Briefing on the New Provisions in Health Care Reform and Indian Health Care Improvement Act
9th Floor, 101 Constitution Ave NW, Washington, DC20001
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
9:00 – 9:10 AMWelcome and Opening Blessing
-Reno Keoni Franklin, Chairman, National Indian Health Board (NIHB)
-Buford Rolin, Vice-Chairman, NIHB
-Jefferson Keel, President, National Congress of American Indian (NCAI), Invited
9:10 – 9:20 AMOverview of the Briefing
-Stacy Bohlen, Executive Director, NIHB
9:20 – 9:40 AMHistory of the National Steering Committee and the IHCIA
-Rachel Joseph, Co-Chair of the National Steering Committee for the Reauthorization of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act (NSC)
9:40 – 10:15 AMRecapping the Road to Inclusion and Passage of the IHCIA in 111th Congress
-Allison Binney, Staff Counsel and Chief Counsel, Senate Committee on Indian Affairs
-Bobby Clark, Policy Advisor at House Committee on Energy and Commerce, Health Subcommittee
-Janet Erickson, Director of Office of Indian Affairs, House Committee on Natural Resources, Tentative
10:15 – 10:30 AMBreak
10:30 – 12:00 PMIndian Country and Health Care Reform
10:30 – 10:45What Does Health Care Reform Mean For Indian Country?
-Kim TeeHee, White House Domestic Policy Council, Invited
10:45 – 11:00 Recommendations from Indian Country
-Stacy Bohlen, Executive Director, NIHB
-Jackie Johnson, Executive Director, NCAI
-Geoffrey Roth, Executive Director, NCUIH
10:30 – 12:00 PMIndian Country and Health Care Reform (continued)
11:00 – 11:30Provisions That Every Person Needs To Know
-Families USA, Invited
11:30 – 12:00Indian Specific Provisions in Health Care Reform
-Tax provisions: Dante Desiderio, NCAI
-Indian specific provisions: Jennifer Cooper, NIHBAhniwake Rose, NCAI
12:00 – 1:30 PMLunch to Celebrate and Honor IHCIA Warriors
Luncheon Honorees include:
Senator Max Baucus (MT)Senator Byron Dorgan (ND)
Senator John Barrasso (WY)Senator Lisa Murkowski (AK)
Representative Frank Pallone, Jr. (NJ)Representative Dale Kildee (MI)
Representative Nick Rahall (WV)
Rachel Joseph and Buford Rolin, NSC Co-Chairs
1:30 – 2:15Indian Specific Provisions in Health Care Reform(continued)
2:15 – 3:15 PMNew IHCIA Provisions & Appropriations
2:15 – 2:25Appropriations Background
-Stacy Bohlen, Exec. Director & Dennis Worden, Legislative Assistant, NIHB
2:25 – 3:15Review of New IHCIA Provisions
-Staff from Senate Committee on Indian Affairs,Invited
-NSC Technical Staff, Invited
3:15 – 3:50 PMListening Session - Opportunity for attendees to offer comments and questions
-NIHB Board Members
3:50 – 4:00 PM Closing of the Briefing
-Stacy Bohlen, Executive Director, NIHB
-Robin Carufel, Lac du Flambeau, Lake Superior Chippewa
5:30 – 7:30 PMCongressional Reception – Celebrating the Passage of Reauthorization of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act
Senate Committee on Indian Affairs Hearing Room
628 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C.
Last updated: April 23, 2010