) tickets @ £35.00
Please send me:______Members tickets Saturday ONLY @ £28.00
Please send me:______Young Persons (under 16s) Full Event (Includes Friday Evening ) tickets@ £22
Please send me:______Young Persons (under 16s)tickets Saturday ONLY @ £15.00
Witchfest International Evening Only Tickets
For Friday Evening Bands Only
Pre-book tickets
Please send me:______FridayEvening only tickets @ £15.00

Membership number(s): ______
(Please provide membership number for each members ticket, or if you are a gold member just your membership number for the entire order)

I enclose cheque/postal order for: ______
(Cheques should be made Payable to:The Children of Artemis)

Name(s): ______


Address: ______



Post Code: ______

Phone No. ______Email. ______

Signature ______

Send this form, together with a stamped self-addressed envelope to:

Witchfest International,
BM Artemis,
Please allow 14 days for delivery
All tickets sold subject to the Children of Artemis terms and conditions, a copy of which is available on request. The organisers reserve the right to cancel a booking and or refuse admission without notice. A full refund will be made in such cases
Please Note: No photography, video, or audio taping is permitted at this event
No animals permitted with the exception of guide dogs
For up to date Children of Artemis event information visit