To be completed by overseas schools seeking sister school partnerships with a Victorian school. Please email it in MSWord format to .

The information you provide here will help Victorian schools to get to know your school and form a decision if they wish to start the conversation of a sister school partnership. Please answer each question in full. Please type your responses.

School Name Arizon School Cambodia

School Sector GovernmentX Non-Government

School Type X Primary Secondary Prep-Year 12  Other ______

EnrolmentNumber of students: 450Number of teachers: 30

School registration number ______

Name of registration authority ______

School Address#173, street 182, Sangkat Phsar Depo I, Khan Toul Kork

City: Phnom Penh State/Province:

Country: Kingdom of Cambodia School

School Phone Number:+855 23-888-809 / +855 81-900-834 (principal's mobile)Fax No:

School Website:

Name of Principal: Mr. Patrice Auclair

Name of Contact Person: Mr. Patrice Auclair

Position of Contact Person: Principal

Email of Contact Person:

1.Please provide a brief explanation outlining why you wish to establish a sister school relationship with a school in Victoria:

The school has been in operation since September 2008 I started to manage to school in March 2012 and already saw a net change in the study of the students. They learn better and more since I brought changes. However, I believe more could be done through this opportunity to motivate the students and teachers.

2.What does your school hope to achieve from a sister school relationship?

  • Improve the quality of the curriculum, material, and general education of our students
  • Most of our students are EFL, this partnership could boost their motivation to learn English and one day goand study abroad
  • Help our school getting recognition internationally

3.What activities does your school propose to undertake to implement the program?

-Language exchange (perhaps a pen pal program)

-Give the students a better perspective of people from a different cultural background

-Over time, we hope to be able to have a student exchange

4.What financial and other resources is the school prepared to commit to this program?

Our school has limited resources but our dedication and commitment are not.

5.How do you anticipate the program will be sustained by the school?

Our staff is committed and dedicated as mentioned above. For me, It Is a clear Indication that this opportunity of pairing our school with a school abroad will be successful.

6.How does your school intend to evaluate the effectiveness and benefits of the program to the school?

This will be achieved through the feedback from the students, teachers and parents. The Immediate benefit I can see will be that the students will progress at a greater rate having a motivation to learn the language and use it.

's endorsement:

For more information, please contact:

Sister School Coordinator

International Education Division

T: +61 3 9637 3947

F: +61 3 9637 2184


Visit our website for more information on Sister School Program: